
Suppresses an incident. Incidents can be suppressed until the suppression type is met.


emcli suppress_incident
      -incident_id="id of the incident to be suppressed"
      -suppress_type="Type of suppression"
     [-date="Date argument in MMDDYYYY format"]

[ ]  indicates that the parameter is optional.s


  • incident_id

    ID of the incident to be suppressed.

  • suppress_type

    Type of suppression. It must be one of the following:

    • UNTIL_MANUALLY_REMOVED: Incident will be suppressed until the user manually unsuppress the incident.

    • UNTIL_SPECIFIED_DATE: Incident will be suppressed until the specified date

    • UNTIL_SEVERITY_CHANGE: Incident will be suppressed until its severity changes.

    • UNTIL_CLEARED: Incident will be suppressed until it gets cleared.

  • date (Optional)

    The date option is only used if an incident is to be suppressed until a specified date. If the suppress_type is UNTIL_SPECIFIED_DATE, then the date until the incident needs to be suppressed must be provided in MMDDYYYY format.


Example 1

The following command suppresses the incident with ID 173 until December 31, 2015.

 emcli suppress_incident -incident_id="173" suppress_type="UNTIL_SPECIFIED_DATE" -date="12312015" 

Example 2

The following command suppresses the incident with ID 173 until an administrator manually unsuppresses the incident.

emcli suppress_incident -incident_id="173" suppress_type="UNTIL_MANUALLY_REMOVED"