2 Cluster Database

This chapter provides information about the Cluster Database (Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database) metrics.

The metric information includes some or all of the following: metric name, description, target version, default collection frequency, default warning threshold, default critical threshold, and alert text.

Archive Area

This metric category contains metrics that track the utilization of the database archived redo log destinations.

If the database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode, these metrics examine the space utilization in the database archived redo log destinations (as specified in the LOG_ARCHIVED_DEST_n initialization parameters). If the database is not running in ARCHIVELOG mode, these metrics are not applicable and the collections do not run. For each archived redo log destination, this metric category returns the total, used, and free space. The methodology used to collect this information is different depending on whether the destinations are configured to use a conventional filesystem or an ASM diskgroup.


For databases that are configured to archive to the Fast Recovery Area, the Archive Area metrics (Archive Area Used (%), Archive Area Used (KB), Free Archive Area (KB), and Total Archive Area (KB)) are not applicable. Instead, use the Recovery Area Free Space (%) metric to monitor Fast Recovery Area usage.

The formulas used to calculate all the metrics in this metric group depend on the following conditions:

  • Whether there is a quota configured in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter setting.

  • Whether the archived redo log destination is configured to use an ASM diskgroup or a regular filesystem location.

Applying these conditions yields three possible archive area scenarios that must be accommodated by these metrics:

  • Quota is set

  • No quota set

    • Archive area on regular filesystem

    • Archive area on ASM diskgroup

Archive Area Used (%)

The Archive Area Used (%) metric returns the percentage of space used in the archived redo log destination. If the space used is more than the threshold value given in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes


Not Defined

%value%%% of archive area %archDir% is used.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Archive Area Destination object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Archive Area Destination object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Archive Area Destination object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The formula used for each of the three archive area scenarios is as follows:

  • Quota is set: Regardless of whether the destination is using ASM or a conventional filesystem location, if the QUOTA_SIZE attribute is specified in the associated LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter (meaning there is a quota specified for the destination), the percentage is calculated using the following formula:

    Archive Area Used (%) = (QUOTA_USED/QUOTA_SIZE) * 100
  • No quota is set:

    • Archive area on regular filesystem: Free and used space in the archive area is determined by running the UNIX df -k command against the filesystem on which the archive area resides.

    • Archive area on ASM diskgroup: The space used in the archive area is calculated by first determining the total diskgroup size (minus space required for redundancy management) and dividing that by the diskgroup redundancy factor (1 for External, 2 for Normal, 3 for High) to arrive at the "Total Safely Usable" space. Then, the "Safely Usable Free" space is determined, which is the free space that can be safely utilized taking mirroring and redundancy needs into account. The SQL used to determine these values is as follows:

      select (((NVL(dg.total_mb,0) -            
      TotalSafelyUsable,NVL(dg.usable_file_mb,0)*1024 SafelyUsableFree from V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT dg 
      where state in ('CONNECTED', 'MOUNTED') and name='$diskGroup'";

      Using the values from this query, the Archive Area Used (%) is calculated as follows:

      Archive Area Used (%) = [(TotalSafelyUsable – SafelyUsableFree)/TotalSafelyUsable] * 100

User Action

Verify that the database archived redo log destination parameters are configured properly. For more information, see Specifying Archive Destinations in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

Archive Area Used (KB)

This metric returns the total space used (in KB) on the device containing the archived redo log destination directory.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The formula used for each of the three archive area scenarios is as follows:

  • Quota is set: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula:

    Archive Area Used (KB) = QUOTA_USED
  • No quota is set:

    • Archive area on regular filesystem: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric.

    • Archive area on ASM diskgroup: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula (referencing the values from the SQL query in the Archive Area Used (%) metric):

      Archive Area Used (KB) = TotalSafelyUsable – SafelyUsableFree

User Action

Verify that the database archived redo log destination parameters are configured properly. For more information, see Specifying Archive Destinations in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

Free Archive Area (KB)

This metric returns the free space (in KB) on the device containing the archived redo log destination directory.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Archive area %archDir% has %value% free KB remaining.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Archive Area Destination object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Archive Area Destination object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Archive Area Destination object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The formula used for each of the three archive area scenarios is as follows:

  • Quota is set: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula:

    Free Archive Area (KB) = QUOTA_SIZE - QUOTA_USED
  • No quota is set:

    • Archive area on regular filesystem: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric.

    • Archive area on ASM diskgroup: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula (referencing the values from the SQL query in the Archive Area Used (%) metric):

      Free Archive Area (KB) = SafelyUsableFree

User Action

Verify that the database archived redo log destination parameters are configured properly. For more information, see Specifying Archive Destinations in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

Total Archive Area (KB)

This metric returns the total space (in KB) on the device containing the archived redo log destination directory.

Target Version Collection Frequency

All Versions

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The formula used for each of the three archive area scenarios is as follows:

  • Quota is set: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula:

    Total Archive Area (KB) = QUOTA_SIZE
  • No quota is set:

    • Archive area on regular filesystem: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric.

    • Archive area on ASM diskgroup: Same underlying methodology as described above for the Archive Area Used (%) metric, but using the following formula (referencing the values from the SQL query in the Archive Area Used (%) metric):

      Total Archive Area (KB) = TotalSafelyUsable

User Action

Verify that the database archived redo log destination parameters are configured properly. For more information, see Specifying Archive Destinations in Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

Availability Notifications (Server Generated Alert)

This section provides information on the metrics in the Availability Notifications (Server Generated Alert) category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions N/A
Metric Name Description
Database Down Notifies when a database is down.

Cluster Managed Database Services

The metrics in the Cluster Managed Database Services metric category provide information about the CPU load for the managed database services.

% CPU Time Load (in last 5 min)

This metric provides the CPU load percentage for any cluster managed database service that exceeds the defined threshold in the last 5 minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
11gR2, 11gR202, 12c, 12cR102, 12cR2, 18c, 19c

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

CPU Load Percent %value% for service %name% exceeds the thresholds set.

Data Guard Fast-Start Failover

This section provides information on the metrics in the Data Guard Fast-Start Failover category, which generates an alert to notify of a new primary database after a fast-start failover occurred.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 5 minutes
Metric Name Description
Fast-Start Failover Occurred Indicates whether a fast-start failover occurred in the last 15 minutes.
Last Fast-Start Failover Reason The reason why the fast-start failover occurred.
Last Fast-Start Failover Time The timestamp of the last fast-start failover.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the v$fs_failover_stats view.

Data Guard Fast-Start Failover Observer – Oracle Database 11gR2 to 18c

The metrics in this category monitor the status of a fast-start failover observer in the Data Guard configuration.

Observer Status

This metric generates a critical alert on the primary database if the fast-start failover (FSFO) configuration is in an unobserved condition, indicating that FSFO is not currently possible.

Table 2-1 Metric Summary Table

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 11gR202, 12c, 12cR102, 12cR2, 18c

Every 1 minute

Not Defined


The Data Guard fast-start failover observer status is %value%.

User Action

If the Data Guard configuration was configured in Cloud Control to use the automatic Observer restart feature, the alert will clear after a new observer process is restarted. Otherwise, determine the cause of the unobserved condition, and restart the Observer process if necessary.

Data Guard Fast-Start Failover Observers – Oracle Database 19c and later

This section provides information on the metrics in the Data Guard Fast-Start Failover Observers category for Oracle Database 19c and later. These metrics monitor the status of all the fast-start failover observers in the Data Guard configuration.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
19c and later Every 5 minutes

Not Defined


The Data Guard fast-start failover observer status is %value%.

Metric Name Description Data Source
Is Master Observer Indicates whether the observer is the master observer (YES or NO). v$fs_failover_observers
Is Observer Registered Indicates whether the observer is registered (YES or NO). v$fs_failover_observers
Observer Host The server on which the observer is running. v$fs_failover_observers
Observer Log File The observer log file.

Note: This metric is only available for Oracle Database 21c. For Oracle Database 19c, this metric column is empty.

Observer Name The name of the observer. v$fs_failover_observers
Observer State File The observer state file.

Note: This metric is only available for Oracle Database 21c. For Oracle Database 19c, this metric column is empty.

Observer Status The status of the observer.

Note: This metric is obtained from the Observer Host, Pinging Active Target, and Pinging Primary metrics.

Pinging Active Target Indicates whether the observer is currently connected to the active target (YES or NO). v$fs_failover_observers
Pinging Primary Indicates whether the observer is currently connected to the primary database (YES or NO). v$fs_failover_observers

Data Guard Performance

This metric category provides the Data Guard Performance metric.

Apply Lag (seconds)

This metric displays (in seconds) how far the standby is behind the primary.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

The standby database is approximately %value% seconds behind the primary database.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

v$dataguard_stats('apply lag')

Estimated Failover Time (seconds)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric shows the approximate number of seconds required to failover to this standby database. This accounts for the startup time, if necessary, plus the remaining time required to apply all the available redo on the standby. If a bounce is not required, it is only the remaining apply time.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

The estimated time to failover is approximately %value% seconds.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

v$dataguard_stats ('estimated startup time','apply finish time','standby has been open')

Redo Apply Rate (KB/second)

Displays the Redo Apply Rate in KB/second on this standby.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

The estimated time to failover is approximately %value% seconds.

Redo Generation Rate (KB/second)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

The redo generation rate is %value% KB/sec.

Transport Lag (seconds)

The approximate number of seconds of redo not yet available on this standby database. This may be because the redo has not yet been shipped or there may be a gap.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

There are approximately %value% seconds of redo not yet available on this standby database.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

v$dataguard_stats('transport lag')

Transport Lag Data Refresh Time

Transport Lag metrics are computed based on data that is periodically received from the primary database. An unchanging value in this column across multiple queries indicates that the standby database is not receiving data from the primary database.

Data Source

DATUM_TIME in v$dataguard_stats

Data Guard Status

The metrics in the Data Guard metrics category check the status, data not received, and data not applied for the databases in the Data Guard configuration.

Data Guard Status

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Use the Data Guard Status metric to check the status of each database in the Data Guard configuration.

By default, a critical and warning threshold value was set for this metric column. Alerts will be generated when threshold values are reached. You can edit the value for a threshold as required.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 5 Minutes



The Data Guard status of %dg_name% is %value%.

Data Source

  1. Check the Edit Properties General page for the primary and standby databases for detailed information.

  2. Examine the database alert logs and the Data Guard broker logs for additional information.

Database Cardinality

This metric category contains the metrics that monitor the number of active instances of a cluster database.

Open Instance Count

This metric monitors how many instances are in an open state.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% instance(s) out of %total_count% are up.

Database Job Status

This metric category contains the metrics that represent the health of database jobs registered through the DBMS_SCHEDULER interface.

Broken Job Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

The Oracle Server job queue is a database table that stores information about local jobs such as the PL/SQL call to execute for a job such as when to run a job. Database replication is also managed by using the Oracle job queue mechanism using jobs to push deferred transactions to remote master sites, to purge applied transactions from the deferred transaction queue, or to refresh snapshot refresh groups.

A job can be broken in two ways:

Oracle has failed to successfully execute the job after sixteen attempts. The job has been explicitly marked as broken by using the procedure DBMS_ JOB.BROKEN.

This metric checks for broken DBMS jobs. A critical alert is generated if the number of broken jobs exceeds the value specified by the threshold argument.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 30 Minutes


Not Defined

%value% job(s) are broken.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

  FROM dba_jobs 
  WHERE broken < > 'N' 

User Action

Check the ALERT log and trace files for error information. Correct the problem that is preventing the job from running. Force immediate re-execution of the job by calling DBMS_SCHEDULER.RUN.

Failed Job Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

The Oracle Server job queue is a database table that stores information about local jobs such as the PL/SQL call to execute for a job such as when to run a job. Database replication is also managed by using the Oracle job queue mechanism using jobs to push deferred transactions to remote master sites, to purge applied transactions from the deferred transaction queue or to refresh snapshot refresh groups.

If a job returns an error while Oracle is attempting to execute it, the job fails. Oracle repeatedly tries to execute the job doubling the interval of each attempt. If the job fails sixteen times, Oracle automatically marks the job as broken and no longer tries to execute it.

This metric checks for failed DBMS jobs. An alert is generated if the number of failed job exceeds the value specified by the threshold argument.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 30 Minutes


Not Defined

%value% job(s) have failed.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

  FROM dba_jobs 
  WHERE NVL(failures, 0) < >  0" 

User Action

Check the ALERT log and trace files for error information. Correct the problem that is preventing the job from running.

Database Scheduler Jobs

This section provides information on the metrics in the Database Scheduler Jobs category, which report the current status of DBMS jobs registered through the DBMS_SCHEDULER interface. Using these metrics, you can monitor long running jobs and obtain alerts on individual jobs.

Elapsed Running Time (in Minutes)

The duration of time the current DBMS job has been running, in minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes > 5 Minutes > 30 Minutes DBMS job %job_name% for %owner% has been running for %value% minutes.

Failure Count

The number of times the DBMS job has failed during the last collection period.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes > 0 Not Defined DBMS job %job_name% for %owner% has failed %value% time(s) during last collection period.


The current state of the DBMS job.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text
All Versions Every 5 Minutes DISABLED BROKEN DBMS job %job_name% for %owner% is in %state% state.

Database Wait Bottlenecks

This metric category contains the metrics that approximate the percentage of time spent waiting by user sessions across instances for the cluster database. This approximation takes system-wide totals and discounts the effects of sessions belonging to background processes.

Active Sessions Using CPU

This metric represents the active sessions using CPU.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Active Sessions Waiting: I/O

This database-level metric represents the active sessions waiting for I/O. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Active Sessions Waiting: Other

This database-level metric represents all the waits that are neither idle nor user I/O. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Average Database CPU (%)

This metric represents the average database CPU across instances as a percentage.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Host CPU Utilization (%)

This metric represents the percentage of CPU being used across hosts.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Load Average

This metric reports the sum of the current CPU load for all cluster database hosts.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Maximum CPU

This metric represents the total CPU count across all the cluster database hosts.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Wait Time (%)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric represents the percentage of time spent waiting, database-wide, for resources or objects during this sample period.

This test checks the percentage time spent waiting, database-wide, for resources or objects during this sample period. If the % Wait Time is greater than or equal to the threshold values specified by the threshold arguments, and the number of occurrences exceeds the value specified in the Number of Occurrences parameter, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Generated By Database Server

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following formula where:

  • DeltaTotalWait: Difference of 'sum of time waited for all wait events in v$system_event' between sample end and start.

  • DeltaCpuTime: Difference of 'select value from v$sysstat where name='CPU used by this session' between sample end and start.

DeltaTotalWait / (DeltaTotalWait + DeltaCpuTime)

User Action

Investigate further into which specific wait events are responsible for the bulk of the wait time. Individual wait events may identify unique problems within the database. Diagnosis will be tailored where appropriate through drilldowns specific to individual wait events.

Database Vault Attempted Violations - Command Rules

The metrics in the Database Vault Attempted Violations - Command Rules metric category provides information about the attempted Database Vault command rule violations.

Database Vault Attempted Violations Count - Command Rules

This metric raises an alert, which helps the Oracle Database Vault security analyst to monitor violation attempts on the Database Vault database. This user can select the command rules to be affected by the alert and filter these command rules based on the different types of attempts by using error codes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2,10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined

Not Defined


Database Vault Attempted Violations - Realms

The metrics in the Database Vault Attempted Violations - Realms metric category provide information about realm violations (for example, when an unauthorized user tries to modify an object that is protected by the realm).

Database Vault Attempted Violations Count - Realms

This metric raises an alert, which helps the Oracle Database Vault security analyst to monitor violation attempts on the Database Vault database. This user can select the realms to be affected by the alert and filter these realms based on the different types of attempts by using error codes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2,10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined

Not Defined


Database Vault Configuration Issues - Realms

The metrics in the Database Vault Configuration Issues - Realms metric category provide information about configuration issues in the realm. The Oracle Database Vault realm protects configuration information in the Oracle Database Vault.

Database Vault Configuration Issues Count - Realms

This metric tracks and raises an alert if users misconfigure realms.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2,10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined


%ACTION_OBJECT_NAME% has configuration issues.

Database Vault Configuration Issues - Command Rules

The metrics in the Database Vault Configuration Issues - Command Rules metric category provide information about configuration issues in the command rules. A command rule is a rule that you create to protect SELECT, ALTER SYSTEM, database definition language (DDL), and data manipulation language (DML) statements that affect one or more database objects

DV (Command Rule) - Configuration Issue Count

This metric tracks and raises an alert if users misconfigure command rules.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2,10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined


%ACTION_OBJECT_NAME% has configuration issues.

Database Vault Policy Changes

The metrics in the Database Vault Policy Changes metric category provide information about any changes to a Database Vault Policy.

Database Vault Policy Changes Count

This metric raises an alert on any change to any Database Vault policy, such as policies for realms and command rules.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2,10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined


%ACTION_OBJECT_NAME% has configuration issues.

Datafile Allocation

This section provides information on the metrics in the Datafile Allocation category.

The allocated space is the current size of the datafile. A portion of this allocated space is used to store data while some may be free space. The metrics in this category check the amount of space used and the amount of space allocated to each datafile. The used space can then be compared to the allocated space to determine how much space is unused in the datafile. This metric is not intended for alerts. Rather it is intended for reporting. Historical views of unused allocated free space can help DBAs to correctly size their datafiles, eliminating wasted space.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 24 hours
Metric Name Description Data Source
Allocated File Size (MB) The space allocated to the datafile. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Used File Size (MB) metric to produce a historical view of the amount of space being used and unused in each datafile.
  • Datafile: dba_data_files
  • Tempfile: dba_temp_files
Used File Size (MB) The space used in the datafile. This metric should be used in conjunction with the Allocated File Size (MB) metric to produce a historical view of the amount of space being used and unused in each datafile.
  • Datafile: Subtract allocated free space (dba_lmt_free_space and dba_dmt_free_space) from allocated file size (dba_data_files)
  • Tempfile: gv$temp_extent_pool.bytes_used

Deferred Transactions

This metric category contains the metrics associated with this distributed database's deferred transactions.

Deferred Transaction Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Oracle uses deferred transactions to propagate data-level changes asynchronously among master sites in an advanced replication system as well as from an updatable snapshot to its master table.

This metric checks for the number of deferred transactions. An alert is generated if the number of deferred transactions exceeds the value specified by the threshold argument.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 5 Minutes


Not Defined

Number of deferred transactions is %value%.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT count(*) 
  FROM sys.deftran 

User Action

When the advanced replication facility pushes a deferred transaction to a remote site, it uses a distributed transaction to ensure that the transaction has been properly committed at the remote site before the transaction is removed for the queue at the local site. If transactions are not being pushed to a given remote site, verify that the destination for the transaction was correctly specified. If you specify a destination database when calling DBMS_DEFER_SYS.SCHEDULE_EXECUTION using the DBLINK parameter, or DBMS_DEFER_SYS.EXECUTE using the DESTINATION parameter, make sure the full database link is provided.

Wrong view destinations can lead to erroneous deferred transaction behavior. Verify that the DEFCALLEST and DEFTRANDEST views are the definitions from the CATREPC.SQL and not those from CATDEFER.SQL.

Deferred Transaction Error Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Oracle uses deferred transactions to propagate data-level changes asynchronously among master sites in an advanced replication system as well as from an updatable snapshot to its master table. If a transaction is not successfully propagated to the remote site, Oracle rolls back the transaction, logs the transaction in the SYS.DEFERROR view in the remote destination database.

This metric checks for the number of transactions in SYS.DEFERROR view and raises an alert if it exceeds the value specified by the threshold argument.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 5 Minutes


Not Defined

Number of deferred transactions with errors is %value%.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT count(*) 
  FROM sys.deferror 

User Action

An error in applying a deferred transaction may result from a database problem, such as a lack of available space in the table to be updated, or may be the result of an unresolved insert, update, or delete conflict. The SYS.DEFERROR view provides the ID of the transaction that could not be applied. Use this ID to locate the queued calls associated with the transaction. These calls are stored in the SYS.DEFCALL view. You can use the procedures in the DBMS_DEFER_QUERY package to determine the arguments to the procedures listed in the SYS.DEFCALL view.

Exadata Module Version Failure

This metric category provides information about any Exadata module version errors.

Error Count

This metric tracks and raises an alert when a defined number of Exadata module version errors occur.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 24 Hours


Not Defined

%errorCode% occurrences of %errorCount%.

Failed Logins

The metric in this metric category checks for the number of failed logins on the target database. This check is performed every ten minutes and returns the number of failed logins for that ten-minute interval. This metric will only work for databases where the audit_trail initialization parameter is set to DB or XML and the session is being audited.

Failed Login Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric checks for the number of failed logins on the target database. This check is performed every ten minutes and returns the number of failed logins for that ten-minute interval. This metric will only work for databases where the audit_trail initialization parameter is set to DB or XML and the session is being audited.

If the failed login count crosses the values specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated. Because it is important to know every time a significant number of failed logins occurs on a system, this metric will generate a new alert for any ten-minute interval where the thresholds are crossed. You can manually clear these alerts. They will not automatically clear after the next collection.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 30 Minutes



Number of failed login attempts exceeds threshold value.

Data Source

The database stores login information in different views based on the audit_trail setting. The database views used are:


  • XML (10g Release 2 only): DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL

Fast Recovery

The metrics in the Fast Recovery metrics category relate to the fast recovery area.

Fast Recovery Area

Formerly referred to as flash recovery area, this metric returns an optional disk location that you can use to store recovery-related files such as control file and online redo log copies, archived redo log files, flashback logs, and RMAN backups.

Oracle Database and RMAN manage the files in the fast recovery area automatically. You can specify the disk quota, which is the maximum size of the fast recovery area.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT value 
  FROM v$parameter 
  WHERE name='db_recovery_file_dest';

User Action

No user action is required.

Fast Recovery Area Size

This metric returns the Fast Recovery Area Size.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT value 
  INTO 1_fast_recovery_size
  FROM v$parameter 
  WHERE name='db_recovery_file_dest_size';

User Action

No user action is required.

Flashback On

This metric returns whether or not flashback logging is enabled - YES, NO, or RESTORE POINT ONLY. For the RESTORE POINT ONLY option, flashback is ON but you can only flashback to guaranteed restore points.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT flashback_on 
  FROM v$database;

User Action

No user action is required.

Log Mode

This metric returns the log mode of the database - ARCHIVELOG or NOARCHIVELOG.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT log_mode 
  FROM v$database;

User Action

No user action is required.

Non-Reclaimable Fast Recovery Area (%)

This metric represents the percentage of space non-reclaimable (spaced used minus space reclaimable) in the fast recovery area.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is one of the following commands:

Non-reclaimable = space used - space reclaimable

Space Used:
     FROM v$fast_recovery_area_usage;

Space Reclaimable:
     FROM v$fast_recovery_area_usage;

User Action

No user action is required.

Oldest Flashback Time

This metric returns the oldest point-in-time to which you can flashback your database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT to_char(oldest_flashback_time, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') 
  FROM v$flashback_database_log;

User Action

No user action is required.

Reclaimable Fast Recovery Area (%)

This metric represents the percentage of space reclaimable in the fast recovery area.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

Space Reclaimable:
     FROM v$fast_recovery_area_usage;

User Action

No user action is required.

Usable Fast Recovery Area (%)

This metric represents the percentage of space usable in the fast recovery area. The space usable is composed of the space that is free in addition to the space that is reclaimable.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g

Every 15 Minutes

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:


User Action

No user action is required.

Fragmented Text Indexes

This metric category represents the number of text indexes in the database fragmented beyond the warning and critical percentage thresholds specified by the user. The collection is disabled by default. Before enabling this metric and specifying a metric threshold for the number of text indexes, the "Evaluate and Fix Text Index Fragmentation" job should be submitted against the database target. The following details could be specified as part of the job parameters:
  • Warning/Critical percentage threshold against which the text indexes are to be evaluated.

  • List of text indexes to be evaluated (all indexes, specific schemas, or list of fully qualified names).

  • List of text indexes to be fixed (all indexes, specific schemas, or list of fully qualified names). The scheduled DBMS job would attempt to fix the fragmented text indexes by optimizing (if warning threshold exceeded) or rebuilding them (if critical threshold exceeded, using shadow creation).

  • The DBMS job schedule.

Fragmented Text Index count

This metric collects the total number of text indexes that have crossed the fragmentation percentage threshold specified by the user.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 hours




Fragmented Text Index count crossing critical threshold

This metric collects the number of text indexes that have crossed the critical fragmentation percentage threshold specified by the user.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Fragmented Text Index count crossing critical threshold is %value%

Data Source

The fragmentation percentage for each index or index partition is derived by computing the data from DBA_IND_PARTITIONS, CTXSYS.CTX_INDEX_PARTITIONS, and its relevant text index metadata tables. The list of text indexes and the critical percentage threshold against which their fragmentation is to be evaluated are specified by the user as part of the "Evaluate and Fix Text Index Fragmentation" job.

User Action

A metric threshold could be set to generate incidents on the number of text indexes that have crossed the critical fragmentation threshold specified in "Evaluate and Fix Text Index Fragmentation" job. The scheduled DBMS job would automatically attempt to fix such text indexes (if they were specified in the fix list) by rebuilding them (using shadow creation). In addition, the incident also enables the user to fix the fragmented text indexes from the Cloud Control console.

Fragmented Text Index count crossing warning threshold

This metric collects the total number of text indexes that have crossed the warning fragmentation percentage threshold, but not the critical percentage threshold, specified by the user.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Fragmented Text Index count crossing warning threshold is %value%

Data Source

The fragmentation percentage for each index or index partition is derived by computing the data from DBA_IND_PARTITIONS, CTXSYS.CTX_INDEX_PARTITIONS, and its relevant text index metadata tables. The list of text indexes and the warning percentage threshold against which their fragmentation is to be evaluated are specified by the user as part of the "Evaluate and Fix Text Index Fragmentation" job.

User Action

A metric threshold could be set to generate incidents on the number of text indexes that have crossed the warning fragmentation threshold, but not the critical threshold, specified in "Evaluate and Fix Text Index Fragmentation" job. The scheduled DBMS job would automatically attempt to fix such text indexes (if they were specified in the fix list) by optimizing them. In addition, the incident also enables the user to fix the fragmented text indexes from the Cloud Control console.

High Availability (RMAN Configuration)

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability (RMAN Configuration) category, which lists RMAN persistent configuration settings.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 24 hours
Metric Name Description
Conf Number A unique key identifying the RMAN configuration record within the target database that owns it.
Name The name or type of configuration.
Container ID The ID of the container to which the data (the Conf Number, Name, and Value) pertains. Possible values include:
  • 0: This value is used for rows containing data that pertains to the entire Container Database (CDB). This value is also used for rows in non-CDBs.
  • 1: This value is used for rows containing data that pertains to only the root.
  • n: This value is used where n is the applicable container ID for the rows containing data.

High Availability Backup

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Backup category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 12 hours
Metric Name Description Data Source
Command ID The unique command ID of the backup command corresponding to this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
End Time The end time of the last backup command in the job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Size of Input Files The sum of all input file sizes backed up by this job, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Input Type The input type, which contains one of the following values: DB FULL, RECVR AREA, DB INCR, DATAFILE FULL, DATAFILE INCR, ARCHIVELOG, CONTROLFILE, SPFILE. v$rman_backup_job_details
Size of Output Files The output size of all pieces generated by this job, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Output Bytes Per Sec The generation rate of the output pieces for this backup, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Output Device Type The media device type for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session Key The session key for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session RECID The session RECID for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session Stamp The session stamp for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Start Time The start time of the first backup command in the job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Status The status of the backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Time Taken The time taken for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details

High Availability Backup History

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Backup History category.


These metrics are not enabled out of the box, and must be enabled on the Metric and Collection Settings page. By default, these metrics are collected every 12 hours, but you can change the collection frequency.
Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 12 hours
Metric Name Description Data Source
Oracle Storage Container If the backup is on Oracle Cloud storage, this specifies the Cloud storage container where the backup is located. v$backup_piece_details
Compressed Indicates whether the backup piece is compressed. v$backup_piece_details
Compression Ratio If the backup is compressed, this specifies the compression ratio of the backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Container ID If the backup is on Oracle Cloud storage, this specifies the ID of the Cloud storage container where the backup is located. v$rman_backup_job_details
Elapsed Seconds The number of seconds that the backup job took to complete. v$rman_backup_job_details
Encrypted Indicates whether the backup was encrypted (YES or NO). v$backup_piece_details
End Time The end time of the last backup command in the job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Incremental Level Indicates the incremental level of this backup set. v$backup_set_details
Size of Input Files (bytes) The sum of all input file sizes backed up by this job, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Size of Input Files The sum of all input file sizes backed up by this job, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Input Type The input type, which contains one of the following values: DB FULL, RECVR AREA, DB INCR, DATAFILE FULL, DATAFILE INCR, ARCHIVELOG, CONTROLFILE, SPFILE. v$rman_backup_job_details
Keep Indicates whether or not this backup set has a retention policy. v$backup_set_details
Keep Options The additional retention options for this backup set. v$backup_set_details
Keep Until Indicates the date after which the backup becomes obsolete. v$backup_set_details
Media The name of the media on which the backup piece resides. v$backup_piece_details
Name The unique command ID for the backup command corresponding to this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Size of Output Files (bytes) The output size of all pieces generated by this job, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Size of Output Files The output size of all pieces generated by this job, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Output Bytes Per Sec (bytes/sec) The generation rate of the output pieces for this backup, in bytes/second. v$rman_backup_job_details
Output Bytes Per Sec The generation rate of the output pieces for this backup, expressed as a string. v$rman_backup_job_details
Output Device Type The media device type for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session Key The session key for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session RECID The session RECID for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Session Stamp The session stamp for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Start Time The start time of the first backup command in the job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Status The status of the backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details
Tag The tag for this backup job. v$backup_piece_details
Time Taken The time taken for this backup job. v$rman_backup_job_details

High Availability Client Recovery Window

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Client Recovery Window category.

Note that the data source for these metrics is the database control file, and the collection for these metrics is disabled by default. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, these metrics are not applicable and the collection should remain disabled. If the database is not backing up to a Recovery Appliance and you want to monitor the database recovery window, you can enable the collection. In this case, the data in these metrics is used as the source data for the related High Availability Recovery Window metric category. See High Availability Recovery Window.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
12c and later Every 15 minutes
Metric Name Description Data Source
Disk Recovery Window (seconds) The recovery window for disk backups. v$disk_restore_range
Disk Unprotected Data Window (seconds) The current amount of potential data loss for disk backups. v$disk_restore_range
Last Complete Disk Backup Date The latest point in time for which a complete disk backup is available for all datafiles in this database. v$disk_restore_range
Last Complete Media Backup Date The latest point in time for which a complete media backup is available for all datafiles in this database. v$sbt_restore_range
Media Recovery Window (seconds) The recovery window for media backups. v$sbt_restore_range
Media Unprotected Data Window (seconds) The current amount of potential data loss for media backups. v$sbt_restore_range

High Availability Data Guard Target Summary

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Data Guard Target Summary category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 24 hours
Metric Name Description
Source Type The role (Primary or Standby) of the database that was the source of the data row.
Row Type The role (Primary or Standby) of the database to which the data in the row pertains.
Using Broker Whether the Data Guard configuration for the database specified by the row is using Data Guard broker.
Active Standby Whether the database specified by the row is an Active Data Guard standby database.
Database Unique Name The value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME initialization parameter for the database specified by the row.
Database ID The value of DBID (as found in v$database) of the database specified by the row.
Primary Database Unique Name The Database Unique Name of the primary database associated with the database specified by the row (if the database is a standby database).
Primary Database ID The Database ID of the primary database associated with the database specified by the row.
Role The Data Guard role of the database specified by the row.
Standby Database List The list of standby databases associated with the database specified by the row (if the database is a primary database).
Protection Mode The protection mode for the database specified by the row.
Fast-Start Failover Status The fast-start failover status for the database specified by the row.
Status The Data Guard status for the database specified by the row.
Redo Source The Database Unique Name of the database that is shipping redo to the database specified by the row.
Data Guard Connect Identifier The net connect identifier used to reach the database.

High Availability Disk Backup

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Disk Backup category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 30 minutes
Metric Name Description Data Source
Time Since Last Successful Full Backup (hours) The time since the last successful full disk backup, in hours.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful full database disk backup was %value% hours ago.

Time Since Last Successful Incremental Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental disk backup, in hours.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful incremental database disk backup was %value% hours ago.

Time Since Last Successful Archived Log Backup (minutes) The time since the last successful archived log disk backup, in minutes.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful archived log disk backup was %value% minutes ago.

Last Executed Full Backup Status The status of the last executed full disk backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed full database disk backup status was %value%.

Last Executed Incremental Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental disk backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed incremental database disk backup status was %value%.

Last Executed Archived Log Backup Status The status of the last executed archived log disk backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed archived log disk backup status was %value%.

Recovery Window (seconds) This column is obsolete and is not populated. This data is now available in the High Availability Client Recovery Window metric category. v$disk_restore_range
Last Successful Archived Log Backup Date The date of the last successful archived log disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Archived Log Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful archived log disk backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Complete Backup Date The latest point in time for which a complete disk backup is available for all datafiles. v$disk_restore_range
Last Successful Full Backup Date The date of the last successful full disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Full Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful full disk backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Archived Log Backup Date The date of the last executed archived log disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Full Backup Date The date of the last executed full disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Backup Date The date of the last executed incremental disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Level 0 Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental level 0 disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Level 1 Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental level 1 disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Backup Date The date of the last successful incremental disk backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental disk backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Time Since Last Successful Incremental Level 0 Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental level 0 disk backup, in hours. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 0 Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental level 0 disk backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Time Since Last Successful Incremental Level 1 Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental level 1 disk backup, in hours. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 1 Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental level 1 disk backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Unprotected Data Window (seconds) This column is obsolete and is not populated. This data is now available in the High Availability Client Recovery Window metric category. v$disk_restore_range

High Availability Media Backup

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Media Backup category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 30 minutes
Metric Name Description Data Source
Time Since Last Successful Full Backup (hours) The time since the last successful full media backup, in hours.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful full database media backup was %value% hours ago.

Time Since Last Successful Archived Log Backup (minutes) The time since the last successful archived log media backup, in minutes.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful archived log media backup was %value% minutes ago.

Time Since Last Successful Incremental Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental media backup, in hours.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last successful incremental database media backup was %value% hours ago.

Last Executed Archived Log Backup Status The status of the last executed archived log media backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed archived log media backup status was %value%.

Last Executed Full Backup Status The status of the last executed full media backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed full database media backup status was %value%.

Last Executed Incremental Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental media backup.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The last executed incremental database media backup status was %value%.

Recovery Window (seconds) This column is obsolete and is not populated. This data is now available in the High Availability Client Recovery Window metric category. v$sbt_restore_range
Last Successful Archived Log Backup Date The date of the last successful archived log media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Archived Log Backup Media The name of the media on which the last successful archived log backup resides. v$backup_piece_details
Last Successful Archived Log Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful archived log media backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Complete Backup Date The latest point in time for which a complete media backup is available for all datafiles. v$sbt_restore_range
Last Successful Full Backup Date The date of the last successful full media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Full Backup Media The name of the media on which the last successful full backup resides. v$backup_piece_details
Last Successful Full Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful full media backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Archived Log Backup Date The date of the last executed archived log media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Full Backup Date The date of the last executed full media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Backup Date The date of the last executed incremental media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Level 0 Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental level 0 media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Executed Incremental Level 1 Backup Status The status of the last executed incremental level 1 media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Backup Date The date of the last successful incremental media backup. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Backup Media The name of the media on which the last successful incremental backup resides. v$backup_piece_details
Last Successful Incremental Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental media backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Time Since Last Successful Incremental Level 0 Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental level 0 media backup, in hours. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 0 Backup Media The name of the media on which the last successful incremental level 0 backup resides. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 0 Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental level 0 media backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Time Since Last Successful Incremental Level 1 Backup (hours) The time since the last successful incremental level 1 media backup, in hours. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 1 Backup Media The name of the media on which the last successful incremental level 1 backup resides. v$rman_backup_job_details
Last Successful Incremental Level 1 Backup Size (bytes) The size of the last successful incremental level 1 media backup, in bytes. v$rman_backup_job_details
Unprotected Data Window (seconds) This column is obsolete and is not populated. This data is now available in the High Availability Client Recovery Window metric category. v$sbt_restore_range

High Availability Recovery Window

This section provides information on the metrics in the High Availability Recovery Window category.

Note that the data source for these metrics depends on the database backup destination. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, all of the data is sourced from the Recovery Appliance, and metrics that are applicable only in the Recovery Appliance case are noted. If the database is not backing up to a Recovery Appliance, all data is sourced from the High Availability Client Recovery Window metric category, which in turn gets its data from the local database control file. In this case, if there is no data for these metrics, it may be because the High Availability Client Recovery Window collection is disabled. See High Availability Client Recovery Window.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 15 minutes
Metric Name Description Data Source
Recovery Appliance Downstream One The name of the first downstream Recovery Appliance that is receiving replicated backups for this database. (Note that this is applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.)
Recovery Appliance Downstream Two The name of the second downstream Recovery Appliance that is receiving replicated backups for this database. (Note that this applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.)
Final Change Number The highest SCN to which this database can be recovered when using backups and redo logs available on the Recovery Appliance. (Note that this is applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.) rc_database on Recovery Appliance
Last Complete Disk Backup The latest point in time for which a complete disk backup is available for all datafiles in this database. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is based on backups contained in Recovery Appliance disk storage. v$disk_restore_range, if the database is configured to backup to a disk.

ra_database, if the database is configured to backup to a Recovery Appliance.

Last Complete Media Backup The latest point in time for which a complete media backup is available for all datafiles in this database. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is based on backups copied by the Recovery Appliance to tape or Cloud storage. v$sbt_restore_range
Recovery Appliance The Recovery Appliance that this database is currently backing up to, if any.
Recovery Appliance Replication Server List The list of replication servers configured for this database on the Recovery Appliance. (Note that this is applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.) ra_protection_policy on Recovery Appliance
Disk Recovery Window Goal (seconds) The recovery window goal specified within the Recovery Appliance protection policy applicable to this database. (Note that this is applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.) ra_protection_policy on Recovery Appliance
Disk Unprotected Data Window Threshold (seconds) The unprotected data window threshold specified within the Recovery Appliance protection policy applicable to this database. (Note that this is applicable only to databases backing up to a Recovery Appliance.) ra_database on Recovery Appliance
Disk Unprotected Data Window (seconds) The current amount of potential data loss for disk backups. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is the amount of data not present in backups contained in Recovery Appliance disk storage.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The disk unprotected data window is %value% seconds.

v$disk_restore_range, if the database is configured to backup to a disk.

ra_database, if the database is configured to backup to a Recovery Appliance.

Disk Recovery Window (seconds) The current database recovery window for disk backups. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is the current disk recovery window reported for this database by the Recovery Appliance, based on backups contained in Recovery Appliance disk storage.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The disk recovery window is %value% seconds.

v$disk_restore_range, if the database is configured to backup to a disk.

ra_disk_restore_range, if the database is configured to backup to a Recovery Appliance.

Media Recovery Window (seconds) The current database recovery window for media backups. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is the current media recovery window reported for this database by the Recovery Appliance, based on backups copied by the Recovery Appliance to attached tape or Cloud storage.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The media recovery window is %value% seconds.

Media Unprotected Data Window (seconds) The current amount of potential data loss for media backups. If the database is backing up to a Recovery Appliance, this is the amount of data not present in backups copied by the Recovery Appliance to tape or Cloud storage.

Default Warning Threshold: Not defined

Default Critical Threshold: Not defined

Alert Text: The media unprotected data window is %value% seconds.


Invalid Objects

The metrics in this category represent the number of invalid objects in the database.

Invalid Object Count

This metric represents the total number of invalid objects in the database.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 Hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Invalid Object Count in the database is %value%

Data Source

The data is derived from the SYS.OBJ$ and SYS.USER$ tables.

User Action

The “Recompile Invalid Objects” corrective action could be setup against the incident to automatically attempt to recompile the invalid objects in the database. Some objects might need specific corrective steps to be performed manually before re-compilation.

Invalid Objects by Schema

The metrics in this category represent the number of invalid objects in each schema.

Invalid Object Count by Schema

This metric represents the total number of invalid objects per schema.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 Hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Invalid Object Count in %owner% schema is %value%

Multiple Thresholds

Different warning and critical threshold values could be set for each Invalid Object Owner (schema) object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Invalid Object Owner object, those thresholds could be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Invalid Object Owner object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The data is derived from the SYS.OBJ$ and SYS.USER$ tables.

User Action

The “Recompile Invalid Objects” corrective action could be setup against the incident to automatically attempt to recompile the invalid objects in a schema. Some objects might need specific corrective steps to be performed manually before recompilation.

Messages Per Buffered Queue

The metrics in the Messages Per Buffered Queue metrics category monitor the age and state of the first (top of the queue) message for each buffered queue in the database except for the system queues. Queues that are in the schema of SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and SYSMAN are defined as system level queues.

Average age of messages per buffered queue (seconds)

This metric provides the average age (in seconds) of the messages in the buffered queue for all nonsystem queues in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Average age of messages in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

First Message Age in Buffered Queue Per Queue (Seconds)

This metric gives the age (in seconds) of the first message in the buffered queue for all non-system queues in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Age of first message in %schema%.%queue_name% buffered queue is %value% seconds.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

This metric is calculated by finding the age of the first message in all the subscribers of the queue and then the oldest amongst all is taken.

The following views and tables are used for the calculation:


  2. v$buffered_queues

User Action

When using buffered queues for storing and propagating messages, monitor this metric to get the age of first message in the queue.

Messages processed per buffered queue (%)

This metric gives the messages processed percentage per minute per buffered queue in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% percent.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

This is calculated as the percent of total number of messages processed per minute and total number of messages received per minute in the last collection interval per buffered queue.

User Action

When using queues for storing/propagating messages, monitor this metric to get the messages processed percent (or throughput) per minute in the last collection interval for the queue.

Messages processed per buffered queue (%) per minute

This metric gives the messages processed percentage per minute in the last interval per buffered queue in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% .

Spilled Messages

This metric displays the current number of overflow messages spilled to disk from the buffered queue.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Current number of overflow messages spilled to disk from the buffered queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value%

Total Messages Processed per Buffered Queue per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages processed per minute per buffered queue in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages processed per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% .

Total Messages Received per Buffered Queue per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages received or enqueued into the buffered queue per minute in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages received per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% .

Messages Per Buffered Queue Per Subscriber

This metric category monitors the messages for buffered queues per subscriber in the database.

Average Age of Messages Per Buffered Queue Per Subscriber (Seconds)

This metric display's the average age of messages in the buffered queue per queue in seconds.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Average age of messages for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

First Message Age in Buffered Queue per Subscriber (Seconds)

This metric displays the age of the first message in the buffered queue per queue per subscriber in seconds.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Age of first message for subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

Messages Processed Per Buffered Queue (%) Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages processed per minute per buffered queue subscriber in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value%

Messages Processed Per Buffered Queue Per Subscriber (%)

This metric gives the messages processed percentage for the buffered queue per subscriber. Messages processed percent is calculated as the percent of the total number messages processed or dequeued to the total number of messages received or enqueued.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% percent.

Total Messages Processed Per Buffered Queue Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages processed per minute per buffered queue subscriber in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages processed per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% .

Total Messages Received Per Buffered Queue Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages received or enqueued into the queue per subscriber per minute in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages received per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% .

Messages Per Persistent Queue

The metrics in the Messages Per Persistent Queue metrics category monitor the age and state of the first (top of the queue) message for each persistent queue in the database except for the system queues. Queues that are in the schema of SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and SYSMAN are defined as system level queues.

Average Age of Messages Per Persistent Queue (Seconds)

This metric displays the average age of messages in the persistent queue per queue in seconds.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Average age of messages in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

Age of The First Message in Persistent Queue Per Queue (Seconds)

This metric gives the age (in seconds) of the first message in the persistent queue for all non-system queues in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Age of first message in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

This metric is calculated by finding the age of the first message in all the subscribers of the queue and then the oldest amongst all is taken.

The following views/tables are used for the calculation:




User Action

When using persistent queues for storing and propagating messages, monitor this metric to get the age of first message in the queue.

Messages Processed Per Persistent Queue (%)

This metric gives the messages processed percentage for the persistent queue. Messages processed percent is calculated as the percent of the total number messages processed or dequeued to the total number of messages received or enqueued.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% percent.

Messages Processed Per Persistent Queue (%) Per Minute

This metric gives the messages processed percentage per minute per persistent queue in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value%

Total Messages Processed per Persistent Queue per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages processed per minute per persistent queue in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages processed per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% .

Total Messages Received per Persistent Queue per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages received or enqueued into the queue per minute in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages received per minute in the last interval for queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% .

Messages Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber

The metrics in the Messages Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber metrics category monitor the age and state of the first (top of the queue) message for each persistent queue per queue subscriber in the database except for the system queues. Queues that are in the schema of SYS, SYSTEM, DBSNMP, and SYSMAN are defined as system level queues.

Average Age of Messages Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber (Seconds)

This metric display's the average age of messages in the persistent queue per queue in seconds.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Average age of messages for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

First Message Age in Persistent Queue per Subscriber (Seconds)

This metric gives the age (in seconds) of the first message in the persistent queue per subscriber for all non-system queues in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Age of first message for subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% seconds.

Messages Processed Per Persistent Queue (%) Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the messages processed percentage per minute per persistent queue subscriber in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value%.

Messages Processed Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber (%)

This metric gives the messages processed percentage for the persistent queue per subscriber. Messages processed percent is calculated as the percent of the total number messages processed or dequeued to the total number of messages received or enqueued.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% percent.

Total Messages Processed Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the messages processed percentage per minute per persistent queue subscriber in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages processed per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value%.

Total Messages Received Per Persistent Queue Per Subscriber Per Minute

This metric gives the total number of messages received or enqueued into the queue per subscriber per minute in the last collection interval of the metric.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total messages received per minute in the last interval for the subscriber %subs_name% %subs_address% in %schema%.%queue_name% queue is %value% .

PDB Mode (All Pluggable Databases)

This is a CDB-level metric category that provides the current mode of the PDB targets in a RAC instance. It covers the READ ONLY, READ WRITE, MOUNTED, READ ONLY RESTRICTED, and READ WRITE RESTRICTED modes.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All versions Every 5 minutes
Metric Name Description
Any Restricted Indicates if the PDB is open in restricted modes (Read Only Restricted or Read Write Restricted). Possible values are:
  • YES
  • NO
Mode Open mode of the PDB. Possible values are:
Read Only Restricted Indicates if the PDB is in Read Only Restricted mode. Possible values are:
  • YES
  • NO
Read Write Restricted Indicates if the PDB is in Read Write Restricted mode. Possible values are:
  • YES
  • NO

Monitoring User Account

The metrics in this category provide visibility into potential problems with the Monitoring User account (for example DBSNMP) to prevent a lapse in monitoring.

Monitoring User Connectivity Issue

This metric monitors the expiry of the Monitoring User account password, and raises an alert when the password is not updated in Oracle Enterprise Manager's target configuration.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 30 Minutes



Connection for monitoring user %USER_NAME% failed with error %PASSWORD_INVALID%.

Monitoring User Expiry

This metric monitors the potential expiry of the Monitoring User account.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 24 Hours


Not Defined

Monitoring user %USER_NAME% will expire in %ACCOUNT_EXPIRY_IN_HOURS% hours.

Database Monitoring User Privileges Check

This metric checks whether the Monitoring User account has monitoring privileges on par with the DBSNMP or SYSDBA user accounts. This is useful when using a non-DBSNMP user account.

The collection is disabled by default.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All versions

Every 48 Hours

Not Defined


Monitoring user %USER_NAME% does not have sufficient monitoring privileges under %ROLE% role. It must have monitoring privileges equal or higher than DBSNMP user.

QoS Management - Performance Satisfaction

Oracle Database Quality of Service (QoS) Management is an automated, policy-based product that monitors the workload requests for an entire system.

For more information, see Oracle Database Quality of Service Management User's Guide.

Negative PSM Duration (seconds)

This metric tracks the negative PSM duration and raises an alert when it exceeds its threshold.

Performance Satisfaction Metric (PSM) is a normalized numeric value that indicates how well a particular Performance Objective is being met, and which enables Oracle Database QoS Management to compare the performance of the system for widely differing Performance Objectives.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 5 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Negative PSM Duration value %value% for Performance Class %PC% has crossed the threshold.


This metric category contains the metrics representing database recovery.

Corrupt Data Block Count

This metric represents the count of corrupt data blocks.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Metric Summary 9iR2 or higher Evaluated and Collected every 15 minutes Operator > Warning Threshold - 0 Critical Threshold - Not Defined Number of corrupt data blocks is %value%.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the following command:

SELECT count(unique(file#)) 
  FROM v$database_block_corruption;

User Action

Perform a database recovery.

Missing Media File Count

This metric represents the count of missing media files.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Metric Summary 8i or higher Evaluated and Collected every 15 minutes Operator > Warning Threshold - 0 Critical Threshold - Not Defined Number of missing media files is %value%.

Data Source

This metric is calculated with the following command:

SELECT count(file#) 
  FROM v$datafile_header 
  WHERE recover ='YES' OR error is not null;

User Action

You should perform a database recovery.

Recovery Area

This metric category contains the Recovery Area metrics that enable you to monitor Fast Recovery Area usage. These metrics represent the respective space consumption as a percentage, and are database-level metrics that are evaluated by the database server every 15 minutes or during file creation, whichever occurs first. The metric data is also printed in the alert log. For cluster databases, these metrics are monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Recovery Area Free Space (%)

This metric represents the recovery area free space as a percentage. The Critical Threshold is set for < 3% and the Warning Threshold is set for < 15%. You cannot customize these thresholds. An alert is returned the first time the alert occurs, and the alert is not cleared until the available space rises above 15%.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 11gR202, 12c, 12cR102, 12cR2, 18c, 19c, 20c, 21c

Every 15 minutes or during file creation, whichever occurs first

15% (cannot be changed)

3% (cannot be changed)

db_recovery_file_dest_size of N

bytes is N% used, and has N remaining bytes available

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Recovery Area Used Space (%)

This metric represents the recovery area used space as a percentage. The Critical threshold is set for < 97% and the Warning threshold is set for < 85% and these can be customized. Any changes will directly be applied on the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 11gR202, 12c, 12cR102, 12cR2

Every 15 minutes or during file creation, whichever occurs first



18c, 19c, 20c, 21c

Every 15 minutes or during file creation, whichever occurs first



The value of Recovery Area Used Space (%) for RECOVERY AREA is XX.YYY.

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

SCN Growth Statistics

This metric category provides information about the Systems Change Number (SCN) in the database environment and reports on the health of the SCN growth in the database.

SCN Health

This metric displays the status of the SCN health.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour



The SCN health is %scn_health%.

SCN Max Statistics

This metric category provides information about the maximum value of the SCN.

Max SCN Jump in one second (last 24 hours)

This metric displays the maximum SCN jump in one second over the previous 24 hours.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every Hour

Not Defined

Not Defined

The maximum SCN jump in one second (last 24 hours) is %scn_max_jump%.

Segment Advisor Recommendations

This metric category contains metrics related to the Automatic Segment Advisor job.

Oracle uses the Automatic Segment Advisor job to detect segment issues regularly within maintenance windows. It determines whether the segments have unused space that can be released. The Number of recommendations is the number of segments that have Reclaimable Space. The recommendations come from all runs of the automatic segment advisor job and any user-scheduled segment advisor jobs.

Number of recommendations

Oracle uses the Automatic Segment Advisor job to detect segment issues regularly within maintenance windows. It determines whether the segments have unused space that can be released. The Number of recommendations is the number of segments that have Reclaimable Space. The recommendations come from all runs of the automatic segment advisor job and any user-scheduled segment advisor jobs.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Session Suspended

This metric category contains the metrics that represent the number of resumable sessions that are suspended due to a correctable error.

Session Suspended by Data Object Limitation

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric represents the session suspended by a data object limitation.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 5 Minutes

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Session Suspended by Quota Limitation

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric represents the session suspended by a quota limitation.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 5 Minutes

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Session Suspended by Rollback Segment Limitation

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric represents the session suspended by a rollback segment limitation.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 5 Minutes

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Session Suspended by Tablespace Limitation

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric represents the session suspended by a tablespace limitation.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 5 Minutes

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Snapshot Too Old

This metric category contains the snapshot too old metrics.

Snapshot Too Old due to Rollback Segment Limit

This database-level metric represents snapshots too old because of the rollback segment limit. This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Snapshot Too Old due to Tablespace Limit

This database-level metric represents snapshots too old because of the tablespace limit. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

User Action

View the latest Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) report. For a more detailed analysis, run ADDM from the Advisor Central link on the Database Home page.

Space Usage by Buffered Queues

This metric category monitors the space usage of buffered queues with respect to the streams pool size.

Queue Size (MB)

This metric display's the size of buffered queue, which is the total number of Mega bytes allocated for all messages and metadata.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Size of buffered queue %schema%.%queue_name% is %value% MB.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The source of this metric is the INSTANCE_NAME column from GV$INSTANCE view.

User Action

When using queues for storing or propagating messages, monitor this metric to get the instance in which the buffered queue is available.

Space Usage of Buffered Queue With Respect to Streams Pool Size (%)

This metric gives the space usage percentage of buffered queue with respect to streams pool size per buffered queue.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Buffered queue %schema%.%queue_name% has consumed %value% percent of streams pool size.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Schema Name and Queue Name objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The source of this metric is the QUEUE_SIZE AND CURRENT_SIZE columns from GV$BUFFERED_QUEUES and GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS views.

User Action

When using buffered queues for storing or propagating messages, monitor this metric to get the space usage percentage of buffered queue with respect to the allocated streams pool size.

Streams Apply Queue - Buffered

The metrics in the Streams Apply Queue - Buffered metrics category show the current total number of messages in a buffered queue to be dequeued by each apply process and the total number of messages to be dequeued by each apply process that have spilled from memory into the persistent queue table.

Streams Apply - (%)Spilled Messages

This metric usually indicates that transactions are staying longer in memory.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

11gR2, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Spilled messages for Apply process [%APPLY_NAME%] queue is %value% percent.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Apply Name object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Apply Name object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Apply Name object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The source for this metric is the target database in the gv$buffered_queues and gv$buffered_subscribers tables.

User Action

Either increase Streams Pool size and /or increase Apply Parallelism to speed up Apply processing.

Streams Apply Queue - Persistent

The metrics in the Streams Apply Queue - Persistent metrics category show the number of messages in a persistent queue in READY state and WAITING state for each apply process.

Streams Apply - (%)Messages in Waiting State

This metric shows the percentage of messages in a wait state.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2, 10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Messages waiting for Apply process [%APPLY_NAME%] queue is %value% percent.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Apply Name and Messages Delivery Mode objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Apply Name and Messages Delivery Mode objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Apply Name and Messages Delivery Mode objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is Target Database and Apply Queue.

User Action

No user action is required.

Streams Apply Reader Statistics

The reader server for an apply process dequeues messages from the queue. The reader server computes dependencies between LCRs and assembles messages into transactions. The reader server then returns the assembled transactions to the coordinator, which assigns them to idle apply servers.

The metrics in this metric category show the total number of messages dequeued by the reader server for the apply process since the last time the apply process was started.

Rate at Which Messages Are Getting Spilled (Per Sec)

The reader server for an apply process dequeues messages from the queue. The reader server computes dependencies between LCRs and assembles messages into transactions. The reader server then returns the assembled transactions to the coordinator, which assigns them to idle apply servers.

This metric shows the rate at which message are getting spilled (per second) by the reader server for the apply process since the last time the apply process was started.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9iR2, 10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Total number of spilled messages for Apply Process [%APPLY_NAME%] is %value% .

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Apply Name object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Apply Name object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Apply Name object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

For this metric, the data source is Target database, gv$streams_apply_reader view.

User Action

No user action is required.

Streams Capture Queue Statistics

The metrics in this metric category show the current total number of messages in a buffered queue that were enqueued by each capture process and the total number of messages enqueued by each capture process that have spilled from memory into the queue spill table.

If queue publishers other than the capture process enqueue messages into a buffered queue, then the values shown can include messages from these other queue publishers.

Streams Capture - (%)Spilled Messages

Queue spill indicates the messages are staying in memory longer. It can also indicate that the Propagation or Apply Process is slow to consume the enqueued messages.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Spilled messages for Capture process %CAPTURE_NAME% queue is %value% percent.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each Capture Name object. If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Capture Name object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric. To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Capture Name object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The source of this metric is the target database in the gv$buffered_queues table view.

User Action

Increase Streams Pool Size to avoid queue spills.

Streams Latency and Throughput

The metrics in the Streams Latency and Throughput metrics category collect information about latency and throughput for each capture, propagation and apply component in the database. Latency and throughput are important indicators for the overall performance of the streams path.


High Latency indicates that the components are slow.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10gR2, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Latency for Streams %streams_process_type% Process %streams_process_name% is %value% seconds.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The data source for this metric is the target database in the gv$streams_capture, gv$propagation_sender, and gv$streams_apply_server views.

User Action

Identify and correct the least performing component in the streams configuration.

Throughput (per sec)

This metric collects information about throughput for each capture, propagation and apply component in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10gR2, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Throughput for Streams %streams_process_type% Process %streams_process_name% is %value% messages/sec.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each unique combination of Streams Process Name and Streams Process Type objects, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

Not available.

User Action

The required actions are specific to your site.

Streams Processes Count

The metrics in this metric category show the total number of Streams capture processes, propagations, and apply processes at the local database. This metric also shows the number of capture processes, propagations, and apply processes that have encountered errors.

Apply Processes Having Errors

This metric shows the number of apply processes that have encountered errors at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_APPLY data dictionary view.

User Action

If an apply process has encountered errors, then correct the conditions that caused the errors.

Capture Processes Having Errors

This metric shows the number of capture processes that have encountered errors at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_CAPTURE data dictionary view.

User Action

If a capture process has encountered errors, then correct the conditions that caused the errors.

Number of Apply Processes

This metric shows the number of apply processes at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_APPLY data dictionary view.

User Action

Use this metric to determine the total number of apply processes at the local database.

Number of Capture Processes

This metric shows the number of capture processes at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_CAPTURE data dictionary view.

User Action

Use this metric to determine the total number of capture processes at the local database.

Number of Propagation Jobs

This metric shows the number of propagations at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_PROPAGATION data dictionary view.

User Action

Use this metric to determine the total number of propagations at the local database.

Propagation Errors

This metric shows the number of propagations that have encountered errors at the local database.

Target Version Collection Frequency

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 10 Minutes

Data Source

The information in this metric is in the DBA_PROPAGATION data dictionary view.

User Action

If a propagation has encountered errors, then correct the conditions that caused the errors.

Streams Propagation - Message State Stats

The metrics in this metric category collect the number of messages in Ready and Waiting state for each Propagation process.

Streams Prop - (%)Messages in Waiting State

This metric collects the number of messages in Ready state for each Propagation process.

Target Version Collection Frequency

9iR2, 10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Data Source

The source of the data for this metric is the target database in the source and destination queues.

User Action

No user action is required.

Suspended Session

The metrics in this metric category contain the metrics that represent the number of resumable sessions that are suspended due to a correctable error.

Suspended Session Count

This metric represents the number of resumable sessions currently suspended in the database.

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text


Every 5 Minutes


Not Defined

%value% session(s) are suspended.

Data Source

This metric is calculated with the following command:

SELECT count(*) 
  FROM v$resumable 
  WHERE status = 'SUSPENDED' and enabled = 'YES' 

User Action

Query the v$resumable view to see what the correctable errors are that are causing the suspension. The method to correct each error depends on the nature of the error.

Tablespace Allocation

The metrics in this metric category check the amount of space used and the amount of space allocated to each tablespace. The used space can then be compared to the allocated space to determine how much space is unused in the tablespace. This metric is intended for reporting, rather than alerts. Historical views of unused allocated free space can help DBAs to correctly size their tablespaces, eliminating wasted space.

Tablespace Allocated Space (MB)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

The allocated space of a tablespace is the sum of the current size of its data files. A portion of this allocated space is used to store data while some may be free space. If segments are added to a tablespace, or if existing segments grow, they will use the allocated free space. The allocated free space is only available to segments within the tablespace. If, over time, the segments within a tablespace are not using this free space, the allocated free space is not being used.

This metric calculates the space allocated for each tablespace. It is not intended to generate alerts. Rather it should be used in conjunction with the Allocated Space Used (MB) metric to produce a historical view of the amount of space being used and unused by each tablespace.

Data Source

Tablespace Allocated Space (MB) is calculated by looping though the tablespaces data files and totalling the size of the data files.

Tablespace Used Space (MB)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

The allocated space of a tablespace is the sum of the current size of its data files. Some of this allocated space is used to store data, and some of it may be free space. If segments are added to a tablespace, or if existing segments grow, they will use the allocated free space. The allocated free space is only available to segments within the tablespace. If, over time, the segments within a tablespace are not using this free space, then the allocated free space is being wasted.

This metric calculates the space used for each tablespace. It is not intended to generate alerts. Rather it should be used in conjunction with the Tablespace Allocated Space (MB) metric to produce a historical view of the amount of space being used and unused by each tablespace.

Data Source

Tablespace Used Space (MB) is derived from Tablespace Allocated Space (MB) Tablespace Allocated Free Space (MB) where:

Tablespace Allocated Space (MB) is calculated by looping through the tablespaces data files and totaling the size of the data files.

Tablespace Allocated Free Space (MB) is calculated by looping through the tablespaces data files and totaling the size of the free space in each data file.

Tablespaces Full

The metrics in this metric category check for the amount of space used by each tablespace. The used space is then compared to the available free space to determine tablespace fullness. The available free space accounts for the maximum data file size as well as available disk space. This means that a tablespace will not be flagged as full if data files can extend and there is enough disk space available for them to extend.

Tablespace Free Space (MB)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

As segments within a tablespace grow, the available free space decreases. If there is no longer any available free space, meaning data files reached their maximum size or there is no more disk space, then the creation of new segments or the extension of existing segments will fail.

This metric checks for the total available free space in each tablespace. This metric is intended for larger tablespaces, where the Available Space Used (%) metric is less meaningful. If the available free space falls below the size specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

If the version of the monitored database target is Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later and the tablespace uses Local Extent Management, then the Oracle Database Server evaluates this metric internally every 10 minutes. Alternatively, if the version of the monitored Database target is Oracle 9i or earlier, or the tablespace uses Dictionary Extent Management, then the Oracle Management Agent tests the value of this metric every 30 minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

8i, 9i

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Tablespace [%name%] has [%value% mbytes] free

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Generated By Database Server

Data Source

The source of the data for this metric is MaximumSize Total Used Space where:

  • TotalUsedSpace: Total used space in MB of tablespace.

  • MaximumSize: Maximum size (in MB) of the tablespace. The maximum size is determined by looping through the tablespaces data files, as well as additional free space on the disk that would be available for the tablespace should a data file autoextend.

User Action

Perform one of the following:

  • Increase the size of the tablespace by: Enabling automatic extension for one of its existing data files, manually resizing one of its existing data files, or adding a new data file.

  • If the tablespace is suffering from tablespace free space fragmentation problems, consider reorganizing the entire tablespace.

  • Relocate segments to another tablespace, thereby increasing the free space in this tablespace.

  • Run the Segment Advisor on the tablespace.

Tablespace Space Used (%)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

As segments within a tablespace grow, the available free space decreases. If there is no longer any available free space, meaning data files have reached their maximum size or there is no more disk space, then the creation of new segments or the extension of existing segments will fail.

This metric checks the Available Space Used (%) for each tablespace. If the percentage of used space is greater than the values specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

If the version of the monitored database target is Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later and the tablespace uses Local Extent Management, then the Oracle Database Server evaluates this metric internally every 10 minutes. Alternatively, if the version of the monitored Database target is Oracle 9i or earlier, or the tablespace uses Dictionary Extent Management, then the Oracle Management Agent tests the value of this metric every 30 minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

8i, 9i

Every 30 Minutes



Tablespace [%name%] is [%value% percent] full

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes



Generated By Database Server

Data Source

This metric is calculated with the following command where:

  • TotalUsedSpace: total used space in MB of tablespace.

  • MaximumSize: Maximum size (in MB) of the tablespace. The maximum size is determined by looping through the tablespaces data files, as well as additional free space on the disk that would be available for the tablespace should a data file autoextend.

(TotalUsedSpace / MaximumSize) * 100

For additional information about the data source, refer to the fullTbsp.pl Perl script located in the sysman/admin/scripts directory.

User Action

Perform one of the following:

  • Increase the size of the tablespace by: Enabling automatic extension for one of its existing data files, manually resizing one of its existing data files, or adding a new data file.

  • If the tablespace is suffering from tablespace free space fragmentation problems, consider reorganizing the entire tablespace.

  • Relocate segments to another tablespace, thus increasing the free space in this tablespace.

  • Run the Segment Advisor on the tablespace.

Tablespaces Full (dictionary managed)

The metrics in this metric category check for the amount of space used by each tablespace. The used space is then compared to the available free space to determine tablespace fullness. The available free space accounts for the maximum data file size as well as available disk space. This means that a tablespace will not be flagged as full if data files can extend, and there is enough disk space available for them to extend.

Tablespace Free Space (MB) (dictionary managed)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

As segments within a tablespace grow, the available free space decreases. If there is no longer any available free space, meaning data files have reached their maximum size or there is no more disk space, then the creation of new segments or the extension of existing segments will fail.

This metric checks for the total available free space in each tablespace. This metric is intended for larger tablespaces, where the Available Space Used (%) metric is less meaningful. If the available free space falls below the size specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

If the version of the monitored database target is Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later and the tablespace uses Local Extent Management, then the Oracle Database Server evaluates this metric internally every 10 minutes. Alternatively, if the version of the monitored Database target is Oracle 9i or earlier, or the tablespace uses Dictionary Extent Management, then the Oracle Management Agent tests the value of this metric every 30 minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

Tablespace [%name%] has [%value% mbytes] free.

Data Source

The source of the data for this metric is MaximumSize Total Used Space where:

  • TotalUsedSpace: Total used space in MB of tablespace.

  • MaximumSize: Maximum size (in MB) of the tablespace. The maximum size is determined by looping through the tablespaces data files, as well as additional free space on the disk that would be available for the tablespace should a data file autoextend.

Tablespace Space Used (%) (dictionary managed)

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

As segments within a tablespace grow, the available free space decreases. If there is no longer any available free space, meaning data files have reached their maximum size or there is no more disk space, then the creation of new segments or the extension of existing segments will fail.

This metric checks the Available Space Used (%) for each tablespace. If the percentage of used space is greater than the values specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated.

If the version of the monitored database target is Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later and the tablespace uses Local Extent Management, then the Oracle Database Server evaluates this metric internally every 10 minutes. Alternatively, if the version of the monitored Database target is Oracle 9i or earlier, or the tablespace uses Dictionary Extent Management, then the Oracle Management Agent tests the value of this metric every 30 minutes.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

10g, 11g, 12c

Every 30 Minutes



Tablespace [%name%] is [%value% percent] full

Data Source

The source of the data for this metric is (TotalUsedSpace / MaximumSize) * 100 where:

  • TotalUsedSpace: Total used space in MB of tablespace.

  • MaximumSize: Maximum size (in MB) of the tablespace. The maximum size is determined by looping through the tablespaces data files, as well as additional free space on the disk that would be available for the tablespace should a data file autoextend.

User Action

Perform one of the following:

  • Increase the size of the tablespace by: Enabling automatic extension for one of its existing data files, manually resizing one of its existing data files, or adding a new data file.

  • If the tablespace is suffering from tablespace free space fragmentation problems, consider reorganizing the entire tablespace.

  • Relocate segments to another tablespace, thereby increasing the free space in this tablespace.

  • Run the Segment Advisor on the tablespace.

Tablespaces With Problem Segments

The metrics in this metric category check for the following:

  • The largest chunk-free space in the tablespace. If any table, index, cluster, or rollback segment within the tablespace cannot allocate one additional extent, then an alert is generated.

  • Whether any of the segments in the tablespace are approaching their maximum extents. If, for any segment, the maximum number of extents minus the number of existing extents is less than 2, an alert is generated.

Only the tablespaces with problem segments are returned as results.

Segments Approaching Maximum Extents Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric checks for segments nearing the upper limit of the number of maximum extents. If the number of segments is greater than the values specified in the threshold arguments, a warning or critical alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 Hours


Not Defined

%value% segments in %name% tablespace approaching max extents.

Data Source

The source of the data for this metric is the number of segments for which the maximum number of extents minus the number of existing extents is less than 2.

For additional information about the data source, refer to the problemTbsp.pl Perl script located in the sysman/admin/scripts directory.

User Action

If possible, increase the value of the segments MAXEXTENTS storage parameter. Otherwise, rebuild the segment with a larger extent size ensuring the extents within a segment are the same size by using a locally managed tablespace. For a dictionary managed tablespace, specify STORAGE parameters where NEXT=INITIAL and PCTINCREASE = 0.

Segments Not Able to Extend Count

This is a database-level metric. For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric checks for segments that cannot allocate an additional extent. If the number of segments is greater than the values specified in the threshold arguments, a warning or critical alert is generated.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 Hours


Not Defined

%value% segments in %name% tablespace unable to extend.

Data Source

After checking for the largest chunk free space in the tablespace, this is the number of segments that cannot allocate an additional extent.

For additional information about the data source, refer to the problemTbsp.pl Perl script located in the sysman/admin/scripts directory.

User Action

Perform one of the following:

  • Increase the size of the tablespace by enabling automatic extension for one of its existing data files, manually resizing one of its existing data files, or adding a new data file.

  • If the tablespace is suffering from tablespace free space fragmentation problems, consider reorganizing the entire tablespace.

  • Relocate segments to another tablespace, thereby increasing the free space in this tablespace.

Temporary File Status

This metric category contains the Temporary File Status metric.

Temporary File Id

The absolute file number of the temporary file, used to join with other database tables and views to retrieve additional information.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

Every 15 Minutes


Not Defined

The temporary file %NAME% is %STATUS%.

Top Wait Events

This section provides information on the metrics in the Top Wait Events category.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency
All versions Every 15 minutes
Metric Name Description
Average Foreground Wait Time (millisecond) The average foreground wait time, in milliseconds.
Average Wait Time (millisecond) The average wait time, in milliseconds.
Total Foreground Wait Time (second) The total foreground wait time, in seconds.
Total Number of Foreground Waits The total number of foreground waits.
Total Number of Waits The total number of waits.
Total Wait Time (second) The total wait time, in seconds.
Wait Class Name The name of the wait class.

Total Objects by Schema

The metrics in this metric category contain the metric that provides the number of database objects in a schema.

Total Object Count

This metric displays the total number of database objects in a schema.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 24 Hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% object(s) exist in the %owner% schema.

Total Tables by Schema

The metrics in this metric category provide the number of tables in a schema.

Total Table Count

This metric displays the total number of tables in a schema.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 24 Hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% table(s) exist in the %owner% schema.

Unusable Indexes

This metric category represents the number of unusable indexes in the database.

Unusable Index Count

This metric represents the total unusable index count in the database.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Unusable Index Count in the database is %value%

Data Source

The data is derived from the dba_indexes, dba_ind_partitions, and dba_ind_subpartitions views.

User Action

The “Rebuild Unusable Indexes” corrective action could be setup against the incident to automatically attempt to rebuild the unusable indexes in the database. This lets the user to specify various rebuild options and the schemas in which the indexes should be rebuilt. In addition, the incident also enables the user to rebuild the unusable indexes from the Cloud Control console.

Unusable Indexes by Schema

This metric category represents the number of unusable indexes in each schema.

Unusable Index Count by Schema

This metric represents the total number of unusable indexes per schema.

Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

All Versions

Every 24 hours

Not Defined

Not Defined

Unusable Index Count in %Unusable_Index_owner% schema is %value%

Multiple Tresholds

Different warning and critical threshold values could be set for each Unusable Index Owner (schema) object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any Unusable Index Owner object, those thresholds could be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each Unusable Index Owner object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The data is derived from the dba_indexes, dba_ind_partitions, and dba_ind_subpartitions views.

User Action

The “Rebuild Unusable Indexes” corrective action could be setup against the incident to automatically attempt to rebuild the unusable indexes in each Unusable Index Owner (schema) object. This lets the user to specify various rebuild options that should be used for the operation. In addition, the incident also enables the user to rebuild the unusable indexes from the Cloud Control console.

User Block

The metrics in this metric category contain the metrics that tell to what extent, and how consistently, a given session is blocking multiple other sessions.

Blocking Session Count

For cluster databases, this metric is monitored at the cluster database target level and not by member instances.

This metric signifies that a database user is blocking at least one other user from performing an action, such as updating a table. An alert is generated if the number of consecutive blocking occurrences reaches the specified value. The sessions being blocked can come from different instances.


The catblock.sql script needs to be run on the managed database prior to using the User Blocks test. This script creates some additional tables, view, and public synonyms that are required by the User Blocks test.
Target Version Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

Not Available

Every 5 Minutes


Not Defined

Session %sid% blocking %value% other sessions for all instances.

Data Source

This metric is calculated using the following command:

SELECT blocking_sid, num_blocked 
  FROM ( SELECT blocking_sid, SUM(num_blocked) num_blocked 
  FROM ( SELECT l.id1, l.id2, 
                MAX(DECODE(l.block, 1, i.instance_name||'-'||l.sid, 
                2, i.instance_name||'-'||l.sid, 0 )) blocking_sid, 
                SUM(DECODE(l.request, 0, 0, 1 )) num_blocked 
          FROM gv$lock l, gv$instance i 
          WHERE ( l.block!= 0 OR l.request > 0 ) AND 
                  l.inst_id = i.inst_id 
                  GROUP BY l.id1, l.id2) 
  GROUP BY blocking_sid 
  ORDER BY num_blocked DESC) 
  WHERE num_blocked != 0 

User Action

Either have the user who is blocking other users rollback the transaction, or wait until the blocking transaction has been committed.

User Locks

The metrics in this metric category provide information regarding user locks.

Enterprise Manager will issue the alert when the Maximum Blocked Session Count or maximum blocked DB time (seconds) of transactional locks: TM, TX, UL reach the threshold.

Maximum Blocked DB Time (seconds)

This metric represents the maximum time wasted in any given lock chain, not for the total time wasted by everyone in any lock chain.

Target Version Key Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

lockType= TM

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% seconds in DB Time is spent waiting for %lockType% lock.

9i, 10g, 11g, 12g

lockType= TX

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% seconds in DB Time is spent waiting for %lockType% lock.

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

lockType = UL

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% seconds in DB Time is spent waiting for %lockType% lock.

Multiple Thresholds

For this metric you can set different warning and critical threshold values for each User Lock Type object.

If warning or critical threshold values are currently set for any User Lock Type object, those thresholds can be viewed on the Metric Detail page for this metric.

To specify or change warning or critical threshold values for each User Lock Type object, use the Edit Thresholds page.

Data Source

The data for the metric is retrieved from database view gv$session.

User Action

You can set the threshold for warning alert or critical alert for maximum Blocked DB Time (seconds). When maximum time wasted in any given lock chain reaches the threshold, Enterprise Manager will issue the alert.

Maximum Blocked Session Count

This metric represents the maximum length of any lock chain, not for the total number of people stuck in lock chains.

Target Version Key Evaluation and Collection Frequency Default Warning Threshold Default Critical Threshold Alert Text

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

lockType= TM

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% sessions are blocked by %lockType% lock.

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

lockType= TX

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% sessions are blocked by %lockType% lock.

9i, 10g, 11g, 12c

lockType= UL

Every 10 Minutes

Not Defined

Not Defined

%value% sessions are blocked by %lockType% lock.