Before you Begin

This tutorial guides you through the required steps for patching an Oracle Pluggable database using Oracle Enterprise Manager Fleet Maintenance User interface. The time to complete this task is approximately 1 hour.

This tutorial can also be used for the Upgrade Non-CDB as Pluggable Database use case, allowing you to take a non Container Database and upgrade it into a new Pluggable Database.


Database Lifecycle Management Pack, allows administrators to maintain versioned sets of database images, for various supported platforms, that can later be used to effectively patch database, Grid Infrastructure (GI), Single Instance High Availability (SIHA), and RAC configurations.

Terminology for this tutorial:

  • Image: This represents the versioned set of images, all belonging to the same release and platform.
  • Version:This represents a version of the gold image created over time. Whenever the user creates a new gold image, it will get added to the Image as a new Version.
  • Gold image: The current version of the Image that represents the gold standard for this Image.
All databases get subscribed to the Image, Enterprise Manager classifies them as follows:
  • Running on a particular version of the image: Databases running on the current version are labelled compliant, others are not compliant
  • Not running on any version: These databases considered drifters and not compliant.

For more information on Fleet Maintenance see Database Fleet Maintenance in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Database Lifecycle Management Administrator's Guide.

Process Overview

Fleet Maintenance Overview
Description of the illustration Fleet_Overview.png

What Do You Need?

  • Enterprise Manager version 13.5 Release Update 4 or higher. For the latest Enterprise Manager Release Updates, see Installation and Upgrade.
  • An Oracle Container database discovered in Enterprise Manager. This tutorial uses an Oracle Container database 19c named sicDB1, version, running on a Linux system.
  • An Oracle Pluggable database discovered in Enterprise Manager. This tutorial uses an Oracle Pluggable database 19c named slcdb1_PDB1, slcdb1_PDB2, slcdb1_PDB3, version, running on a Linux system.

    For an Upgrade Non-CDB as Pluggable Database use case, a non container database needs to be used.

  • A reference Oracle database home, which is a database Oracle Home already patched to the desired patch level. This reference home will be used to create the Gold Image. This tutorial is using an existing Oracle Home, patched to the level version and discovered in EM. For more information on how to discover an oracle home see this Discovery section. For concepts and supported image creation tasks, see also Creating a Gold Image and Fleet Maintenance Emergency Patching.
  • Access to the target database and its host. In this example, the EM administrator has root access to the host the database resides on and privileged credentials set up for the database. For more information on how to set up your access see Checking Host Readiness Before Provisioning or Patching.
  • Access to the Enterprise Manager command line interface utility, emcli. For more information on how to set up EM CLI see Getting Started with EM CLI.
  • Access to the Enterprise Manager console.

Credentials that will be used in this tutorial:

Credential Description
Name User specified unique name of the operation
Normal Credential Enter in the format of <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
<Named Credential>: Named credential that enables host access as the operating system user used for installing the Oracle Home
<Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential
Privilege Credential Enter in the format of <Named Credential: Credential Owner>
<Named Credential>: Named credential that enables host access as root for running root scripts
<Credential Owner>: The Enterprise Manager user who owns this Named Credential
Database Credential Enter in the format of <Database Credential: Credential Owner>
Named SYSDBA credentials that enable database actions

This tutorial will use Preferred Credentials as the best practice way of performing Fleet Maintenance via the UI, the preferred credentials must be set for all targets.

Step 1: Analyze Your Environment

Before you start a patching task, run an analysis of your environment and check the access to the host you will be patching.

  1. First, check your access to the database host. Log into to the Enterprise Manager console as an Administrator and navigate to Setup, then Security, then Named Credentials. Select the credential for the database host and click Edit. Click on Test and Save, to test your access.
  2. Analyze yor database estate for configuration sprawl using the Software Standardization Advisor. Click Targets, then Databases. Under Administration, click Software Standardization Advisor. The resulting graphics depict the current configuration and the recommended configuration. To generate reports, click Generate Report. The Recommended Configuration spreadsheet shows you the recommended database versions to standardize on. In this case, the recommended patch level is
  3. Review the status of your database targets. Ensure that the target database to be patched shows as UP in the status field, represented by a green arrow.

Step 2: Create the Gold Image

  1. Log in to the host where you have set up EM CLI and create an input file with the details of your reference Oracle Home. In this case, the input file is called db19c.inp, saved in the /home/oracle/patch_files directory. This file includes the exact name of the reference Oracle Home as it is discovered in EM and it looks like this:
    IMAGE_DESCRIPTION=Gold Image 19c
    IMAGE_SWLIB_LOC=Fleet Maintenance/

    Description of Input File Parameters

    Parameter Description
    IMAGE_NAME, IMAGE_DESCRIPTION, VERSION_NAME User specified unique name for the operation
    REF_TARGET_NAME The Oracle home in Enterprise Manager that has all current patches applied and can be used as reference Oracle home.
    IMAGE_SWLIB_LOC The path in the software library(Enterprise, then Provisioning and Patching, then Software Library) where the gold image will be stored. This should be created by the SYSMAN user.
    STORAGE_TYPE_FOR_SWLIB Storage type configured for software library.
    STORAGE_NAME_FOR_SWLIB Storage name for the software library, located at: Setup > Provisioning and Patching > Software Library.
    REF_HOST_CREDENTIALS The credentials used to connect to the target host. The format for the credential is: <name:credential owner>
    workingDir Path of temp directory accessible to all hosts if the location needs to be different from /tmp. For this example we will use /patch_dir

  2. A standard software configuration is referred to as a Gold Image. Create a new Gold Image based on your reference Oracle Home:
    emcli login -username=SYSMAN
    emcli db_software_maintenance -createSoftwareImage -input_file="data:/home/oracle/patch_files/db19c.inp"


    Create Gold Image operation has been submitted successfully with the instance name : 'CreateGoldImageProfile_SYSMAN__21_2021_06_45_AM' and execution_guid='AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6'
    You can track the status of operation using the following:
    EMCLI: emcli get_instance_status -exec=AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6
    Browser: https://EM Host:EM Port/em/faces/core-jobs-procedureExecutionTracking?executionGUID=AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6
    Verb createSoftwareImage completed successfully


    To review the execution activity details in Enterprise Manager navigate, Enterprise, then Provisioning and Patching, then Procedure Activity. Click on your execution under the Run column.
  3. Check the list of all Gold Images available for deployment. Your newly created image should be on this list:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -getImages


    =================================================================================================== AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6 DB19 Gold Image 19c 2021-07-21 20:45:50.0 MYADMIN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rows: 1 Verb getImages completed successfully

Step 3: Subscribe the database to the Gold Image

  1. View the software version available for a specific image:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -getVersions -image_id=AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6


    =================================================================================================== POSITION     VERSION ID     VERSION NAME     DATE CREATED     EXTERNAL ID     HASH CODE     STATUS =================================================================================================== 1 A5F368AF3DE87756E053 19.10 2021-05-18 21:28:43. oracle:default[...] C2891773972:B5D7872C CURRENT
  2. Verify that the newly created Gold Image is applicable. Execute the following command to perform a check to identify the patch conflicts:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -checkApplicability -image_id="AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6" -target_list=sicDB1 -target_type=oracle_database > /home/oracle/patch_files/applicability.out
    cat /home/oracle/patch_files/applicability.out


    Checking applicability for target [sicDB1]...
    Image is applicable
    More Information: Image has 996 additional bugs fixed.
    Following are the bugs list:

    =================================================================================================== #    BUG#       PATCH#       PATCH UPI        BUG DESCRIPTION =================================================================================================== 1    27006120    30872794      INFRASTRUCTURE FOR BACKPORTING
    Total Rows: 996

    Following are the patches:

    =================================================================================================== PATCH#        PATCH DESCRIPTION =================================================================================================== 30872794      Database Release Update : (30872794) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30112122      Database Release Update : (30403662) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30805598      OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (30805598) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rows: 3

    The report typically shows three distinct categories:
    • Applicable: The image and database target contain the same set of bug fixes. This image can be applied to the specified target.
    • Applicable and Image has more bug fixes: The image contains more bug fixes than those applied on the database, the list of extra bugs is displayed. The image can be applied to the specified target.
    • Not Applicable: The database contains more bug fixes than those included in the image, the list of missing bugs is displayed. In this case, you have to create a new version of the image that includes the missing bug fixes. In this scenario, the image is applicable.
  3. Subscribe the database target sicDB1 to the Gold Image you created:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -subscribeTarget -target_name=sicDB1 -target_type=oracle_database -image_id="AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6"


    Target 'sicDB1' subscribed successfully. Verb subscribeTarget completed successfully


    Multiple databases can be subscribed to one image. EM CLI allows subscribing one database as a time.
  4. Verify the subscription:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -getImageSubscriptions -image_id=AAFAB54748EF28A0E0533400000A43D6


    ************************************************************************************** TARGETNAME   TARGETTYPE   VERSIONNAME    DATESUBSCRIBED

    sicDB1    DATABASE    81044 Version   2021-05-18 21:29:08.0
    Total Rows:1

Step 4: Schedule the Patch Flow

In this step you will use the Enterprise Manager UI to schedule the entire patching operation in one flow: Deploy Software, Migrate Listener and Update Database. This gives you the convenience of scheduling all three operations in one flow.

Log into Enterprise Manager and navigate to Targets select, Databases select, Administration select, Fleet Maintenance. This will take you to the main Fleet Maintenance screen.

  1. Targets: In this step select the Pluggable database targets to be patched by checkmarking them. Databases can be filtered by the Target Type box, selecting Pluggable Databases.


    For Non-CDB to PDB upgrades, you can filter by selecting Upgrade Non-CDB as Pluggable Database under Operation to filter databases that are available for this type of upgrade.
    Targets Screen Overview
    Description of the illustration Targets.png

    Once the target databases have been selected click Next.

  2. Operations: The second step you will select the Fleet Maintenance Tasks to be performed on the previously selected databases. For this example we will select Attach Existing CDB.


    For Non-CDB to PDB upgrades, the available option is Attach to Destination CDB, select an available Destination CDB best suited for the upgrade.

    If you wish to create a new CDB instead, choose Deploy New CDB under the Destination CDB option and enter the pertinent information for the Software Deployment and Migrate the Listener fields.

  3. Listener Migration
    Description of the illustration updatedb.png
    • Software Deployment: This field will be grayed out for this example. This is only used when a new CDB is created.
    • Migrate the Listener: This field will be grayed out for this example. This is only used when a new CDB is created.
    • Attach Existing CDB: Select the destination CDB from the drop down menu. Set the time for the database update to start, select Immediately or Later and enter a later start time.


      • If the destination CDB is not subscribed to any image Enterprise Manager will explicitly subscribe the CDB to the same image as the source target. If the Destination CDB is already subscribed an image Enterprise Manager will not do anything and won't explicitly subscribe to the image.
      • Once the destination CDB is subscribed to an image it will appear on the Fleet Maintenance UI page under the image it is subscribed to.
      • Once the PDB is relocated to the destination CDB the source PDB will now appear under the destination CDB and the operation status will depend on the destination CDB's subscription.
    • Update PDB: Set the time for the database update to start, select Immediately or Later and enter a later start time.
    • Tip:

      For Non-CDB to PDB upgrades, this available option is Upgrade Database. Enter a name for the new PDB to be created under Destination PDB Name.
      Non CDB
      Description of the illustration updatedb.png
    • Enter the required Credentials, by selecting Preferred Credentials for all three (Normal Host, Privileged Host and SYSDBA Database). This is the recommended best practices for Credentials when using the Fleet Management UI.
    • Options: Make sure the work directory is located in an easily accessed location across all hosts. For this example we will use: /tmp.
      Options and Scripts Overview
      Description of the illustration options_scripts2.png
    • Scripts: Click on Add to add a Pre-staged or Post-staged update script. Select their location under Script Location, checkmark Run as Root, and click Add.

    Once all Fleet Maintenance Tasks, Options and Scripts have been correctly configured click Next.
  4. Review: that the information entered in the previous steps is correct. Make sure all targets are added and that their Target Status shows with a green up arrow. Verify that Attach CDB and Update show blue Flags for all PDBs.
    Review Targets Overview
    Description of the illustration review1.png

    In the lower section of the Review screen, verify that credential information is set to Preferred. Review that the information for Attach Existing CDB and Update PDB are correct.

    Review Targets Overview
    Description of the illustration review2.png

    Once you have verified all settings are correct in the review screen click Validate and select a Quick validation from the pop-up.

    Once the Quick validation is successful, click Close to return to the Review screen. To run the Fleet Maintenance tasks click on Submit, this will open a pop-up where you can optionally enter a name for this Fleet Maintenance Operation. To launch the operation click Submit.

    Submit Fleet Maintenance Operation
    Description of the illustration submit.png

  5. To review the progress of the Fleet Maintenance Operation, click Monitor Progress, this will take you to the Provisioning and Patching, Procedure Activity page.
    Procedural Activity Overview
    Description of the illustration activity.png

Step 5: Cleanup the Old Oracle Homes

A cleanup operation is recommended to remove old Oracle Home that is no longer used. This will remove old Oracle Home and free up valuable disk space.

  1. Run a report to list the possible Oracle Homes to be cleaned up:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation -name="Cleanup old oracle homes" -purpose=CLEANUP_SOFTWARE -target_type=oracle_database -normal_credential=ORACLE:MYADMIN -privilege_credential=ROOT:MYADMIN -target_list=sicDB1 -workDir=/tmp -reportOnly=true


    Processing cleanup database software.
    The following Oracle homes are chosen for removal by policy.
    =================================================================================================== NO.      HOST      ORACLE HOME    TARGET NAME    NO. OF ASSOCIATED TARGETS =================================================================================================== 1   sicDB1  /u01/app/1907/hr  sicDB1   0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rows: 1

    Verb performOperation completed successfully
  2. Tip:

    By default, Enterprise Manager retains the latest three Oracle Homes. This provides opportunity for you to rollback the database.
    This tutorial uses only one home in its example.
  3. Cleanup the Oracle Home listed in the report:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation -name="Cleanup old oracle homes" -purpose=CLEANUP_SOFTWARE -target_type=oracle_database -normal_credential=ORACLE:MYADMIN -privilege_credential=ROOT:MYADMIN -target_list=sicDB1 -workDir=/tmp


    Processing cleanup database software.
    The following Oracle homes are chosen for removal by policy.
    =================================================================================================== NO.     HOST         ORACLE HOME   TARGET NAME   NO. OF ASSOCIATED TARGETS =================================================================================================== 1   sicDB1   /u01/app/1907/hr   sicDB1   0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Rows: 1
    Cleaning up targets sicDB1.sample.com_3478

    To review the cleanup activity details in Enterprise Manager, go to Enterprise, then Provisioning and Patching, then Procedure Activity. Click on CLEANUP_SOFTWARE_(date and time) under the Run column.

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