Create an FPP Gold Image

After registration of your FPP server you need to create the Gold Image. For FPP patching the Gold Image will reside in the FPP server and not in Enterprise Manager.

Follow these steps to create and FPP Gold Image:
  1. Verify the Oracle Home name and location. From Enterprise Manager menu bar, navigate to the Targets drop-down menu and then select All Targets. In the All Targets page, in the upper left search field, type or copy the FPP Oracle Home name.
  2. Run the following EM CLI command to create the Gold Image: emcli db_software_maintenance -createSoftwareImage -input_file="data:/<location>/fpp_image". The input file must contain the information obtained in Step 1, the following is a sample input file:
    IMAGE_DESCRIPTION=GI gold image for release 19C 
  3. Once the deployment procedure completes, check the status of the Gold Image with the emcli db_software_maintenance -getImages command. A table with the images is displayed, the following is a sample result:
    IMAGE ID                  IMAGE NAME              IMAGE TYPE         DESCRIPTION                  VERSION                   CREATION DATE             OWNER
    E79A3E2EAE871EBFE0533081  <SERVER>:DB_gold_image     FPP          Database gold image for                2022-09-01 13:57:15.0       SYSMAN
    4564041B                  _19.16                                version 19.16
    E7B5422D9914364EE0533081  <SERVER>:GI_gold_image     FPP         GI gold image for vesrio                2022-09-02 22:01:13.0       SYSMAN
    4564CC9F                  _19.16                                n 19.16


    The Image Type column will show Software Library for Enterprise Manager native images and FPP for FPP server images.
  4. Subscribe the target Grid Infrastructure home to the Gold Image. This is a one time step and is not required when adding new versions of future releases to this Gold Image. To perform this step run the following EM CLI command:
    emcli db_software_maintenance -subscribeTarget -target_name=<CLUSTERNAME>-cluster -target_type=cluster -image_id=<IMAGE ID>
Once all steps have been completed successfully you can now deploy the Gold Image and complete Grid Infrastructure patching. For more information on Gold Image creations see: Create a Gold Image Using EMCLI.