Opt in the FPP Image Series

After completing the prerequisites you have opt in your FPP Image Series to be able to create the Gold Image.

  1. Review available FPP Server series, by querying the FPP server and listing the image series.
    • EM CLI, use the following command:
      emcli db_software_maintenance  -setup -getFPPSeries
      Where the input file contains the following:
      "targetName": "<GI_DATABASE>",  
      "targetType": "oracle_database" 
    • REST API, using the /em/api/goldImages/actions/getFppSeries URI and POST method.
  2. List all available FPP images.
    • EM CLI, use the following command:
      emcli db_software_maintenance  -setup -getFPPImages
      Where the input file contains the following:
      "seriesId": "<Series ID>",  
      "seriesName": "<Series Name>",
      "serverName": "<Server Name>"
    • REST API, using the /em/api/goldImages/actions/getFppImages URI and POST method, enter the following payload:
      "seriesId": "<Series ID>",  
      "seriesName": "<Series Name>",
      "serverName": "<Server Name>"
  3. Opt in the FPP series, this step stores the image series information in Enterprise Manager.
    • EM CLI, use the following command:
      emcli db_software_maintenance  -setup -optInFPPSeries -input_file="data:<fileLocation>"
      Where the input file contains the following:
      "seriesId": "<Image series ID>",
      "currentVersionImageId":"<Image ID>"     
    • REST API, using the /em/api/goldImages/actions/fppSeriesOptIn URI and POST method, enter the following payload:
      "seriesId": "<Series ID>",
      "seriesName": "<Series name>",
      "serverName": "<Server name>",
      "currentVersionImageId": "<Image ID>"


    "currentVersionImageId": "<Image ID>" is an optional parameter, if it is not specified the latest image created in the series is marked as current.