FPP Patching Using EM CLI

To deploy software images and patch using EM CLI use the following examples.

Deploy a Gold Image for a Database

To deploy a software image use the EM CLI command
emcli db_software_maintenance -performOperation 
-name="Deploy 19.14 RAC Home" 
The input file must contain the following parameters:
homeNamePrefix=<User defined Oracle Home name>


  • If there is more than one target in the target_list user will have to specify workingCopyPrefix instead of workingCopy.
  • homeNamePrefix=<User defined Oracle Home name>: Allows you to define a custom Oracle Home name prefix, allowing for the ability to discover Oracle Homes with custom name in deployment command. If the home name prefix is not specified, the default value will be used. This variable is available starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release update 20 (

Patch a Database

To patch a database use the EM CLI command
emcli db_software_maintenance 
-performOperation -name="Update dbfpp" 

First deploy the software on all standby databases, then patch all standby databases. Once the standby process is complete, repeat on primary databases by first deploying the software and then patching.