Image Maintenance

To begin creating a Gold Image using the Fleet Maintenance UI log in to Enterprise Manager, navigate to Targets, and select Databases. Once in the Databases screen navigate to Administration, click on Fleet Maintenance Hub.

Create a Gold Image

  1. In the Fleet Maintenance Hub page, select the Patch Recommendations for Images tile and click on the Create Image button
  2. The Create Image screen appears at the first step Image Details, enter the following information:
    • Source Details: Select the reference Oracle Home, and work directory. Once the Oracle Home has been selected if the reference home has missing patch recommendations you can select whether to patch the selected Oracle Home, or clone the selected Oracle Home and patch the cloned home.

      If you select to clone the selected Oracle Home and patch the cloned home, enter the cloned home path and select whether you want to delete the cloned home after image creation.

    • Credentials: Enter the Normal and Privileged host credentials. Click the Named radio button if you are using named credentials.
    • New Image Details: Verify the information displayed and enter the Version Name. This field is not editable when creating a new image. To edit you will need to Create Image.
    • Storage: Select the destination, storage type for the Software Library (NFS or OMS Shared), enter the storage name for the Software Library, and the image location in Software Library.
    Once complete, click Next.
  3. In the Add Patches step select all patches that will be applied, and click Next.


    Patches must be saved within Enterprise Manager's software library to be applied.
  4. In the final Review screen verify that all the information captured is correct. You can preview the JSON file that will be used to submit the procedure by clicking on Preview JSON. Once you have reviewed and are ready to proceed with creating the Gold Image click Submit.


    To verify the status of the Gold Image creation activity navigate to the Procedure Activity dashboard and monitor the status in real time.

    The Gold Image has been successfully created.

For Enterprise Manger releases previous to 13.5 Release Update 20 (, follow the EM CLI steps outlined here: Image Maintenance.

Create a new version of the image

  1. In the Fleet Maintenance Hub page, select the Patch Recommendations for Images tile and select the image. Navigate to Actions and click on New Version.
  2. The Create Image screen appears at the first step Image Details, enter the following information:
    • Source Details: Select the reference Oracle Home, and work directory. Once the Oracle Home has been selected if the reference home has missing patch recommendations you can select whether to patch the selected Oracle Home, or clone the selected Oracle Home and patch the cloned home.

      If you select to clone the selected Oracle Home and patch the cloned home, enter the cloned home path and select whether you want to delete the cloned home after image creation.

    • Credentials: Enter the Normal and Privileged host credentials. Click the Named radio button if you are using named credentials.
    • New Image Details: Verify the information displayed and enter the Version Name. This field is not editable when creating a new image. To edit you will need to Create Image.
    • Storage: Select the destination, storage type for the Software Library (NFS or OMS Shared), enter the storage name for the Software Library, and the image location in Software Library.
    Once complete, click Next.
  3. In the Add Patches step select all patches that will be applied, and click Next.


    Patches must be saved within Enterprise Manager's software library to be applied.
  4. In the final Review screen verify that all the information captured is correct. You can preview the JSON file that will be used to submit the procedure by clicking on Preview JSON. Once you have reviewed and are ready to proceed with creating the Gold Image click Submit.


    To verify the status of the Gold Image creation activity navigate to the Procedure Activity dashboard and monitor the status in real time.

    The Gold Image has been successfully created.

Retrieve a List of Available Gold Images

To retrieve a list of available Gold Images in the Fleet Maintenance Hub page, select the Patch Recommendations for Images tile. A list of images will populate the table, under Patch Recommendations all images with a Green icon will be at the Gold Image standard level.

Change a version status to current

Once the new Gold Image has been created with the latest patches, in the Fleet Maintenance Hub the Gold Image will show with a yellow exclamation icon. This means that the image is up to date, but is not yet marked as current. To mark as current follow these steps:
  1. Click on the Actions menu to the right of the Gold Image and click on Make Image Version Current.
  2. A popup will show all versions with that image, select the version created in the previous steps and click Update on the upper right hand side. Once the update has successfully completed, click Close to return to the Fleet Maintenance Hub page.
The Gold Image will now show with a green check mark icon, and the image version has been marked current.

Editable parameters of Image and Version

To edit the parameters of an image or version within an image, select the Patch Recommendations for Images tile and choose the image that needs editing, click on the action menu and select Manage Image.

Image: Under Image Details, the Image Name and Description fields are editable

Version: To edit a version, locate the version to be edited, click the action menu and select Edit.

Speed up deployment with NFS

Starting with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13.5 Release Update 13 ( Fleet Maintenance supports NFS storage type. You can create and import Fleet Maintenance Gold Images using NFS storage options. This allows for a more efficient deployment to multiple hosts, reducing the number of copies and files by storing the Gold Image in an NFS reference location. NFS integration is supported for all image creation types including reference home and emergency patching.

For NFS environments a referenced file location needs to be created. To create a Referenced File Location for NFS follow these steps:
  1. From the Enterprise menu select Provisioning and Patching, click on Software Library.
  2. Navigate to the Referenced File Locations tab, under Storage Type select NFS from the drop down menu and click Add.
  3. In the Add NFS Location dialog box add a Name for the NFS location, the NFS Server IP or host name for the NFS server, and the absolute path Location of the NFS share where the Gold Images, Archives, and Software Binaries will be stored.


The same Gold Image can be used for deployments on both Oracle Red Hat Linux 7 and 8 deployments. This is due to the database media being identical in both versions, binaries will be relinked during the deployment process.