Patch Recommendations

Additional patch recommendation operations can be performed to keep your patch information up to date

Refresh Patch Recommendation Job

To refresh patch recommendation jobs, navigate to the Fleet Maintenance Hub page, and click on Refresh Patch Recommendations. This will update and refresh patch recommendations for all subscribed images.

Review and Save a Report

To save a CSV report of the patch recommendations navigate to the Fleet Maintenance Hub page, and click on Save Report located a the top right corner.

Subscribe Databases to the Gold Image

Once you have created a new up-to-date Gold Image, the next step is to subscribe databases to the image. Follow these steps to subscribe databases to images using the Fleet Maintenance Hub UI:
  1. In the Fleet Maintenance Hub screen, select the first tile Target Subscription, this will load a list of all non-subscribed database targets. Click on the Subscribe button above and to the left of the targets table.
  2. In the Subscribe Targets to Image screen select the databases you wish to subscribe, to assist your search you can apply filters and, or use the search bar. Once the database targets have been selected, select the image to subscribe from the drop down menu and click on Subscribe.
  3. Once all targets have been subscribed, the Subscribe Targets to Image screen will show the status of the subscription operation. To continue adding targets click on Continue Subscribing, to return to the Fleet Maintenance Hub click on Close.

    At this point the database target has been subscribed to the Gold Image.

Additionally you can verify that the target databases have been subscribed to the image in the Fleet Maintenance Hub screen, by selecting the first tile Target Subscription. The recently subscribed targets will no longer appear in the Target Subscription table.