Meeting Basic Infrastructure Requirements for Patching

Before you begin Fleet Maintenance operations, you must ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • The Enterprise Manager Software Library has been setup and configured, see Getting Started with Setting Up Your Infrastructure.
  • The database and cluster targets to be patched have been discovered in Enterprise Manager, see: Discover Autonomous Databases and Discovering and Adding Database Targets .
  • A reference environment (Database and Oracle Home) representing the target state has been discovered in Enterprise Manager. This reference environment is required to create the gold image. For more information on creating reference environments see, Image Maintenance.
  • Space is available on the hosts where the patching is to be carried out.
  • The Agent Port on the OMS server needs to be open, allowing for communication between the target server and OMS server.
  • Before attempting an Update or Upgrade remove the glogin.sql file from the target Oracle Home, it is located in the /sqlplus/admin subfolder.
To review specific Windows prerequisites see: Prerequisites for performing Fleet Maintenance on Windows.