Overview of emctl partool Utility

Over a period of time, you might have customized some Deployment Procedures, and you might want to reuse them in another instance of Cloud Control. Under such circumstances, you might want to export the customized Deployment Procedures from one instance of Cloud Control, and deploy them to another instance of Cloud Control.

emctl partool utility is a tool offered by Cloud Control that helps you perform these functions using the command line interface. Essentially, emctl partool utility helps you:

  • Export Deployment Procedures and its associated components and directives as PAR files

  • Import PAR files to the same instance or any other instance of Cloud Control

The emctl partool utility is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

The following is the usage information displayed when you run $ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl partool:

emctl partool <deploy|view> -parFile <file> -force(optional)
emctl partool <deploy|view> -parFile <file> -force(optional) -ssPasswd <password>
emctl partool <deploy|view> -parDir <dir> -force(optional)
emctl partool export -guid <procedure guid> -file <file> 	-displayName <name> -description <desc> -metadataOnly(optional)
emctl partool check
emctl partool help 

Table A-3 describes the additional options that can be used with the emctl partool utility.

Table A-3 emctl partool Options

Option Description

-repPasswd <repPassword>

Indicates the repository password. User will be prompted for the repository password if -repPasswd is not specified on the command line.

Note: Providing a password on the command line is insecure and should be avoided in a production environment.


Forces the Software Library entities to be created or uploaded again. If already present, it creates a new revision.


Checks whether the Software Library is configured.

-file <file>

Represents the PAR file.

-action <deploy|view|export>

Deploys, views, or exports PAR files.


Indicates verbose mode.


Displays Help information.

-displayName <displayName>

Indicates PAR file name.

-parDir <dir>

Directory where the PAR files are located.


Flag for metadata-only exports.

-guid <guid>

Procedure GUID to export.

To export multiple procedures, provide the GUIDs separated by ","

-parFile <file>

Path to the PAR file.

-description <description>

PAR file description.

-ssPasswd <secretStorePassword>

This is optional.

If used with -action export; if any of the exported Software Library entity contains a secret property, an Oracle Wallet is created to store the value of the secret property. Oracle Wallet is created using the specified password. You are prompted to enter a password if -ssPasswd switch is used and if password is not supplied as a command line argument. You must use the same password while importing the PAR file in a new repository.

If used with -action <deploy|view>; if the PAR file contains any password protected Oracle Wallet (that stores an entity's secret property values), then this parameter is required to open the store. You are prompted to enter a password if -ssPasswd switch is used and password is not specified as a command line argument.