Creating a Patch Plan from a Patch Template and Applying Patches

Once a successfully analyzed or deployed patch plan is saved as a patch template, you can create patch plans out of the template, associate targets you want to patch, and deploy the newly created patch plan.

This is purely an optional step. You do not have to save your patch plans as patch templates to roll out patches. You can roll out patches directly from a patch plan as described in Analyzing, Preparing, and Deploying Patch Plans.


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This section is mainly for Patch Operators who want to create patch plans from patch templates for rolling out the patches.

Approach 1

To create patch plans out of the patch templates, use one of the following approaches:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Patches & Updates.

  2. On the Patches & Updates page, in the Plans region, select the patch template you want to use to create a patch plan out of it.

  3. From the context menu, select Create Plan.

  4. In the Create Plan from Template dialog, enter a unique name for the patch plan, select the targets on which you want to patch, and click Create Plan.

  5. Return to the Patches & Updates page, and in the Plans region, click the patch plan you want to use. Alternatively, select the patch plan, and in the context menu, click View. The Create Plan Wizard appears.

  6. In the Create Plan Wizard, go to the Validation page, and click Re-Analyze to analyze the patch plan with the newly associated targets.

  7. After successfully analyzing the patch plan, on the Validation page, click Next.

  8. On the Review & Deploy page, click Deploy.

Approach 2

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Patches & Updates.
  2. On the Patches & Updates page, in the Plans region, do one of the following:
    • Select a patch template. From the context menu, select View. The Edit Template Wizard appears.

    • Click the name of a patch template. The Edit Template Wizard appears.

  3. In the Edit Template Wizard, click Create Plan.
  4. In the Create Plan from Template dialog, enter a unique name for the patch plan, select the targets on which you want to patch, and click Create Plan.
  5. Return to the Patches & Updates page, and in the Plans region, click the patch plan you want to use. Alternatively, select the patch plan, and in the context menu, click View. The Create Plan Wizard appears.
  6. In the Create Plan Wizard, go to the Validation page, and click Re-Analyze to analyze the patch plan with the newly associated targets.
  7. After successfully analyzing the patch plan, on the Validation page, click Next.
  8. On the Review & Deploy page, click Deploy.