Saving Successfully Analyzed or Deployed Patch Plan As a Patch Template


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This section is mainly for Patch Designers who want to save the successfully analyzed or deployed patch plans as patch templates so that operators can consume them to create fresh patch plans with the approved patches and predefined deployment options.
To save a patch plan as a patch template, follow Step (1) to Step (5) as outlined in Analyzing, Preparing, and Deploying Patch Plans, and then for Step (6), on the Review & Deploy page, click Save as Template. In the Create New Plan Template dialog, enter a unique name for the patch template, and click Create Template.


Best Practice

Oracle recommends you to follow this as a best practice if you have to roll out in a mass scale over a period of time involving more administrators. If you have a large data center, then as a Patch Designer, create a patch plan and apply the patches on a few tagets, test if the patches are being applied successfully, then save the plan as a template. Later, have your Patch Operators create patch plans out of these templates so that they can roll out the same set of patches to the rest of the targets in the data center.