Creating a Patch Plan


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This section is mainly for Patch Designers who want to create patch plans.

To create a patch plan, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Patches & Updates.
  2. On the Patches & Updates page, identify the patches you want to apply as described in Identifying the Patches to Be Applied.
  3. On the Patch Recommendations page or on the Patch Search page (depending on how you identified the patch), select a patch you want to add to the Patch Plan.
  4. From the context menu, click Add to Plan, and select Add to New.


    If you have already created a patch plan, and if you want to add patches to that patch plan, then you can select Add to Existing.

  5. In the Create a New Plan window, enter a unique name for your Patch Plan, and click Create Plan.

    The patch you select and the target it is associated with get added to the plan.


    • If the patch you selected impacts other targets, then you are prompted to add the impacted targets as well.

    • When you create a Patch Plan, you can add a target that is a member of any system target in Cloud Control. When doing so, the other member targets of that system are automatically added to the Patch Plan. A system is a set of infrastructure components (hosts, databases, application servers, and so on) that work together to host your applications. In Cloud Control, a system and each of the components within it are modeled as individual target types that can be monitored.

    • If the WebLogic domain target that you add to a patch plan is a shared domain, then all the Administration Servers and the Managed Servers that are running on the domains that are shared with the domain being patched are automatically added into the same patch plan.

    • For Oracle SOA Infrastructure targets, all the SOA WebLogic domains that must be shutdown to patch the SOA targets are added to the patch plan as impacted targets. Therefore, the Administration Server and the Managed Servers running in each of these domains also are affected, and form the Other impacted targets when creating a patch plan.