Deploying WebLogic Patches Along with SOA or Oracle Service Bus Patches In A Single Patch Plan

This topic contains the procedure to deploy WebLogic Patches as well as SOA or Oracle Service Bus patches using a single patch plan. Using a single patch plan to deploy all the required patches would reduce down time during patching.

In case of SOA or Oracle Service Bus domain the user can apply Web Logic patches or SOA or Oracle Service Bus product patches. These patches can be applied in different sessions by creating separate patch plans. However each patch deployment session would involve down time. To reduce the system down time, you can create one patch plan by selecting the Web Logic platform patches as well as SOA or Oracle Service Bus patches and then apply this patch plan in one session.


  • The combined patching is supported only from Oracle Service Bus or SOA release onwards. This mode of combined patching is supported only from Oracle Service Bus or SOA release onwards. For earlier versions of Oracle Service Bus and SOA, create separate patch plans to apply the patches.

  • To achieve this, first create the patch plan by selecting the desired Weblogic patches and selecting the desired domain targets. Add the Oracle Service Bus or SOA patches to the same patch plan and ensure to reselect the same domain targets in the target selector window as detailed in the steps below. This will ensure that all required patches and the targets to deploy them against are selected.

The user can apply multiple patches through a single patch plan.

For more information on creating a patch plan, see Creating a Patch Plan.


An Oracle Service Bus or SOA target must have an Oracle Home associated with it. Else, the following error message is displayed with the resolution:

There is no Oracle Home(OH) target associated for the patch being applied. To rectify this issue the user should promote the OH being patched, by choosing the "Discover Promote Oracle Home Target" job in Enterprise Manager. Ensure the OH target is available after this operation is completed, and the configuration metrics for the OH target is collected.

To apply patching for Oracle Service Bus, follow these steps:


You can also include any SQL scripts that need to be executed while applying patch.

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Saved Patches.
  2. Click Upload.
  3. Provide the location of the patch file and the patch metadata, and click Upload.
  4. Once the patch has been uploaded, select the patch. This takes you to the patch home page.
  5. Click Create Plan by selecting the WebLogic patch and WebLogic domain As the target.
  6. Enter the name of the plan in the Plan Name field.
  7. Enter WebLogic domain As the target type.
  8. Click Create Plan.
  9. The WebLogic Server patch plan is created and can be deployed along with Oracle Service Bus or SOA patch.
  10. From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, then select Patches & Updates.
  11. Select the patch plan that you created from the list of patch plans.
  12. Click Next.
  13. In the Patches & Updates, under the Patches tab, click on Add Patch.
  14. Search and select a SOA or Oracle Service Bus patch and select the same domain target.
  15. Enter the rest of the details in the EM User Interface, validate the credentials, and choose the customization required. Ensure that the data prefilled or selected is accurate.
  16. Click Analyze. The deployment procedure is submitted.
  17. Once analysis is complete click Review, for the tool to review, analyze, and validate the details.
  18. Click Next.
  19. Click Deploy. The deployment procedure is submitted and patching is in progress.
  20. The patch is deployed.
  21. The WebLogic Server patch is successfully applied.