How to Use This Manual

The lists all the plug-ins metrics for database management that Enterprise Manager monitors.

This preface describes:

Structure of the Metric Reference Manual

This manual contains chapters for the Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 Database and Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise Database. The metrics in these chapters appear in alphabetical order according to category.

Metric Information

The information for each metric comprises a description and user action if available:

  • Description

    Provides an explanation following the metric name. This text defines the metric and, when available, provides additional information pertinent to the metric.

  • User Action

    Suggests how to solve the problem causing the alert.

Definitions of Columns in Metric Summary Tables

The Metric Summary table in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control is part of the overall metric information. The following table provides descriptions of columns in the Enterprise Manager Metric Summary table.

Column Header Column Definition

Target Version

Version of the target, for example, 9.0.2.x and 10.1.0.x. The x at the end of a version (for example, 9.0.2.x) represents the subsequent patchsets associated with that release.

Collection Schedule

The rate at which the Management Agent collects data. The collection frequency for a metric comes from the Enterprise Manager default collection file for that target type.

Default Warning Threshold

Value that indicates whether a warning alert should be initiated. If the evaluation of the warning threshold value returns a result of TRUE for the specified number of consecutive occurrences defined for the metric, an alert triggers at the warning severity level.

Default Critical Threshold

Value that indicates whether a critical alert should be initiated. If the evaluation of the critical threshold value returns a result of TRUE for the specified number of consecutive occurrences defined for the metric, an alert triggers at the critical severity level.

Alert Text

Message indicating why the alert was generated. Words that display between percent signs (%) denote variables. For example, Disk Utilization for %keyValue% is %value%% could translate to Disk Utilization for d0 is 80%.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

To reduce the page count in this document, the following abbreviations and acronyms are used:

Abbreviation/Acronym Name


Oracle Management Agent


Oracle Database


Oracle Management Service


Oracle Management Repository

Background Information on Metrics, Thresholds, and Alerts

A metric is a unit of measurement used to determine the health of a target. It is through the use of metrics and associated thresholds that Enterprise Manager sends out alerts notifying you of problems with the target.

Thresholds are boundary values against which monitored metric values are compared. For example, for each disk device associated with the Disk Utilization (%) metric, you can define a different warning and critical threshold. Some of the thresholds are predefined by Oracle; others are not.

After a threshold is reached, an alert is generated. An alert is an indicator signifying that a particular condition has been encountered and is triggered when one of the following conditions is true:

  • A threshold is reached.

  • An alert has been cleared.

  • The availability of a monitored service changes. For example, the availability of an application server changes from up to down.

  • A specific condition occurs. For example, an alert is triggered whenever an error message is written to a database alert log file.

Alerts are detected through a polling-based mechanism by checking for the monitored condition from a separate process at regular, predefined intervals.

See Also:

See the Monitoring and Managing Targets in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for additional information about metrics, thresholds, and alerts.


Out of the box, Enterprise Manager comes with thresholds for critical metrics. Warning and critical thresholds are used to generate an alert, letting you know of impending problems so that you can address them in a timely manner.

To better suit the monitoring needs of your organization, you can edit the thresholds provided by Enterprise Manager and define new thresholds. When defining thresholds, the key is to choose acceptable values to avoid unnecessary alerts, while still being notified of issues in a timely manner.

You can establish thresholds that will provide pertinent information in a timely manner by defining metric baselines that reflect how your system runs for a normal period of time.

The metrics listed on the Edit Thresholds page are either default metrics provided by Oracle or metrics whose thresholds you can change.

Accessing Metrics Using the Cloud Control Console

To access metrics in the Cloud Control Console, use the All Metrics page associated with a particular target by doing the following:

  1. From the Cloud Control Console, choose the target.

  2. On the target's home page, click All Metrics in the Related Links section.