System Configuration Information

System Configuration Information metrics collect the information related to the database software. Each installation of the database software provides an instance to store the data. System Configuration Information metrics consist of the following categories:

Database System Information

The metrics in this category provide information about the various system configuration metrics for the database system, including the name and operating system properties.

  • Table Name — MGMT_EMX_IBMDB2_DBSYS


Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-34 Database System Information Metrics

Metric Description

Server Name

Name of the database server.

OS Type

Type of the operating system.

OS Version

Version of the operating system.

OS Release

Release of the operating system.

Total Number of CPUs

Total number of CPUs for the operating system on which the database is installed.

Total Number of Configured CPUs

Total number of configured CPUs on which the database is installed.

Total Memory (mb)

Amount of memory.

Instance Information

The metrics in this category return the parameters that provide information about database instances.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-35 Instance Information Metrics

Metric Description

Instance Name (key column)

Name of the instance.

Number of DB Partitions

Number of database partitions.

Bit Size of Current Instance

Bit size of the current instance (32 or 64).

Release Number

Internal release number, as returned by the db2level command; 9 for example, 03030106.

Service Level

Service level, as returned by the db2level command; for example, DB2 v8.1.1.80.

Build Level

Build level, as returned by the db2level command; for example, n041021.

Program Temporary Fix

Program temporary fix (PTF) identifier, as returned by the db2level command; for example, U498350.

Fix Pack Number

FixPak number, as returned by the db2level command.

Product Information

The metrics in this category provide information about the installed IBM DB2 database product.

  • Table Name — MGMT_EMX_IBMDB2_DBPRO


Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-36 Product Information Metrics

Metric Description

Database Path

Installation path of the database.


Installed product.


Version of the installed product.

Partition Information

The metrics in this category return parameters about parallel operations and partitioned database environments.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-37 Partition Information Metrics

Metric Description

Partition Number (key column)

Partition number where the database is installed.

Host Name

Host name of the machine where the db2 database software is installed.

Logical Port

TCP/IP port number to communicate with the database.

Switch Name

Name of the switch where the database is connected.

Registry Settings

The metrics in this category provide information about the various registry parameters for the database.



Default Collection Interval — Every 24 hours

Table 3-38 Registry Settings Metrics

Metric Description

Database Registry Variable (key column)

Name of the DB2 registry variable.

Current Value

Current setting of the DB2 registry variable.

Is Aggregate

Indicates whether or not the DB2 registry variable is an aggregate variable. Possible return values are 0 if it is not an aggregate variable, and 1 if it is an aggregate variable.

Aggregate Name

Name of the aggregate if the DB2 registry variable is currently getting its value from a configured aggregate. If the registry variable is not being set through an aggregate, or is set through an aggregate but has been overridden, the value of AGGREGATE_NAME is NULL.


Values are:

Instance — If level1_raw = I Global — If level1_raw = G Database Partition — If level1_raw = N

Otherwise, the value is Environment.