Managing Metrics and Incident Notifications for Hosts

You can perform the following tasks to manage monitoring and incident notification:

Viewing Host Metric Collection Error

Metric collection errors are usually caused by installation or configuration issues.

  1. Click Hosts from the Targets menu.
  2. Click the target name to open the home page.
  3. Click Host in the upper left corner of the page. Click Monitoring, then click Metric Collection Errors.

Editing Metric and Collection Settings for Hosts

The Metrics tab contains displays all of the monitored attributes. The default view is metrics with thresholds. For these types of monitored attributes, you can modify the comparison operator, the threshold limits, the corrective action, and the collection schedule.

  1. Click Hosts from the Targets menu.
  2. Click the target name to open the home page.
  3. Click Host in the upper left corner of the page. Click Monitoring, then click Metric and Collection Settings.
  4. Modify threshold limits or collection schedule. When a threshold field is empty, the alert is disabled for that metric.
  5. Click the Edit icon for advanced settings.

    Click the Other Collected Items tab to view non-threshold monitored attributes. You can modify the collection period for these attributes, or disable monitoring.