
For a typical monitoring scenario, when a target becomes unavailable or if thresholds for performance are crossed, events are raised and notifications are sent to the appropriate administrators. Enterprise Manager supports notifications via email, pager, SNMP traps, Webhooks, Slack or by running custom scripts and allows administrators to control these notification mechanisms through:

  • Notification Methods

  • Rules and Rule Sets

  • Notification Blackouts

Notification Methods

A notification method represents a specific way to send notifications. Besides e-mail, there are the following types of notification methods: OS Command, PL/SQL, SNMP Traps, Webhooks and Slack. When configuring a notification method, you need to specify the particulars associated with a specific notification mechanism such as which SMTP gateway(s) to use for e-mail or which custom OS script to run. Super Administrators perform a one-time setup of the various types of notification methods available for use.


A rule instructs Enterprise Manager to take specific action when events or incidents (entity containing one important event or related events) occur, such as notifying an administrator or opening a helpdesk ticket (see Managing Events, Incidents, and Problems). For example, you can define a rule that specifies e-mail should be sent to you when CPU Utilization on any host target is at critical severity, or another rule that notifies an administrator's supervisor if an incident is not acknowledged within 24 hours.

Notification Blackouts

Notification Blackouts allow you to stop notifications while at the same time allowing the Agents to continue monitoring your targets. This allows Enterprise Manager to more accurately collect target availability information. For more information, see "Blackouts and Notification Blackouts."