5 Monitoring the Private Cloud Appliance

This chapter provides instructions for monitoring the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance through Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c.

The following topics are provided:

About the Private Cloud Appliance Homepage

The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance homepage lets you keep track of all your Oracle Private Cloud Appliance components.

From the Private Cloud Appliance homepage you can view and search for the following:
  • Name

  • Type

  • Members within the Private Cloud Appliance

  • Member Status Summary

    From the Member Status Summary you can drill down to:

    • Down Alerts

    • Up Alerts

    • Maintenance Alerts

    • Time-out Alerts

    • N/A Alerts

    • Metric availability error Alerts

    • Critical Error Alerts

  • Incidents

    From the Incidents section you can drill down to:

    • Fatal errors

    • Critical errors

    • Warnings

    • Flagged incidents

From the Private Cloud Appliance Rack Schematic page, selecting a target with a red ring and clicking on the target’s address will take you to the target’s summary page. From the target’s summary page, the menu on the right side of the screen will let you see the target’s:
  • Photorealistic or table view.

  • Resource utilization graphs.

  • Temperature and Fan speed graphs.

  • Interface graphs.

  • Firmware and configuration summary.

Using the Incident Manager

The incident summary page is a tool to check the incident status of your selected system.

From the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance homepage, click on a system to view the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Rack Schematic page. From this page, you can:

  • See the Overview summary for this system.

  • View the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Rack Schematic.

    From the Rack Schematic you can:

    • See the rack in Schematic, Photo-Realistic, or Table views.

    • Click on a component to check the current status

  • Targets with a red box around it have critical errors and require your attention.

Incident Overview Page

From the Incident Overview page, clicking on an incident will take you to the Incident Manager page of the selected incident in which you will see:
  • The Incident Details section will give you more information such as incident ID, incident creation date, reported state of the target, and event type.

  • The Tracking section will show who was assigned this incident, the incident’s priority, the incident’s status, and last comment.

  • The Guided Resolution section will offer more insight with recommended links to visit in order to proceed with a corrective action.

Viewing and Managing Private Cloud Appliance Consumption Tracking

You can use resource utilization features in Enterprise Manager to view consumption tracking for targets of Private Cloud Appliance such as the virtual machines that have Enterprise Manager Agent installed on them. To view consumption tracking information, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Private Cloud Appliance.
  2. From the list of Private Cloud Appliance targets, click the Private Cloud Appliance target for which you want to view consumption information.
  3. From the Private Cloud Appliance menu, choose Resource Utilization. and then select Consumption Tracking.

    Cloud Control displays the vCPU Consumption page where you can perform the following tasks:

    • View the resource consumption trend for the previous 24 hours by choosing View Trends.

    • Export the data on the vCPU Consumption page for the selected Time Period and Product by clicking Export.

    • View the details for the selected product in the Details table. The table displays the Collection Time/Host, vCPUs, Target Name, Target Type, Version, Cost Center, and Owner.

      1. On the vCPU Consumption page, select one of the time periods in the Time Period drop-down list.

      2. From the Product list, select the product or the products for which you want to view the consumption report. By default all the products are selected.

      3. From the Product table, select a Product for which you want to view the consumption report.

      4. The Details table displays the consumption details for the product or products that you have selected.

        You can add more details as columns to the Details table by clicking View, selecting Columns, and then selecting the items you want to be displayed. You can select which columns you want to be visible and which columns to hide by clicking Manage Columns.

        By default, the Details table displays the collection time and the number of total vCPUs consumed. Expand the collection time and host name to view all the following details:

        • Collection time of the point when vCPU was collected

        • Host name of the host on which software is running

        • The number of total vCPUs consumed by the software/target running at that time

        • The target name

        • The target type

        • The owner of the target (If configured)

        • Version

        • Cost Center (If configured)