Application DBA Access

Application DBAs should have access to the Performance and Schema Management pages in Enterprise manager.

Creating an Application DBA Account

To create an application DBA account in Enterprise Manager:

  1. Follow the instructions in "Creating a New Administrator" to create an Enterprise Manager administrator.
  2. Grant the privilege Database Application DBA on the database target.
  3. Grant the Full privilege on the database host target.
  4. Using the Resource Privileges Page, grant the Create New Named Credentials privilege on the Named Credential Resource Type privilege page and Create Privilege on Job System Resource Type privilege.

Creating Named Credentials

To create named credentials, the database administrator can create their own named credential or it can be created by the super administrator (or a privileged Administrator with the system resource privilege) and then granted to the application DBA. The named Credential is granted the view privilege on the named credential so that the application DBA does not even know or see the contents of the named credential.