3 Chargeback Views

This chapter provides a description of each chargeback view and its columns. It contains the following sections:

For examples of how to use views, see Examples.


This view provides hour aggregated metering and charge data. The configuration metrics and fixed charge metrics are at day aggregation level.


Column Description
CONSUMER_NAME Represents the internal cost center name to which the currently being charged target was assigned.
CONSUMER_DISPLAY_NAME Represents the display name of cost center to which the currently being charged target was assigned.
COLLECTION_DATE Represents the UTC date at which the charge item value was collected.
YEAR Represents the year to which the collection date belongs.
MONTH_OF_YEAR Represents the month of the year to which the collection date belongs.
DAY_OF_MONTH Represents the day of the month to which the collection date belongs.
WEEK_OF_YEAR Represents the week of the year to which the collection date belongs.
QUARTER_OF_YEAR Represents the quarter of the year to which the current collection date belongs.
DAY_DATE Represents the day date to which the current collection date belongs.
HOUR_OF_DAY Represents the hour within the day to which the current collection date belongs.
TYPE_NAME Represents the target type display name of the target that is being charged.
TARGET_NAME Represents the internal name of the target that is being charged.
TARGET_DISPLAY_NAME Represents display name of the target that is being charged.
HOST_NAME Represents the host on which the currently being charged target is deployed.
ITEM Represents the display name of the charge item for the charge being computed.
UNIT Represents display name of the charge item unit for the charge being computed
CATEGORY Represents the charge item category for the charge being computed. Possible values are:
  • Instance
  • Service
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Disk/Storage
  • Network
  • Software
  • Activity
  • Instance Uptime
  • Unclassified
USAGE_VALUE Represents the usage value of the charge item. This column has a value if the charge item is a "number" data type. If the charge item aggregation type is "sum", then it will represent the sum value of the item within that hour. If the charge item aggregation type is "avg" then it represents the average value within that hour.
STRING_VALUE Represents the string value of the charge item. This column has a value if the charge item has a "string" data type.
CHARGE_PLAN Represents the name of the charge plan used to calculate the charge.
CHARGE_PLAN_CONFIG Represents plan configuration within the charge plan used to calculate the charge.

Represents the rate type of the charge item:

  • Config: The charge item that is being charged was charged based on configuration.
  • Usage: The charge item that is being charged was charged based on usage.
  • Flat: The charge item that is being charged based on flat rate
RATE Represents the charge rate expression defined in the charge plan configuration for the charge item that is being charged. If the charge item that is being charged is of universal item type, then this column represents the factor value with universal item defined rate.
CHARGE Represents the computed charge value of the charge item that is being charged.
CHARGE_ADJUSTMENT Represents the applicable charge adjustment value for the charge item that is being charged.
ADJUSTED_CHARGE Represents the final charge value of the charge item that is being charged, after charge adjustments are taken into consideration.
UPTIME Represents uptime (Hours) in the day of the target that is being charged. For "metric" items this value is null.


This view provides day aggregated charge data


Column Description
CONSUMER_NAME Represents the internal cost center name to which the currently being charged target was assigned.
CONSUMER_DISPLAY_NAME Represents the display name of cost center to which the currently being charged target was assigned.
COLLECTION_DATE Represents the UTC date at which the charge item value was collected.
YEAR Represents the year to which the collection date belongs.
MONTH_OF_YEAR Represents the month of year to which the collection date belongs.
DAY_OF_MONTH Represents the day of month to which the collection date belongs.
WEEK_OF_YEAR Represents the week of year to which the collection date belongs.
QUARTER_OF_YEAR Represents the quarter of year to which the current collection date belongs.
DAY_DATE Represents the day date to which the current collection date belongs.
TYPE_NAME Represents the target type display name of the target that is being charged.
TARGET_NAME Represents the internal name of the target that is being charged.
TARGET_DISPLAY_NAME Represents display name of the target that is being charged.
HOST_NAME Represents the host on which the currently being charged target is deployed.
ITEM Represents the display name of the charge item for the charge being computed in the charge computing target.
UNIT Represents the display name of the charge item unit for the charge being computed.

Represents the charge item category for the charge being computed. Possible values are:

  • Instance
  • Service
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Disk/Storage
  • Network
  • Software
  • Activity
  • Instance Uptime
  • Unclassified
USAGE_VALUE Represents the usage value of the charge item. This column has a value if the charge item has a "number" data type. If the charge item aggregation type is "sum", then it will represent the sum value of the item within that day. If the charge item aggregation type is "avg" then it represents average value within that day.
STRING_VALUE Represents the string value of the charge item. This column has a value if the charge item has a "string" data type.
CHARGE_PLAN Represents the name of the charge plan used to calculate the charge.
CHARGE_PLAN_CONFIG Represents the plan configuration within the charge plan used to calculate the charge.

Represents the rate type of the charge item:

  • Config: The charge item that is being charged was charged based on the "Per Unit" basis.
  • Usage: The charge item that is being charged was charged based on usage.
  • Flat: The charge item that is being charged was based on a flat rate.

RATE Represents charge rate expression defined in the charge plan configuration for the charge item that is being charged. If the charge item that is being charged is of universal item type, then this column represents the factor value with universal item defined rate.
CHARGE Represents the computed charge value of the charge item that is being charged.
CHARGE_ADJUSTMENT Represents the applicable charge adjustment value for the charge item that is being charged.
ADJUSTED_CHARGE Represents final charge value of the charge item that is being charged, after charge adjustments are taken into consideration.
UPTIME Represents uptime (Hours) in the day of the target that is being charged. For "metric" items this value is null