Create an Empty PDB

Use the Enterprise Manager console to create a new empty PDB

To create an empty PDB, first follow the Getting Started with DBaaS steps for Provisioning a PDB outlined in Getting Started in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.

Once you have completed the getting started steps and created a service template for an Empty Pluggable Database, follow these steps to request a PDB:
  1. Log in to Enterprise Manager as a user with EM_SSA_USER role.
  2. Expand Enterprise, select Cloud and select Self Service Portal.
  3. Expand the right hand action menu for Database Cloud Services and select Open Service Console.
  4. In the Database Cloud Services page click on Create Instance, a pop up will appear. Click Select on the correct Service Offerings (Service Template) for your system.
  5. The Database Cloud Self Service Portal Create Pluggable Database page is displayed. Enter the following information:
    • Pluggable Database Configuration
      • Service Template (this field is auto-populated with the selection from step 4)
      • PDB Name
      • Database Service Name
      • Size
    • Pluggable Database Administrator Account
      • Administrator Name
      • Password
      • Confirm Password
    • Tablespaces
      • Tablespace Name
    • Instance Details
      • Request Name
      • Zone
    • Properties (Optional)
      • Comment
      • Line of Business
      • Location
      • Downtime Contact
      • Department
      • LifeCycle Status
      • Contact
    • Duration
      • Start
      • Duration
  6. Click Submit to deploy the database to the selected zone.
For detailed information, see Requesting a Pluggable Database in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Administration Guide.

Also, watch the video How to provision a pluggable database.