4 Hybrid Multicloud Management - Exadata Cloud

Using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.5, you can take advantage of the Hybrid Cloud Enablement feature. This feature leverages and consolidates resources across your environment, which can range from on-premises, Exadata Cloud, Oracle Cloud, and other public clouds, to form a dedicated private cloud known as a Hybrid Multicloud.

The DevOps model of database management, known as Database-as-a-Service, helps break down these silos by creating a streamlined and efficient model for database management. Similarly, you can enable DevOps users to deploy pluggable database on demand on your Hybrid Cloud environment which is referred as Pluggable Database-as-a-Service (PDBaaS). Currently, only PDBaaS is supported on Exadata Cloud.

You can deploy PDBaaS on top of your Hybrid Multicloud, resulting in an agile, efficient, and cost-effective way of managing databases which is referred to as Hybrid Database-as-a-Service.

As a DevOps user, you also get a dedicated self-service portal to provision and manage your databases on your own. The dedicated REST APIs and CLIs can be integrated with your orchestration engines like Ansible and Terraform to automate repetitive tasks.

Pluggable Database-as-a-Service (PDBaaS) is an on-demand platform that allows the consolidation of Exadata Cloud resources to form a private cloud and provide PDB management as a cloud offering.

Self Service users can provision and manage PDBs in a few simple steps.