8 Using Event Logs

This chapter provides a procedure for viewing event logs to help you analyze the events triggered or tasks performed within a user session. Using Enterprise Manager, you can view event logs for the following possibilities:

  • Selected server or for all servers

  • Selected component or for all components

  • Particular period

  • Particular user, OS ID, or task ID

Viewing Event Logs

To view event logs, follow these steps:

  1. From the Targets menu, select Siebel.
  2. On the Siebel page, click the name of the Siebel Enterprise being monitored. Enterprise Manager displays the Siebel Enterprise Home page.
  3. Click the Event Log tab to search and view event logs, as shown in Figure 8-1.

    Username is a mandatory field. If your search query is going to result in a large number of rows, you can specify a smaller time window. To limit the results, you can also specify OS PID or Task ID, although these are not mandatory fields.

  4. On the Event Log page, select the row with the log file name to view the Log Details section. To view the entire log, select View Log for Log Level in the Log Details section. To view only the errors in the log, select Error for Log Level. To view only the errors and warnings in the log, select Warning for Log Level.

    If the log file is larger than 500 KB, only the last 500 KB of content is shown. For example, if the file is 700 KB, only the last 500 KB of content is shown, while the first 200 KB are not shown. To view the complete file, navigate to the directory where the file resides and access the contents from that location.

    Figure 8-1 Event Log Search Page

    Event Log Search Page