6 Other Infrastructure Management

This chapter describes the licensed features and access points for each of the following categories of other Enterprise Manager infrastructure management:

Configuration Management Pack for Applications

The Configuration Management Pack for Applications automates the time-consuming and often error-prone process of managing host software and hardware configurations and deployments for Oracle and non-Oracle software, excluding the Oracle Database. This pack provides capabilities such as search and compare across all systems, configuration monitoring, and compliance management, ensuring consistency across deployments.

You can access the Configuration Management Pack for Applications functionality through the following Enterprise Manager Cloud Control licensed links. These components comprise the features provided by the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

The following table describes this management pack offered by Enterprise Manager:

Management Pack Type of Licensing Information Licensing Information

Configuration Management Pack for Applications


The following features and functions can be use with an existing Configuration Management Pack for Applications License:

  • Discovery and Inventory tracking provides the ability to discover your assets, and track them.

  • Configuration Management to track inventory, configuration drift and detailed configuration search.

  • Compliance Management for reporting and management of industry and regulatory compliance standards.

  • Compliance Frameworks, standards, and extensibility to meet industry and regulatory compliance requirements

  • Configuration Collection Extensibility to create custom configuration collections and extend current collections

  • Configuration Compare, one-to-one and one-to-many.

  • Configuration History to report on configuration or relations changes during a specific time frame.

  • Configuration Instance Browser to view configuration items and associations associated with a target.

  • Configuration Save for reference, baselines, or Gold Standards.

  • Configuration Search on a specific target or across relationships.

  • Configuration Topology of a specified target and its dependencies along with other targets that are dependent on it.

  • File Synchronization of differences during a comparison.

  • Real-time configuration change detection and automation of compliance frameworks.

  • User Defined Deployment Procedures (UDDP) to automate custom processes by creating a procedure from the start by inserting the required phases, steps, and variables.

  • Disaster Recovery through Site Guard to automate complete site failover.

    Note: Usage of Site Guard is licensed separately for Oracle Database and WebLogic Server via the Database Lifecycle Management Pack for the database tier and WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition for the middleware tier.

With the purchase of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications you also are entitled to the following features. These features are restricted to the host software and hardware configurations and deployments for Oracle and non-Oracle software, excluding the Oracle Database.

  • Self Update to update Enterprise Manager with new features or fixes based on new versions of software available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) or My Oracle Support (MOS).

    The downloading and applying any updates associated with, host, Oracle and non-Oracle software, excluding the Oracle Database, for Configuration and Compliance are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Links

The following licensed pages, links, features and functions of this pack apply to host software, platform, Oracle software, and non-Oracle software excluding the Oracle Database. For management of the Oracle Database or to extend these features and functions to the Oracle Database, you must purchase the Database Lifecycle Management Pack for Oracle Database.

The following are the licensed pages, links, features and functions that can be use with an existing Configuration Management Pack for Applications License:

Configuration Search

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration and Search. All features, functions, links, buttons and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Instance Browser

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets, and then select a target, excluding Oracle Database. From the Target home page, select the drop-down under the Target Type then select Configuration. All features, functions, links, buttons and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration History

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration and History. All features, functions, links, buttons and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Compare

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration and Compare. All features, functions, links, buttons and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

File Synchronization

  • When viewing comparison results differences as described in the Configuration Compare feature, select the configuration specification in the tree on the left. Select Enable File Synchronization. All features, functions, links, buttons, and drill-downs on this page are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Links (continued)

Configuration Topology

  • From the target home page, select the drop-down under the Target Type and Configuration, Topology. In the View drop-down, Used By is licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

  • From the target home page, select the drop-down under the Target Type and Configuration, Topology and Customization. All features, functions, links, buttons and drill-downs on this page are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Save

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration and Save. All features, functions, links, buttons, and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Collection Extensibility

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Configuration and Custom. All features, functions, links, buttons, and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.


  • From the Enterprise menu, select Compliance. All features, functions, links, buttons, and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Real-time Configuration Change Detection

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Compliance. All features, functions, links, buttons, and drill-downs on this page, excluding features and functions that apply to the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

User Defined Deployment Procedures (UDDP)

  • From the Enterprise menu, select Provisioning and Patching, and then select Procedure Library. On the Provisioning Library page, from the list of actions, the Create New option is licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications.

Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed CLI Verbs

The following Enterprise Manager Command Line Interface (CLI) verbs are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:


Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Reports

The following reports are part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications. All reports, excluding reports associated with, or for the Oracle Database, are licensed as part of this pack.

To access the reports, go to the Enterprise Manager home page, and from the Enterprise menu, select Reports, and then select Information Publisher Reports. If you have Oracle Analytics Server installed and configured with Oracle Enterprise Manager along with the out-of-the-box reports, go to Oracle Analytics Server.

The following reporting areas, reports, and sub-reports under Information Publisher Reports are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:

  • Compliance

  • Configuration

The following reporting areas, reports, and sub-reports under your independently configured Oracle Analytics Server installation are licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:

  • Compliance

  • Configuration

Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Configuration Repository Views

The following Configuration repository views are part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:


Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Oracle Home Patching Repository Views

The following Oracle Home Patching repository views are part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:


Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Compliance Repository Views

The following Compliance repository views are part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:


Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Licensed Client Configuration Repository Views

The following Client Configuration repository views are part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications:


Configuration Management Pack for Applications

Previous Configuration Management Packs

If you have an older Configuration Management pack including:

  • Configuration Management Pack

  • Configuration Management Pack for Oracle Middleware

  • Configuration Management Pack for Non-Oracle Systems

You may use all of the features licensed as part of the Configuration Management Pack for Applications only against the previously licensed targets except for the following:

  • Application Configuration Console

  • Configuration Collection Extensibility

  • Creating a custom Comparison Template

  • Using a Comparison Template as part of a Configuration Comparison specification

Management Pack for Non-Oracle Middleware

This pack improves the availability and performance of Java applications with low overhead deployed on Non-Oracle Middleware (such as, IBM WebSphere Application Server, JBoss Application Server, and Apache Tomcat), and provides in-depth diagnostics.

The following table describes this management pack offered by Enterprise Manager:

Management Pack Type of Licensing Information Licensing Information

Management Pack for non-Oracle Middleware


The Management Pack for Non-Oracle Middleware includes the following components:

  • Enterprise Manager system monitoring functionality for IBM WebSphere Application Server, JBoss Application Server, and Apache Tomcat.

  • Enterprise Manager monitoring plug-ins for Microsoft Internet Information Services.

  • Oracle Support Document 2117445.1 (EM 13.x: Java and OS platform support for JVM Diagnostics (JVMD) Agent in Cloud Control) can be found at:

  • Java Mission Control (JMC), which is applicable for Application Servers and standalone Java applications.

  • Configuration Management: track inventory, configuration drift and detailed configuration search (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Configuration extensions collect details about targets then the Configuration Management features are licensable.

  • Note:

    Configuration Management features do not apply to JBoss Application Server nor JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

Management Pack for non-Oracle Middleware


The Management Pack for Non-Oracle Middleware includes the following features:

  • Blackouts suspend monitoring on targets to support scheduled maintenance periods.

  • Configuration Collection Extensibility to create custom configuration collections and extend current collections

  • Configuration Compare, one-to-one and one-to-many (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Configuration History to report on configuration or relations changes during a specific time frame (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Configuration Instance Browser to view configuration items and associations associated with a target (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Configuration Save for reference, baselines, or Gold Standards (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Configuration Search on a specific target or across relationships (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

    Configuration Topology of a specified target and its dependencies along with other targets that are dependent on it (excluding all versions of JBoss AS and JBoss EAP).

  • Management Connectors, such as ticketing connectors and event connectors, integrate Enterprise Manager with other management systems. Ticketing connectors open help desk tickets for incidents raised in Enterprise Manager. Event connectors share event information with other event management systems.

  • Memory leak detection and analysis in production environments.

  • Metric and Alert/Event History

  • Metric Extensions to create new metrics to monitor conditions specific to customer environments.

  • Monitoring Templates encapsulate target monitoring settings and can later be applied against many targets.

  • Dynamic Runbooks enable subject matter experts to encapsulate best practice steps for diagnosing and resolving issues into a runbook that can be executed directly inside Enterprise Manager.

  • Event Compression reduces incidents by correlating and combining related events into a smaller set of incidents.

  • Template Collections (with administration groups) automate the deployment of management settings on targets as they join the group.

  • Notifications to define and use different notification methods including e-mail, running custom OS scripts, PL/SQL procedures and SNMP traps; repeat notifications, use of notification-related actions in incident rule sets, administrator notification schedules.

Management Pack for non-Oracle Middleware


  • Performance monitoring provides real-time and historical performance monitoring.

  • Real-time monitoring of JVM provides a summary view of resource bottlenecks affecting performance, such as the database, I/O, CPU, and locks.

  • Trace in-flight transactions to view request performance problems in real time. Analyze time spent in each resource bottleneck (extend to each Java method).

  • User Defined Deployment Procedures (UDDP) to automate custom processes by creating a procedure from the start by inserting the required phases, steps, and variables.

Management Pack for non-Oracle Middleware

Restricted-Use License

Management Pack for Non-Oracle Middleware includes the full capabilities of Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Service Level Management.

See Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Service Level Management in End-User Monitoring for more information.

System Monitoring Plug-ins for Non-Oracle Middleware

The Enterprise Manager System Monitoring Plug-ins for Non-Oracle Middleware provide performance and availability data collection, real-time and historical monitoring, event management/monitoring, notifications, and reporting for Non-Oracle Middleware.

The following table describes this management pack offered by Enterprise Manager:

System Monitoring Plug-in Type of Licensing Information Licensing Information

Apache HTTP Server

Documentation Resources

See Discovering and Monitoring Apache HTTP Server in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Middleware Management Guide.

Apache HTTP Server


The following features are available for Apache HTTP Server management:

  • Real-time and historical availability monitoring

  • Event management/monitoring

  • Event/alert notifications: notification methods, rules and schedules

  • Event/alert history/metric history

  • Metric extensions

  • Blackouts/planned outages

  • Monitoring templates

  • Availability and event reports

  • Repository tables and views that store or expose the above data

  • Configuration Management: Configuration Collection Extensibility, Configuration Compare (not including the use of Comparison Templates), Configuration History, Configuration Instance Browser, Configuration Save, and Configuration Search

Apache HTTP Server

General Monitoring Licensed Links

The following list of links and navigation to them correspond with managing Apache HTTP Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and are licensed as part of the System Monitoring Plug-in for Non-Oracle Middleware.

Home page

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, all links are licensed.

Create Blackout

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page, then select Blackout. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.
  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page, then select the Target menu, then Control, and finally Create Blackout. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed

End Blackout

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page, then select End Blackout. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.
  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page, then select the Target menu, then Control, and finally End Blackout. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

All Metrics

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Monitoring, and finally All Metrics. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

Status History

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Monitoring, and finally Status History. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

Alert History

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Monitoring, and finally Alert History. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Monitoring, and finally Blackouts. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

Apache HTTP Server

Configuration Management Licensed Links

The following list of links and navigation to them correspond with managing Apache HTTP Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and are licensed as part of the System Monitoring Plug-in for Non-Oracle Middleware.

Last Collected

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Last Collected. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Compare. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Search. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally History. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Save…. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Saved. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Configuration, and finally Topology. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

Apache HTTP Server

Compliance Management Licensed Links

The following list of links and navigation to them correspond with managing Apache HTTP Server in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c and are licensed as part of the System Monitoring Plug-in for Non-Oracle Middleware.


  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Compliance, and finally Results. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

Standard Associations

  • From the Targets menu, select All Targets and then select Apache HTTP Server target type to display all Apache HTTP Server targets. Select an Apache HTTP Server target to navigate to its home page. On this page, select the Target menu, then Compliance, and finally Standard Associations. All links, menu items, tabs, and sections on this page are licensed.

System Monitoring Plug-ins for Non-Oracle Databases

The following plug-ins for non-Oracle databases are available:

  • Oracle System Monitoring Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server

  • Oracle System Monitoring Plug-in for IBM DB2

  • Oracle System Monitoring Plug-in for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)

For information on licensing Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL, see Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL.

The following table describes this management pack offered by Enterprise Manager:

System Monitoring Plug-in Type of Licensing Information Licensing Information

System Monitoring Plug-ins for non-Oracle Database


The following features are available for these plug-ins:

  • Performance monitoring and trending

  • Management Connectors, such as ticketing connectors and event connectors, integrate Enterprise Manager with other management systems. Ticketing connectors open help desk tickets for incidents raised in Enterprise Manager. Event connectors share event information with other event management systems.

  • Metric alert management: metric history and associated drill-downs, alert history and associated drill-downs, event history and associated drill-downs

  • Metric Extensions to create new metrics to monitor conditions specific to customer environments.

  • Notifications that define and use different notification methods including e-mail, running custom OS scripts, PL/SQL procedures, SNMP traps, Webhooks and Slack; repeat notifications, use of notification-related actions in incident rule sets, administrator notification schedules.

  • Blackouts/planned outages

  • Monitoring templates, template collections with administration groups, and metric extensions

  • Performance and event reports

  • Configuration Management: Configuration Collection Extensibility for licensed target types, Configuration Compare (not including the use of Comparison Templates), Configuration History, Configuration Instance Browser, Configuration Save, and Configuration Search for licensed target types

  • Repository tables/views that store/expose the above data

  • User Defined Deployment Procedures (UDDP): Automate custom processes by creating a procedure from the start by inserting the required phases, steps, and variables.

  • Dynamic Runbooks enable subject matter experts to encapsulate best practice steps for diagnosing and resolving issues into a runbook that can be executed directly inside Enterprise Manager.

  • Event Compression reduces incidents by correlating and combining related events into a smaller set of incidents.

To use these features, you must license the System Monitoring Plug-ins for Non-Oracle Database.

System Monitoring Plug-ins for non-Oracle Database

Licensed Links

The list that follows itemizes the links that require licensing of the plug-ins. You can navigate to these features in several ways. The list that follows assumes that you begin from the main Enterprise Manager Cloud Control home page.

In the upper right corner of the page, click Setup, then select Add Target, and finally Add Targets Manually. On this page, select the Add Non-Host Targets by Specifying Target Monitoring Properties option. The following selections from the Target Type drop-down menu are licensed features of the System Monitoring Plug-in for Non-Oracle Databases:

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • IBM DB2 Database

  • Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise

System Monitoring Plug-ins for non-Oracle Database

Licensed CLI Verbs

The following command line interface (CLI) verb is licensed as part of the System Monitoring Plug-in for Non-Oracle Databases:

  • add_target

The internal names to be used with the add_target verb are:

  • microsoft_sqlserver_database

  • ibm_db2_database

  • sybase_ase

Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL

Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL is included with MySQL Enterprise Edition and MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition. For information on MySQL licensing, see MySQL Global Price List.


To use Oracle Enterprise Manager for MySQL with MySQL Community Edition, you must purchase licensing for MySQL Enterprise Edition or MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition.