7 Using Reports and Monitoring Templates

This chapter describes how to use the reports and monitoring templates that the system monitoring plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server provides. Use the available out-of-the-box reports to further aid administrators with critical tasks such as problem diagnosis, trend analysis, and capacity planning. Monitoring templates simplify the task of setting up monitoring for large numbers of targets by allowing you to specify the monitoring and metric and collection settings once and applying them to many groups of targets as often as needed

The following topics are provided:

Using the Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in Reports

The Microsoft SQL Server plug-in includes 12 out-of-box reports (Figure 7-1):

Figure 7-1 Microsoft SQL Server Reports

Microsoft SQL Server Reports

To generate a new report from one of the out-of-the-box reports provided by Oracle, follow these steps:

  1. From the Enterprise menu, select Reports, then BI Publisher Enterprise Reports as shown in Figure 7-2:

    Figure 7-2 BI Publisher Enterprise Reports Menu

    BI Publisher Enterprise Reports Menu

  2. Scroll down to the Microsoft SQL Server section, find the desired report, and click the report title hyperlink.
  3. After the reports have been sorted to Microsoft SQL Server reports only, find the desired report and click on the report title hyperlink.

    After clicking the report title hyperlink, the desired report will generate as shown in the example in Figure 7-3:

    Figure 7-3 Microsoft SQL Server BI Publisher Report Example

    Microsoft SQL Server BI Publisher Report Example

Table 7-1 shows the BI Publisher Reports that are provided by Oracle:

Table 7-1 Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in Reports

Report Name Report Description

Microsoft SQL Server Database Configuration

Displays Configuration Information for the various Databases.

Microsoft SQL Server System Configuration

Displays Configuration Information for the SQL Server System.

Microsoft SQL Server Database Backups and Jobs

Displays Information about the Database Backups and Jobs.

Microsoft SQLServer Memory Statistics

Displays Information about the Memory in SQL Server.

Microsoft SQLServer Performance

Displays Information about the Performance of the SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Query Performance

Displays information about the Performance of the Most Active Queries of the SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Session Performance

Displays information about the Performance of the Most Active Sessions of the SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Statistics

Displays Statistical Information for SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Cluster

Displays Information about the SQL Server Cluster.

Microsoft SQL Server Space Usage

Displays Information about Space Usage in the Database.

Microsoft SQL Server System Process Info and Locks

Displays information about the System Processes and locks of the SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server System Cache and Buffer

Displays information about the System Cache and Buffer of the SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Availability Groups

Displays Information about the Availability Groups for SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Database Mirroring

Displays Database Mirroring Information for SQL Server.

Microsoft SQL Server Database Performance

Displays Database Performance Information for SQL Server.

Deploying Reports After BI Publisher is Configured

If the Microsoft SQL Server plug-in is deployed or upgraded after BI Publisher is already configured and the reports were not deployed automatically, then run the following command:

emcli deploy_bipublisher_reports -pluginid="oracle.em.smss" -pluginversion="" -force

Using the Microsoft SQL Server Plug-in Monitoring Templates

To view the out-of-box templates, from the Enterprise menu, select Monitoring and then Monitoring Templates. Using the Target Type drop down, select Microsoft SQL Server and press the arrow button.

A complete list of all out-of-box monitoring templates will be available for use as follows (also, see Figure 7-4):

  • Basic MS SQL Monitoring Template - Recommended basic template for monitoring SQL Server.

  • Cluster Template - Recommended template for monitoring errors in a clustered SQL Server environment.

  • High Availability Disaster Recovery Template - Recommended template for monitoring errors in a HADR (Always On) SQL Server environment.

Figure 7-4 Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring Templates

Microsoft SQL Server Monitoring Templates

To apply a monitoring template to a SQL Server Target, perform the following actions:

  1. Click the desired monitoring template to select it.
  2. Click the Actions button and select Apply.
  3. Choose to either replace or override existing thresholds with the Apply Options option.
  4. Click Add to add the SQL Server Targets to apply the template to. Follow the prompts through the target Search and Select Targets screen.
  5. Click Ok and a confirmation message will appear at the top of the page notifying of a successful application.

The Actions button found on the Monitoring Templates screen will also give access to setting a selected template as "Default" for all new SQL Server Target deployments, or Edit an existing template's threshold values.

See theUsing Monitoring Templatessection in the Enterprise Manger Cloud Control Administrator's Guide for more information on how to use Monitoring Templates in Enterprise Manager 13c.