3 Graphic Display

The four-line graphic display located on the Acme Packet 4600 front control panel is visible at all times. The buttons used to navigate the display are accessible as well. The graphic display reports real-time status, alarms, and general system information. You can view this information without using a console, Telnet, or SSH connection into the Acme Packet 4600.

Graphic Display Navigation

Three navigation buttons are located to the right of the display. These are used to scroll through display menus and select the information to view on the graphic display. Diagram showing graphic display and control

Each graphic display button has a special purpose.

Button Description
Up Scrolls up through the previous menu or display items, one line at a time.
Down Scrolls down through the next menu or display items, one line at a time.
Enter Selects the menu or display item that appears in the graphic display window.

Display Modes

The Acme Packet 4600 graphic display defaults to one of two display modes:
  • Base display is the default and indicates a properly-functioning Acme Packet 4600.
  • Alarm mode becomes the default display mode when any alarms are active on the Acme Packet 4600. Active fault information is continuously displayed on the graphic display.

Base Display

The base display shows the type of Acme Packet 4600 running. This information appears when the system first starts up and when the graphic display times out at any menu level.



The base display of a Acme Packet 4600 in an HA node includes additional information applicable to its HA state.

Alarm Display

The alarm display replaces the base display during an alarm condition. The alarm display informs you of what symptoms are currently causing alarms. The number and type of alarms appear on the Acme Packet 4600 graphic display, which indicates either a link alarm or a hardware alarm. For example, if there are two link alarms present on the Acme Packet 4600, the display appears like this:


If the graphic display indicates an alarm condition, you can use the ACLI display-alarms command to display the details of the alarm. When an alarm condition is cleared, the base display replaces the alarm display. To clear an alarm, you must execute the ACLI clear-alarm command or resolve the cause of the alarm.

Graphic Display Menus

The Acme Packet 4600 System graphic display lets you access the five display menus for quick access to the system’s current status.

Top Menu

The top menu provides top-level access to information in distinct categories of system functionality. To access the top menu from the base display or alarm display:
  1. Press the Enter button. The first entry in the top menu appears.
  2. Press the Up and Down buttons to scroll through the top menu categories. The top menu rolls over when you reach the top or bottom of the menu. The top menu displays only one category at a time. Press the Enter button to select a displayed category and show its submenu information.
After 30 seconds of displaying a menu option or submenu information without any user input, the system automatically returns to the base display during normal operating conditions or to the alarm display during an alarm condition.Diagram showing exploded view of menu options

Interface Menu

The INTERFACE menu allows you to scroll through a list of all configured physical interfaces, including the management and media physical interfaces and the loopback interface.

The following information is displayed for each configured interface to which you scroll:
  • Interface slot and port: interface status
  • Input packets, output packets
  • Input error packets, output error packets: Slot 1: Port0 UP PKT IN: 1,001K OUT: 223K ERR IN: 0 OUT: 0

To use the INTERFACE menu in the graphic display:

  1. From the top menu of the graphic display, press the Enter button.
  2. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the INTERFACE selection.
  3. Press the Enter button.
  4. Press the Up or Down button to scroll through the list of configured physical interfaces.
  5. Press the Enter button to refresh the display.
  6. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the RETURN selection.
  7. Press the Enter button to return to the Top Menu.


The BOOT PARAMS menu allows you to view the same information configured in the bootparam ACLI configuration. The BOOT PARAMS selection displays the IP information necessary to connect to the Mgmt 0 Ethernet interface, located on the rear of the Acme Packet 4600. This interface is used primarily for maintenance, configuration, and downloading software images.

The following information for Mgmt 0 is displayed under the BOOT PARAMS menu:
  • IP address
  • Netmask in hexadecimal format
  • Gateway IP address
    • inet:
    • mask: ffff0000
    • gw:

To use the BOOT PARAMS menu in the graphic display:

  1. From the top menu of the graphic display, press the Enter button..
  2. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the BOOT PARAMS selection.
  3. Press the Enter button. The BOOT PARAMS information is displayed.
  4. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the RETURN selection.
  5. Press the Enter button to return to the Top Menu.


The SYSTEM menu allows you to view system software, current time, and syslog information. The following information displays over three screens in the graphic display in the order listed:
  • Screen 1 — Acme Packet 4600 software version and creation date:
    • Software:

      ACME OS 7.2.0


  • Screen 2 — Current time of day, uptime, memory utilization:
    • Time 18:33:21

      UPTIME 10, 10:23:20

      MEMORY 65%

  • Screen 3 — Syslog information (IP address:port of the syslog server and the netmask in dotted decimal notation):
    • Syslog:

To use the SYSTEM menu in the graphic display:
  1. From the top menu of the graphic display, press the Enter button.
  2. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the SYSTEM selection.
  3. Press the Enter button. The first screen in the SYSTEM menu is displayed.
  4. Press the Up or Down button to scroll through the three SYSTEM screens. You can press the Enter button on the Time screen to update its display.
  5. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the RETURN selection.
  6. Press the Enter button to return to the Top Menu.
(Optional) Enter the result of the procedure here.


The ACTIVITY menu allows you to scroll through current Acme Packet 4600 traffic statistics. These statistics provide a real-time snapshot of the capacity at which the system is operating.

The following information is displayed on the Acme Packet 4600 ACTIVITY display in the order listed:
  • Screen 1 — Number of sessions, sessions per minute, sessions per hour:
    • 200 Sessions

      40 Sessions/Minute

      180 Sessions/Hour

  • Screen 2 — Number of flows, flows per minute, flows per hour:
    • 400 Flows

      80 Flows/Minute

      360 Flows/Hour

  • Screen 3 — Number of used ports, number of free ports:
    • 1000 Used Ports

      2000 Free Ports

  • Screen 4 — SNMP information: number of SNMP packets received, number of SNMP traps sent out:
    • SNMP:

      PKTs in :20

      TRAPs out :10

To use the ACTIVITY menu in the graphic display:
  1. From the top menu of the graphic display, press the Enter button.
  2. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the ACTIVITY selection.
  3. Press the Enter button. The first screen in the ACTIVITY menu is displayed.
  4. Press the Up or Down button to scroll through the three ACTIVITY screens. You can press the Enter button on any of the screen to update the display with the most recent statistics.
  5. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the RETURN selection.
  6. Press the Enter button to return to the Top Menu.


The ENVIRONMENT menu allows you to view information about the hardware’s operational status. The graphic display presents the following information in the order listed:
  • Screen 1 — Hardware alarms and Link Alarms:
    • HW ALARM : 0

      LINK ALARM : 2

  • Screen 2 — System temperature and fan speeds:
    • TEMPERATURE: 38.00 C


      100% 100% 100% 100%

  • Screen 3 — System voltages:
    • VOLTAGES (V):

      1.099, 1.186

      1.488, 1.790

      2.458, 3.278, 4.982

To use the ENVIRONMENT menu in the graphic display:
  1. From the top menu of the graphic display, press the Enter button.
  2. Press the Up or Down buttons to scroll to the ENVIRONMENT selection.
  3. Press the Enter button. The ENVIRONMENT information is displayed.
  4. Press the Up or Down button to scroll to the RETURN selection.
  5. Press the Enter button to return to the Top Menu.


Pressing the Enter button for the RETURN selection returns you to the base display during normal operating conditions or to the alarm display during an alarm condition.

Graphic Display Output for HA Nodes

The information included in this section only applies to high availability Acme Packet 4600 System nodes.

The graphic display on a Acme Packet 4600 in an HA node indicates the current HA state. Five state indications can be displayed on the graphic display. Only the Standby and Active state indications appear in the graphic display for more than a few seconds. An explanation and example of each HA state follows.

Initial State Displays

The following example shows the output in the graphic display window of a Acme Packet 4600 in the initial state:



Out-Of-Service State Displays

The following example shows the output in the graphic display window of an out-of-service Acme Packet 4600:



Becoming Standby State Displays

The following example shows the output in the graphic display window of a becoming standby Acme Packet 4600:



Standby State Displays

The following example shows the output in the graphic display window of a standby Acme Packet 4600:



Active State Displays

Acme Packet 4600 Systems in the active state use the default graphic display. The following example shows the display of an active Acme Packet 4600: