5 Startup

This chapter describes Acme Packet 4600 startup that involves two tasks:
  • Powering on the Acme Packet 4600
  • Creating the first console connection to the Acme Packet 4600
You can perform these actions in any order. However, if your console connection is configured first, you can observe the booting processes as your Acme Packet 4600 goes online.

The last section of this chapter explains how to login to your system.

Creating a Console Connection

This section explains how to create a console connection.


In order to create a console connection to the Acme Packet 4600, you must configure the terminal hardware and software appropriately.

Serial Connection Parameter Setting
Baud Rate 115,200 bps
Date Bits 8
Parity No
Stop Bit 1
Flow Control None

Your terminal application and serial port MUST be capable of operating at 115.2 Kbps for creating a console session.

Creating a Console Connection

To create a console connection:
  1. Set the terminal application’s parameters to match the Acme Packet 4600 default parameters.
  2. The Acme Packet 4600 console port is located on the Acme Packet 4600 NIU. You must connect to the console port when initially booting the Acme Packet 4600 .
  3. If the Acme Packet 4600 is already powered on, press the Enter key a few times to activate the console connection. When ACLI text is displayed on the screen, the console connection has been successfully created.
  4. If you have created the console connection before powering up the Acme Packet 4600, you can watch the boot process as it displays on your screen.

Powering On the Acme Packet 4600 System

This section explains how to power on your Acme Packet 4600 System.


The following procedure presumes that you know how to connect your Acme Packet 4600 to either AC or DC power.

Powering On the Acme Packet 4600 System

To power on the Acme Packet 4600 hardware:
  1. Plug in the appropriate AC or DC power cords for your device.
  2. Place the System Power switch in the On position. The system starts to boot. Diagram showing the System Power Switch


    When operating with redundant power supplies, both power supplies must be plugged in either simultaneously or within a few seconds of each other. If the second power supply is on long enough after the first, an alarm is generated.
  3. The graphic display on the front control panel begins to display information when the system boots.

Initial Log On

Once you have established the console connection, powered on the Acme Packet 4600 and a runtime image has been loaded, you are ready to login and begin configuring the system. After the Acme Packet 4600 has initialized, the ACLI login prompt appears in your terminal application as follows:
  • User Access Verification
  • Password:

If the Acme Packet 4600 completed booting before you connected to the console port, press the <Enter> key on the console keyboard a few times to activate the console connection.

System access in the following procedure uses the default User and Superuser passwords. If you do not have the default passwords, please contact customer support.

  1. At the ACLI Password prompt, enter the default system User password and press <return>. Your entries are not echoed on the screen.
    User Access Verification
    From the User prompt you can view various configuration states and operating statistics on the Acme Packet 4600 and perform configuration tasks.
  2. Type enable and press <return> to enter Superuser mode. The prompt to enter the Superuser password appears.
    ACMEPACKET> enable
  3. Enter the Superuser password and press <return>. The system prompt will end with a pound sign instead of a closed-angle-bracket to let you know are in Superuser mode.
  4. You can now begin configuring your Acme Packet 4600. Refer to the Acme Packet Configuration Guide to learn how to establish an IP address for your Acme Packet 4600.

If you have any questions about booting or powering on your system, please contact customer support.

Formatting the Solid State Drive

After the initial log on to the device, you must format the Solid State Drive. Details on file system designs and the formatting procedure may be found in Chapter 9, File System Maintenance of the Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide for your software release.