DC Power

The Acme Packet 4600 can be powered by central office –48 VDC operations with a DC-DC supply. The handle on the front panel of the power supply is used to remove the power supply from the chassis. The gray locking handle, when moved from right to left, unlocks the power supply from the chassis when removing the power supply A terminal block on the DC power supply serves as the DC power interconnect. Diagram showing DC power supply

DC Power Cords

A DC power cord with mating connectors ships with each DC power supply.

Wire Color Lead Designation (DC Power Supply) Alternate Lead Designation (DC Power Supply)
Red RTN -48 VDC
Green/Yellow GND GND
Black -48 V RTN

Grounding Terminals

The grounding terminals are used to attach the Acme Packet 4600 chassis to a local earth ground. The terminals are located to the left of Power Supply B on the rear of the Acme Packet 4600. The Acme Packet 4600 is shipped with a lug and mounting nuts attached to the chassis along with a pre-made ground cable. A loose lug is included with the shipment so that the user has the potential to crimp the lug to a custom cable if desired.