1 About Billing Care SDK

Learn about the contents included with the Oracle Communications Billing Care SDK.

Topics in this document:

About the Billing Care SDK

The Billing Care SDK provides tools, libraries, and samples that you can use to customize Billing Care. Use the SDK with NetBeans IDE to set up a development environment for customizing Billing Care. The SDK includes the directories listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Billing Care SDK Directories

Directory Description


Contains the library JARs required to customize Billing Care.


Contains the default versions of the configuration and metadata files used to customize Billing Care. See "About the references Directory" for more information.


Contains code and configuration file samples used to assist you in customizing Billing Care. Each sample includes a README.txt file describing the implementation being shown in the example.

About the references Directory

The references directory contains the default versions of the configuration and metadata files used to customize Billing Care. You create new versions of many of the files in this directory when customizing Billing Care. These custom files are packaged in the customizations shared library you deploy to the Billing Care domain.

Table 1-2 lists the files included in the Billing Care SDK references directory.

Table 1-2 Billing Care SDK references Directory Files

File or Directory Description


Contains the metadata describing the contents of the Action menu in the main Billing Care toolbar. You work with this file to add, remove, rename, or rearrange menu entries. When customizing, create a CustomActionMenu.xml file.

See "Customizing the Billing Care Actions Menu" for more information.


Contains flags controlling the display of specific account attributes, timeout values, and BRM-related enum mappings When customizing, create a CustomConfigurations.xml file.


Contains all text labels in the application. You can use this file to change labels in the application. When customizing, create a customized_en.xlf file.

See "Customizing Billing Care Labels" for more information.


Contains the metadata describing the fields displayed for BRM events (associated with bill items). You work with event templates to display data from custom usage events or to alter the default template. When you create custom event templates, you must prefix template names with Custom.

See "Customizing Billing Care Templates" for more information.


Contains the metadata describing the data displayed in the Newsfeed. You work with Newsfeed templates to alter the default templates. When you create custom event templates, you must prefix template names with Custom.

See "Customizing Billing Care Templates" for more information.


Contains the Oracle Platform Security Services Entitlements Server (OPSS) seed data describing the authorization policies and resources.


Contains the definitions for and association between Billing Care views and view models (HTML and JavaScript). When customizing, create a customRegistry.js file.

See "About the Registry File" for more information.

Installing the Billing Care SDK

Use the Billing Care installer (BillingCare_generic.jar) from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud to install the Billing Care SDK and create the BillingCare_SDK folder on your NetBeans IDE host. Alternatively, if you included the SDK when installing Billing Care, copy the BillingCare_SDK folder from your Billing Care host to your NetBeans IDE host.

See Billing Care Installation Guide for more information about downloading and running the Billing Care installer.