7 Managing Failed Jobs and Transactions

You can use Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Business Operations Center to rerun failed jobs, export reports containing details of the accounts related to the failed jobs, and resolve the failed BRM-initiated payment transactions.

To manage failed jobs and transactions, see the following topics:

Rerunning Failed Jobs


When you rerun a failed job, it runs only on the database schema on which the job failed. For example, if the original job was run on all schemas but the failure occurred in the second schema, the job is rerun only on the second schema.

To rerun a failed job:

  1. Click the History icon.

    The Job History page with the results of the jobs run in the last 24 hours appears.

  2. (Optional) Select the appropriate time period.

  3. (Optional) Select the Failed or Blacked-out status.

    All failed jobs or jobs that did not run due to a blackout are displayed.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To run failed jobs, click Run Again.

    • To run blacked-out jobs, click Run Now.

    The job creation wizard with the details of the job appears.

  5. Click Done.

    The failed job runs immediately.

You can view the result of running the job in the Job History page. The job that you reran is listed in the same job, in a reverse chronological list. The job name is the same, but it now has a suffix (rerun). If rerunning a failed job also fails, you can rerun it again. The second rerun is also listed in the original job.

See "Viewing Details of Failed Jobs".


You can rerun a failed job only one time.

Exporting Failure Reports

You can export details about the accounts in a failed job into a spreadsheet on your local system.

To export a failure report:

  1. Click the History icon.

    The Job History page appears.

  2. Search for a failed job. See "Viewing Details of Failed Jobs".

  3. Click the View failure report link for any job with a Failed status.


    The View failure report link appears only in the following situations:

    • The job failed due to issues in the account associated with the job.

    • The job is a billing, invoicing, payment collection, or refund job.

    The Review Failure Details dialog box appears.

  4. In the Account Number column, click the account number for which you want to view details.

    A page with the details of that account appears.

  5. Click the Export button.

  6. Select Save File.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Browse to the location where you want to save the report.

  9. (Optional) Change the name of the file.

  10. Click Save.

Solving Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions

The three types of payment failures that you can resolve through Business Operations Center are the following:

  • Real-time Checkpoints: Transactions where the credit card failed either authorization or verification. You resolve these errors by deleting the checkpoints from BRM and then resubmitting the charge to the credit card processor. Because the first transaction failed, the customer won't be charged twice.

  • Unresolved Batches: BRM does not know if the payment clearing house received or processed the batch. You resolve this issue by calling the clearing house to find out if they received the batch and then either marking the batch as processed or resubmitting the batch to the clearing house.

  • Unresolved Payments: Transactions where the credit card number is reported as charged in both BRM and the payment clearing house, but it has not been recorded as paid in BRM. You resolve these payments by marking the customer's bill as paid.

For more information, see "Resolving Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions".


If the option Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions is not displayed in the Home page, no payments failed.

Resolving Real-Time Checkpoints

Credit card transactions that failed verification or authorization are marked as having real-time checkpoints. You fix these errors by deleting the checkpoints from BRM. You can then resubmit the charge to the credit card processor again.

To resolve real-time checkpoints:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Failed BRM-Initiated Payment Transactions.

    A page with details about the failed payments appears.

  3. Click Real Time Checkpoints.

    The page lists the credit card transactions that failed verification and authorization.

  4. (Optional) To export the list of transactions to a file, click Export authorize records.

  5. Click Clear.

    The checkpoints are deleted from the BRM database.

You can resubmit the charges that failed authorization to the credit card processor again.

Fixing Unresolved Batches

A batch of payments is marked as unresolved when BRM does not receive confirmation from the payment clearing house that it received or processed those payments. To resolve these issues, call the payment clearing house to find out whether they received the batch. If they did, you record the batch as having been processed successfully. If they did not, you resubmit the batch to the payment clearing house for processing.

To fix unresolved batches:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Failed BRM-initiated Payment Transactions.

    A page with details about the failed payments appears.

  3. Click Unresolved Batches.

    The page lists all batches that have not been marked as processed.

  4. Call the payment clearing house to find out whether they received any of the batches.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If the payment clearing house received the batch, click Yes and then click Resolve.

    • If the payment clearing house did not receive the batch, click No and then click Resubmit.

  6. (Optional) Export details about the batches to a file:

    1. Click View Batch.

      The list of all the transactions in the batch transaction appears.

    2. Click Export All.

Applying Unresolved Payments

In rare cases, a credit card charge is made and the checkpoint is cleared, but the payment isn't applied to the customer's account in BRM. These payments are categorized as unresolved. This might happen because of a network failure. You fix these errors by having Business Operations Center record the payment in your customers' accounts.

To apply unresolved payments to your customers' accounts:

  1. Click the Home icon.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Failed BRM-initiated Payment Transactions.

    A page with details about the failed payments appears.

  3. Click Unresolved Payments.

    All unresolved payment transactions appear.

  4. (Optional) To export all unresolved payments to a file for further investigation, click Export All.

  5. Click Resolve.

    Your customer's account is updated to show that they made the payment.