5 Preparing Your BRM Cloud Native Environment

Learn how to prepare your cloud native environment by downloading the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native deployment package, extracting the Helm charts, and loading the BRM component images.

Topics in this document:

Downloading the BRM Cloud Native Deployment Package

To download the BRM cloud native deployment package, do one of the following:

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 2 or Patch Set 3, go to the Oracle software delivery website (https://edelivery.oracle.com). Search for and then download Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management Cloud Native Deployment Option 12.0.0.x.0, where x is either 2 for Patch Set 2 or 3 for Patch Set 3.

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 4, go to the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com). Search for and then download the following patches:

    • Patch 32944814: For BRM cloud native packages such as BRM server, BRM REST Services Manager, Billing Care, Business Operations Center, and Pipeline Configuration Center

    • Patch 32944851: For PDC cloud native packages

    • Patch 32944833: For ECE cloud native packages

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 5, go to the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com). Search for and then download the following patches:

    • Patch 33332313: For BRM cloud native packages such as BRM server, BRM REST Services Manager, Billing Care, Business Operations Center, and Pipeline Configuration Center

    • Patch 33332349: For PDC cloud native packages

    • Patch 33332325: For ECE cloud native packages

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 6, go to the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com). Search for and then download the following patches:

    • Patch 33888870: For BRM cloud native packages such as BRM server, BRM REST Services Manager, Billing Care, Business Operations Center, and Pipeline Configuration Center

    • Patch 33888904: For PDC cloud native packages

    • Patch 33888886: For ECE cloud native packages

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 7, go to the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com). Search for and then download the following patches:

    • Patch 34135701: For BRM cloud native packages such as BRM server, BRM REST Services Manager, Billing Care, Business Operations Center, and Pipeline Configuration Center

    • Patch 34135704: For PDC cloud native packages

    • Patch 34135703: For ECE cloud native packages

  • For 12.0 Patch Set 8, go to the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com). Search for and then download the following patches:

    • Patch 34679039: For BRM cloud native packages such as BRM server, BRM REST Services Manager, Billing Care, Business Operations Center, and Pipeline Configuration Center

    • Patch 34679057: For PDC cloud native packages

    • Patch 34679048: For ECE cloud native packages

Table 5-1 lists the packages in the downloaded archive files.

Table 5-1 BRM Component Packages

Component Package Name File Name

Oracle Communications Cloud Native Advanced Queuing Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Batch Controller


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Batch Pipeline


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Billing Care


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Billing Care REST API oc-cn-bcws-12.0.0.x.0.tar

Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM Applications


Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM Configurator Job


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Business Operations Center


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Connection Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Initializer


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Upgrade


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Email Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Enterprise Application Integration Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Enterprise Application Integration Java Server


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Fusa Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Fusa Simulator


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Invoice Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Invoice Formatter


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Kafka Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native LDAP Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Oracle Database Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Performance Libraries


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pipeline Configuration Center


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pricing Design Center



Oracle Communications Cloud Native Pricing Design Center REST Services Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Provisioning Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Rated Event Loader


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Rated Event Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Real-Time Pipeline


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Roaming Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Synchronization Queue Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Vertex Data Manager


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Webhook


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Web Services Manager



Oracle Communications Cloud Native Database Initializer Helm Chart


Oracle Communications Cloud Native ECE Docker Image


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Docker Build Files


Oracle Communications Cloud Native ECE Helm Chart


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Helm Chart


Oracle Communications Cloud Native Operator Job Chart


Oracle Communications Cloud Native BRM REST Services Manager


Extracting the Helm Charts

Extract the BRM, ECE, operator job, and database initializer Helm charts by running these commands:

tar xvzf oc-cn-helm-chart-12.0.0.x.0.tgz

tar xvzf oc-cn-ece-helm-chart-12.0.0.x.0.tgz

tar xvzf oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart-12.0.0.x.0.tgz

tar xvzf oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart-12.0.0.x.0.tgz

Table 5-2 lists the files and directories extracted from the Helm chart archive files.

Table 5-2 Extracted Files

Archive File Extracted Files and Directories


  • oc-cn-helm-chart: BRM Helm Chart

  • sample_configurations directory: This directory contains default configuration XML files, such as bus_params_AR.xml and pin_config_export_gl.xml.


oc-cn-ece-helm-chart: ECE Helm Chart


oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart: WebLogic Operator Job Helm Chart


oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart: Database Initializer Helm Chart

Loading BRM Component Images

Images shipped with the BRM cloud native deployment package are in the form of TAR files. After downloading the TAR files, load them as images into the Docker system.

For example, to load the Oracle Communications Cloud Native Connection Manager image into the Docker system, you would do this:

  1. Download the oc-cn-brm-cm-12.0.0.x.0.tar file to the system where Docker is installed.

  2. Load the Connection Manager image into Docker using the following command:

    docker load --input oc-cn-brm-cm-12.0.0.x.0.tar
  3. Verify that the image is loaded correctly using the following command:

    docker images cm:12.0.0.x.0

    The image details should be listed in one row.

If you use an internal registry to access images from different Kubernetes nodes, push the images from the local system to the registry server. For example, if the registry is identified by RepoHost:RepoPort, you'd push the CM image to the registry like this:

  1. Tag the image with the registry server using the following command:

    docker tag cm:12.0.0.x.0 RepoHost:RepoPort/cm:12.0.0.x.0
  2. Push the image to the registry server using the following command:

    docker push RepoHost:RepoPort/cm:12.0.0.x.0

Loading the Oracle WebLogic Image

If you are using Billing Care, Billing Care REST API, or Business Operations Center, load the WebLogic image.

To load the Oracle WebLogic image into your private repository:

  1. Pull the WebLogic image into your local system using the following command:

    docker pull container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:
  2. Tag the image with the registry server using the following command, where RepoHost and RepoPort are the host and port of your repository:

    docker tag container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu: RepoHost:RepoPort/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:12.2.1.x-jdk8-ol8
  3. Push the image to the registry server using the following command, where RepoHost and RepoPort are the host and port of your repository:

    docker push RepoHost:RepoPort/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu: