10 Business Parameter Changes

The Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) 12.0 Patch Sets include new business parameters.

Topics in this document:

New Accounts Receivable Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-1 lists the accounts receivable business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-1 New Entries in bus_params_AR.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) For Paymentech credit-card processor users, specifies whether to require credit-card verification (CVV) data for Visa card transactions as a method of fraud prevention.

The default is disabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cvv2_required CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to collect a customer's current balance during registration.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the dd_collect CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the time limit, in seconds, BRM waits before revalidating a customer's direct debit account during registration. BRM will not attempt to validate an account if a previous validation failed and the specified time has not elapsed.

The default is 3600 (1 hour).

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the dd_revalidation_interval CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the time limit, in seconds, BRM waits before revalidating a customer's credit card during registration. BRM will not attempt to validate an account if a previous validation failed and the specified time has not elapsed.

The default is 3600.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cc_revalidation_interval CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to collect a customer's current balance during registration.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cc_collect CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether credit-card verification (CID) data is required for American Express credit card transactions. The parameter values are enabled or disabled.

The default is disabled.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies whether BRM can collect payments through PINless direct debit. The valid values are enabled and disabled. The default is disabled.

See "Enabling PINless Debit Payments in BRM" in BRM Configuring and Collecting Payments.

New Billing Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-2 lists the billing business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-2 New Entries in bus_params_billing.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to apply folds and enable fold calculation.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the apply_folds CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to apply rollovers.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the apply_rollover CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the cancellation tolerance for account products, in minutes. This is the time after a product is purchased when it can be canceled with a full refund. For example, this tolerance is needed when a CSR assigns the wrong product to a customer and needs to cancel it.

The default is 15.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cancel_tolerance CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies whether to retrieve the total tax and tax due at each item level. The possible values are enabled and disabled.

The default is disabled.

New Customer Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-3 lists the billing business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-3 New Entries in bus_params_customer.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the default day of the month for billing accounts.

The default is 0.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the actg_dom CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the default number of accounting cycles before a customer is billed.

The default is 1.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the bill_when CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to run a checksum validation on the customer's credit card during registration.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cc_checksum CM pin.conf entry.

New Invoicing Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-4 lists the invoicing business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-4 New Entries in bus_params_invoicing.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to filter invoice items by pruning time. The valid values are:

  • enabled: Items are not filtered by pruning time.
  • disabled: Items are filtered by pruning time. This is the default.

New Multibalance Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-5 lists the multibalance business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-5 New Entries in bus_params_multi_bal.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 6) Specifies the order of balance consumption processing. The valid values are:

  • main: Main balance consumption processing.
  • loan: Loan balance consumption process. This is the default.

New Notification Business Parameter Entries

Patch Set 8 introduces a new notification instance of the /config/business_params object. You edit the notification-related business parameters by using the bus_params_notification.xml file.

Table 10-6 lists the notification business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-6 New Entries in bus_params_notification.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) The KafkaDBNumber for which the DynamicKey is populated.

The default is / 0.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether the Kakfa Dynamic Key is enabled or not. If enabled and KafkaDBNumber matches the POID, the PIN_FLD_NOTIFICATION_KEY_INFO field is added to the PCM_OP_PUBLISH_POL_PREP_EVENT input flist.

The default is disabled.

New Rating Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-7 lists the rating business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-7 New Entries in bus_params_rating.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Allows you to turn on or off rating features, such as credit floor checking. For information, see "Setting Optional Rating Flags" in BRM Configuring Pipeline Rating and Discounting.

The default is 0.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the extra_rate_flags CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether to set a member account's credit limit to zero when rolling up balances to a parent account. The valid values are enabled and disabled.

The default is enabled.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether the sharing groups feature is enabled. The valid values are enabled and disabled.

The default is enabled.


(Patch Set 5) Specifies whether to apply discounts when the product scale is 0. The valid values are:

  • disabled: Rating skips the pipeline call so that discounts are not processed if the product scale is 0

  • enabled: Discounts are applied. This is the default.

New Subscription Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-8 lists the subscription business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-8 New Entries in bus_params_subscription.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether the day on which a line was canceled should be counted when decrementing contract days.

The default is 1.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cdc_line_cancel_day_include CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether the day on which a line was created should be counted when incrementing contract days.

The default is 1.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the cdc_line_create_day_include CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Size used for step search while searching events in rerating/rebilling. This value can be changed as per the required number of events to be searched. For more information, see "Setting the Rerating Event Cache Size (Fetch Size)" in BRM Rerating Events.

The default is 10000.

Note: In Patch Set 7 or earlier releases, use the event_fetch_size CM pin.conf entry instead.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to automatically delete /purchased_product objects when a charge offer is canceled.

The default is enabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the keep_cancelled_products_or_discounts CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies the maximum number of billing cycles allowed between the current time and the backdated event date for rererating events.

The default is 1.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, this functionality is controlled by using the num_billing_cycles CM pin.conf entry.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to immediately propagate shared discounts when a new discount is added or removed from the group or a member subscribes or unsubscribes to the group. For more information, see "Configuring the Start and End Times for Discount Sharing" in BRM Managing Customers.

The default is disabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, use the propagate_discount CM pin.conf entry instead.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to enable the enhanced rate change management feature. When enabled, rate changes for cycle events that occur in the middle of a cycle will be prorated using both the old and new rate. When disabled, only the old rate will be applied.

The default is disabled.

Note: In Patch Set 7 and earlier releases, use the rate_change CM pin.conf entry instead.


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether to round the timestamps of loan sub-balance buckets when applying loans.

The default is disabled.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether the loan balance should be reduced during recovery. The valid values are enabled (1) and disabled (0).

The default value is 0.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether to automatically create rerate objects for backdated actions, so that the pin_rerate utility can determine which events need rerating. The valid values are:

  • enabled: Specifies to automatically create rerate objects for backdated actions. The pin_rerate utility can look for these objects and then use them to determine which events need rerating and how far back to go.

  • disabled: Specifies to not automatically create rerate objects for backdated actions. This is the default.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether to automatically create a discount sharing group or product sharing group for the top-level parent or billing account. The valid values are:

  • 0: Disabled. This is the default.

  • 1: Automatic discount sharing groups are enabled.

  • 2: Automatic product sharing groups are enabled.

  • 3: Both automatic discount sharing groups and automatic product sharing groups are enabled.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies whether the service transfer feature is enabled. The valid values are enabled and disabled.

The default is enabled.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies whether to apply charges to inactive or canceled products. The valid values are enabled and disabled.

The default is disabled.

See "Specifying Whether to Charge Inactive, Canceled, or SuspendedActive Accounts" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies whether PCM_OP_SUBSCRIPTION_CYCLE_FORWARD adds rollover details to /event/notification/subscription/renewal notification events. The valid values are enabled and disabled.

The default is disabled.

See "Adding Rollover Details to Subscription Renewals" in BRM Managing Customers.


(Patch Set 6) In cases where customers make an underpayment, specifies the percentage of the payment that is applied to the loan repayment. Valid values are 0 through 100, where 0 specifies that no amount is applied to the loan repayment and 100 specifies that the entire amount is applied to the loan repayment.

The default is 100.


(Patch Set 5) Specifies whether to automatically create rerate jobs when a product with noncurrency resources is canceled. The valid values are:

  • 0: Disabled. This is the default.

  • 1: Enabled.

See "Enabling Rerating for Canceled Noncurrency Resources" in BRM Rerating Events.


(Patch Set 5) Specifies the name of the default zone map name to use for location-based operations.

The default is DefaultZonemap.


(Patch Set 5) When a customer's subscription fails due to insufficient credit, the subscription can be retried your specified number of times before sending a failure notification to an external system.

The default is 0, which sends the failure notification immediately without retrying.

See "Configuring the Maximum Number of Subscription Retries" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

New System Business Parameter Entries

Table 10-9 lists the system business parameter entries introduced in the BRM 12.0 patch set releases.

Table 10-9 New Entries in bus_params_system.xml

Business Parameter Description


(Patch Set 8) Specifies whether the parent and member accounts in a sharing group can reside in different database schemas. See "Enabling Group Members to Reside in Multiple Schemas" in BRM Managing Customers for more information.

The default is disabled.


(Patch Set 7) Specifies the rating engine used for prepaid events. The valid values are:

  • 0: The BRM rating engine is used. This is the default.

  • 1: The ECE rating engine is used.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies how long after the delivery time that messages can be delivered to your customers through an external notification application. The default is 2 hours.

See "Setting System-Wide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies whether to generate unique IDs for /event, /balance_group, /billinfo, and /payinfo objects. A value of 1 enables the generation of unique IDs, and 0 disables it. The default is 0.


(Patch Set 6) Specifies the name of the calendar for determining the list of silent days. Notifications cannot be delivered to your customers on silent days. The default is NotificationSilentDays.

See "Setting System-Wide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.


(Patch Set 5) Specifies the system-wide silent period during which messages cannot be sent to customers. The default is 21:00 through 07:00.

See "Setting System-Wide Values for Notifications" in BRM Managing Customers.


(Patch Set 5) Specifies the custom fields to add to notifications during the enrichment process. The default is empty.

See "Adding Custom Fields during Enrichment" in BRM Managing Customers.