3 Changesets

A changeset is a group of setup and pricing components that you manage and submit together. Changesets are managed and displayed in the Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) Workspace page. See "Understanding the Workspace Page".

For information on using changesets, see:

For an overview of changesets, see "About Changesets" in PDC Creating Product Offerings.

Creating a Changeset

To create a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace page, click the Add icon in the Workspace task pane.

    The Create Changeset dialog box appears.

  2. Enter a name and a description.

  3. (Optional) To make the changeset active upon creation, select Set as Active Changeset.

  4. Click OK.

    The changeset is added to the Open Changesets list. A check mark appears next to changeset if it is set to active.

Specifying the Active Changeset

When you create or modify a setup or pricing component, a draft of the new or updated component is automatically added to your active changeset.

You can have multiple changesets, but only one can be active at any time.


Do not switch the active changeset while in the middle of creating a setup or pricing component. Otherwise, a search for referenced components may return components from different changesets, which is invalid. This does not apply when editing draft components.

To specify the active changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select a changeset.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the Actions menu, select Set As Active.

    • Right-click the changeset and select Set As Active.

    The changeset becomes active, and a check mark appears next to its name.

Related Topics

Creating a Changeset

Validating a Changeset

Before a changeset can be submitted by PDC, it must be validated. When you submit a changeset, PDC validates all the components in the changeset. See "Submitting a Changeset".

Optionally, you can validate a changeset by clicking the Validate button. You can also validate individual components. See "Validating Pricing Components".

To validate a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select a changeset.

    The setup and pricing components in the changeset appear in the Changeset Details section.

  2. Click Validate.

    If no validation errors are found, the message "Validation Successful: No Errors Found" appears below the Validate button.

    If validation errors are found, the Validation Errors section appears at the bottom of the page that lists the validation errors. The number of validation errors displayed is limited to 25. To see additional errors, fix some of the existing errors.

    The Status column displays:

    Status Icon Description
    Status icon that shows invalid setup or pricing components in the changeset

    Displays for invalid setup or pricing components in the changeset.

    Status icon that shows setup or pricing components with invalid child nodes.

    Displays for setup or pricing components with invalid child nodes.

    The invalid changeset node in the Workspace displays the following icon:

    Status icon that shows invalid changeset node

Submitting a Changeset

To publish the components in a changeset to Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM), you submit the changeset. You must submit an entire changeset; you cannot submit only some of its components. You cannot modify a changeset after it is submitted.

To submit a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select a changeset.

    The setup and pricing components in the changeset appear in the Changeset Details section.

  2. Click Submit.

  3. In the confirmation message, click OK.

    The components in the changeset are submitted for publication to BRM. The Pending and Successfully Submitted links are displayed in the Workspace task pane. To view the list of pending or successfully submitted changesets, move the mouse over the Pending or Successfully Submitted link.

    The status of its components is changed from Draft to Promoted when the components are validated and submitted for transformation to BRM.

    If one or more components cannot be submitted to BRM, the changeset is moved to the Failed Changesets list.

    After a changeset is successfully submitted, it is removed from your workspace. You can no longer access it from your workspace; however, it is still available in the database.

    To remove the list of successfully submitted changesets from the Successfully Submitted Changesets dialog box, click the Successfully Submitted link in the Workspace task pane and then click Clear.

Related Topics

Fixing a Failed Changeset

Showing or Hiding Failed Changesets

You can show, hide, or close failed changesets.


Only the users with Pricing Design Admin and Pricing Analyst roles can show or hide failed changesets. For more information on adding PDC users to groups, see PDC Installation and System Administration Guide.

To show or hide failed changesets:


By default, all the failed changesets are displayed.

  1. In the Workspace task pane, from the Actions menu, select one of the following:

    • Hide Failed Changesets

      All the failed changesets are hidden.

    • Hide and Close Failed Changesets

      The Hide and Close Failed Changesets dialog box appears. In the dialog box, select Close Hidden Changesets and then click OK to close all the failed changesets including the hidden failed changesets. Do not select this option, if you want to close only the changesets displayed in the Failed Changesets list.


      If you close a failed changeset, you cannot reopen it.

      If you want to fix and resubmit the components in the closed changeset later, you can search and add those components to a new changeset.

    • Show Failed Changesets

      The hidden failed changesets are displayed. You can now fix and resubmit these changesets. See the following for more information:

Fixing a Failed Changeset

To submit a failed changeset, you must first fix it.

For information on the common changeset errors and how to resolve them, see the discussion about troubleshooting PDC in BRM System Administrator's Guide.

To fix a failed changeset:

  1. In the Changeset Details section of a failed changeset, click Fix.

    Depending on the type of error, PDC either resubmits the changeset or creates a changeset with invalid objects.

    If PDC creates a changeset:

    • The Draft Created message is displayed. Click OK.

    • The original failed changeset is closed and removed from the Failed Changesets list.

    • Newly created changeset is added to the Open Changesets list.

    • The Changeset Details section of the newly created changeset lists the errors that caused the failure at the bottom of the section. An error tab is displayed for each transformation engine to which the changeset was submitted. This section also displays the Submission History link. Click the link to open the Submission History dialog box that displays all the predecessor changesets in a hierarchical structure. Select a changeset to view its details.

    If PDC resubmits a failed changeset to fix it, the changeset is removed from the Failed Changesets list and added to the Pending Changeset list.

Related Topics

Submitting a Changeset

Exporting and Importing Changesets

You can export a changeset from PDC to an XML file and also import a changeset from an XML file into PDC.

For exporting and importing changesets, see:

Exporting Changesets


You can export only valid changesets.

You can export the components of a changeset into an XML file. Optionally, you can include all the components referenced by the components in the exported changeset, whether or not the components are part of that changeset.

To export a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select a changeset.

    The setup and pricing components in the changeset appear in the Changeset Details section.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • From the Actions menu, select Export.

    • Right-click the changeset and select Export.

    The Export dialog box appears.

  3. Select the export option.

    You can select to export the setup or pricing components in this changeset and all the referenced setup or pricing components from other changesets or only the setup or pricing components in this changeset.

  4. Click OK.

    The Opening Filename dialog box appears, where Filename is the default name of the XML file.


    By default, PDC generates the XML file name as ChangesetName.xml, where ChangesetName is the name of the changeset.

  5. Select the Save File option.

  6. Click OK.

    A dialog box in which to enter the name and location of the file appears.

  7. Select a location where you want to save the file. Optionally, rename the file.

  8. Click Save.

Importing Changesets

You can import setup and pricing components from an XML file into a new or an existing open changeset. The imported components can be immediately submitted for publication.

To import a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, from the Actions menu, select Import.

    The Import dialog box appears.

  2. Click Browse.

    The Choose File to Upload dialog box appears.

  3. Do the following:

    1. Select the XML file that you want to import.

    2. Click Open.

    The selected XML file name appears and the Browse button is replaced by the Update button.

    Optionally, click Update if you want to select a different XML file to import. In the Update File dialog box, click Browse and select a different XML file.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To import the components into a new changeset, select New and enter the name of the changeset.

    • To import the components into an existing changeset, select Existing and then select a changeset.

  5. (Optional) Select the option to submit the changeset for publication to BRM right after the components are imported.

  6. Click OK.

Modifying a Changeset

You can modify the name and description of a changeset.

To modify a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select the changeset.

    The setup and pricing components in the changeset appears in the Changeset Details section.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Edit Changeset dialog box appears.

  3. Modify the changeset name and description as required.

  4. (Optional) Select the Set as Active Changeset check box to make this changeset active. This check box is disabled if the changeset is active.

  5. Click OK.

Deleting a Changeset

When you delete a changeset, all its components are also deleted.

To delete a changeset:

  1. In the Workspace task pane, select a changeset and click the Delete icon.

  2. In the confirmation message, click OK.

    If you deleted an active changeset, the Select Active Changeset dialog box appears. You can select any existing changeset to be set as active or create an active changeset. If only one changeset remains after you delete the active changeset, by default, it is set as active.

Workspace Page Reference

Use the Workspace page to create and manage changesets.

For a description of the fields, see:

Changeset Details Section

Use the Changeset Details section to edit, validate, submit, or fix a changeset.

The following table describes the fields and buttons available in this section. Depending on the status of a changeset, only a subset of the fields and buttons might appear.

Field Description


Displays the name of the changeset.


Displays the status of the changeset.


Displays the date and time when the changeset was created.


Displays the description of the changeset.


Displays the date and time when the changeset was submitted.

This field appears only for a changeset in Failed status.

Submission History

Click this link to open the Submission History dialog box.

This link appears only for a changeset that is created when you fixed a failed changeset.


Click this button to edit the changeset.

This button appears only for a changeset in Open status.


Click this button to validate the changeset.

This button appears only for a changeset in Open status.


Click this button to submit the changeset.

This button appears only for a changeset in Open status.


Click this button to fix the changeset.

This button appears only for a changeset in Failed status.

The table in this section lists the setup and pricing components available in the changeset. Depending on the status of a changeset, only a subset of the columns in the table might appear.

Label Description


Displays the name of the setup or pricing component.


Displays the type of the setup or pricing component.


Displays the description of the setup or pricing component.

Last Modified

Displays the date and time when the setup or pricing component was last modified.

This column does not appear for a changeset in Failed status.


This column appears only for a changeset in Open or Failed status.

For an open changeset, this column displays the validation status of the setup or pricing component.

For a failed changeset, this column displays one of the following transformation process statuses of the setup or pricing component:

  • Success: Specifies that the setup or pricing component is successfully transformed for all the associated target engines.

  • Failed: Specifies that the setup or pricing component failed to transform for all the associated target engines.

  • Partial Success: Specifies that the setup or pricing component failed to transform for some of the associated target engines.

    The tooltip on the status icon for each partially successful setup or pricing component lists the name of the associated target engine and the corresponding transformation status.

Create Changeset Dialog Box

Use the Create Changeset dialog box to create a changeset.

Field Description


Enter the name of the changeset.


Enter a description for the changeset.

Set as Active Changeset

(Optional) Select to make the changeset active upon creation. This check box is disabled if the changeset is active.

Related Tasks

Creating a Changeset

Edit Changeset Dialog Box

Use the Edit Changeset dialog box to modify the properties of an existing changeset.

Field Description


Modify the name of the changeset.


Modify the description of the changeset.

Set as Active Changeset

(Optional) Select to make the changeset active. This check box is disabled for an already active changeset.

Related Tasks

Modifying a Changeset

Export Dialog Box

Use the Export dialog box to export a changeset to an XML file.

Field Description

Export all referenced pricing components

Select to export components in the selected changeset and all the components referenced by these components to an XML file. The referenced objects may belong to changesets other than the selected changeset.

Export only the pricing components in this changeset

Select to export the components in only the selected changeset to an XML file.

Related Tasks

Exporting Changesets

Import Dialog Box

Use the Import dialog box to import components from an XML file into a new or an existing changeset in the Draft status.

Field Description


Click to find the XML file that you want to import.

After you select the XML file, the Browse button is replaced by the Update button. Optionally, click Update if you want to select a different XML file to import.


Select to import the components from the XML file into a new changeset and then enter the name of the new changeset.


Select to import the components into an existing changeset and then select a changeset.

Submit imported pricing components immediately

Select to submit the changeset for publication to BRM right after the components are imported.

Related Tasks

Importing Changesets

Hide and Close Failed Changesets Dialog Box

Use the Hide and close failed changesets dialog box to close and hide failed changesets.

Field Description

Close Hidden Changesets

Select to close all the failed changesets including the hidden failed changesets.