11 Time Models

A time model is a set of time periods that are used to set up different prices in a charge. Each time period consists of one or more time segments. A time segment can be represented using days of the week, days of the month, time of day, months of the year, or special days defined in a calendar.

For example, you can define two time periods, Peak and Offpeak, with the following time segments:

  • Peak

    • Monday through Friday; 8:00 through 21:00

  • Offpeak

    • Monday through Friday; 21:00 through 8:00

    • Saturday and Sunday; All Day

To work with time models, see the following topics:

Creating a Time Model


The features of the time model that are displayed are determined by the pricing profile that you select for the time model. Not all features described in the procedure below are supported by all pricing profiles.

To create a time model:

  1. In the Pricing section of the navigation pane, under Models and Selectors, click Create Time Model.

    The Create Time Model page appears.

  2. In the General Information section, enter a name and a description for the time model.

  3. From the Pricing Profile list, select the pricing profile for the time model.

    The pricing profile that you select determines the capabilities that are supported for the time model.

  4. (Optional) Select Uses Special Day Calendar, and then select the special day calendar.

    If this option is selected, the time model must include at least one time period with special day calendar. Otherwise, the time model validation will fail.

  5. (Optional) In the Time Periods section, from the Effective Period list, click Manage to add or change the effective period.

    The effective period indicates when the time periods in the time model are valid. The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

  6. In the Time Periods table, click Create Time Period.

    The Manage Time Periods dialog box appears.

  7. Enter a unique name for the time period, and then select one or more of the time attributes to create a time segment.

    You cannot have both normal days and special days included in the time period. They are mutually exclusive.

  8. Click OK.

  9. (Optional) To add another segment to the time period, in the Time Periods table, click Add Time Segment.

  10. When you have completed adding time periods and time segments, click Finish.

    The overview page for the time model appears.

Create Time Model Page Reference

Use the Create Time Model page to create a time model with one or more time periods.

For a description of the fields, see:

General Information Section

Use the General Information section to provide general information for the time model.

Some of the fields described in the following table might not display depending on the pricing profile that is selected.

Field Description

Name, Description

Enter a unique name and a description for the time model.

Pricing Profile

Select the pricing profile for the time model.

Uses Special Day Calendar

(Optional) Select to use a special day calendar in this time model. Then, select the calendar that you want to use.

A special day calendar contains special days (for example, holidays) that can be included in the time segment.

If this option is selected, the time model must include at least one time period with special day calendar. Otherwise, the time model validation will fail.

Related Tasks

Creating a Time Model

Time Periods Section

Use the table in the Time Periods section to add time periods in the time model.

The table displays the time periods and the time segments within those time periods.

Some of the fields described in the following table might not display depending on the pricing profile that is selected.

Field Description

Effective Period

(Optional) Set the start and end dates to specify the period during which the time periods in the time model are valid.

The default effective period starts immediately and never ends.

From the Effective Period list, click Manage to add or change an effective period. See "Manage Effective Periods Dialog Box".

Column Description

Create Time Period

Click to add a time period and the time segment for the time model. See "Manage Time Periods Dialog Box".

Add Time Segment

Click to add a time segment to an existing time period. See "Manage Time Periods Dialog Box".

Duplicate Time Period
Duplicate icon

Click this icon to duplicate a time period.

A copy of the time period is added to the table.

Edit Time Period
Edit icon

Click this icon to edit a time segment for a time period.

Time Period

Lists the names of the time periods in the time model.

Time Segment

Displays the time segments for the time periods.

A time segment defines the specific times in the time period. A time segment can include:

  • Days of the week

  • Time of day

  • Months of the year

  • Days of the month

  • Special days in a calendar

For example:

  • Any Day of the Week; 18:00:00-06:00:00;

Related Tasks

Creating a Time Model

Manage Effective Periods Dialog Box

Use the Manage Effective Periods dialog box to add or change effective periods.

  • To add a new effective period, click the Add icon. In the Add New Effective Period dialog box, enter a start date or click the date selector to select a date.

  • To change the effective period that starts immediately, deselect Immediately and enter a new start date or click the date selector to select a date.

Related Tasks

Creating a Time Model

Manage Time Periods Dialog Box

Use the Manage Time Periods dialog box to define a time period and select attributes for a time segment.

Some of the fields described in the following table might not display depending on the pricing profile that is selected.

Field Description


Enter a name for the time period.

Every time period within a time model should have a unique name.

Days of the Week

Select the days of the week for the time segment.

  • To include all the days of the week, select Any Day of the Week.

  • To include specific days, deselect Any Day of the Week, and then select one or more days.

    For example, to set the days to weekdays only, select Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Time of Day

Set the time interval for the time segment.

  • To set the time interval to 24 hours of the day, select All Day.

  • To set a specific time, deselect All Day, and then set From and To to the start and end time.

    For example, to set the time to off-peak hours, set From to 18:00:00 and To to 06:00:00.

Months of the Year

Select the months of the year for the time segment.

  • To include specific months, deselect Any Month of the Year, and then select one or more months.

Days of the Month

Select the days of the month for the time segment.

  • To include specific days, deselect Any Day of the Month, and then select one or more days.

Special Day Calendar

Select to use special days defined in the special day calendar.

You cannot have both normal days and special days included in the time period. They are mutually exclusive.

Related Tasks

Creating a Time Model