1 Pricing Design Center Installation Overview

Learn about the procedures for installing and upgrading Oracle Communications Pricing Design Center (PDC) 12.0 and the 12.0 patch sets.

Topics in this document:

Overview of the PDC Installation Procedure

The following is an outline of the installation procedure for the PDC software:

  1. Plan your installation. Planning your installation involves:

    • Determining the scale of your implementation (for example, is it a small test system or a large production system?)

    • Assessing how many physical computers you need and which software components to install on which computers

    • Planning the system topology

  2. Review system requirements.

  3. Perform the following pre-installation tasks:

    • Install and configure Oracle Database

    • Install and configure Oracle WebLogic Server

    • Install and configure Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM)

    • Install Java Runtime Environment (JRE)/Java Development Kit (JDK)

  4. Install the complete PDC software.

  5. Perform the post-installation configuration tasks.

  6. Verify the installation.

Overview of the PDC Upgrade Procedure

The following is an outline of the procedure for the PDC upgrade or the patch set installation:

  1. Plan your upgrade.

  2. Review system requirements.

  3. Perform the following pre-installation tasks:

    • Shut down the current instance.

    • Back up your existing PDC installation.

    • Install a compatible version of ECE.

    • Install a compatible version of BRM.

    • Upgrade the PDC database.

  4. Install PDC 12.0 or the 12.0 patch set in a different location on the machine on which the existing PDC installation is located.

  5. Perform the post-installation configuration tasks.

  6. Verify the installation.

Ensuring a Successful PDC Installation

Oracle recommends that the installation and configuration of the Oracle database be performed by an experienced database administrator.

To ensure that the PDC installation is successful, follow these guidelines:

  • As you install each component (for example, the Oracle Database and WebLogic Server), verify that the component installed successfully before continuing the installation process.

  • Pay close attention to the system requirements. Before you begin installing the application, ensure that your system has the required base software. In addition, ensure that you know all the required configuration values, such as host names and port numbers.

  • Make a note of any new configuration values as you create them. You will be required to enter configuration values later in the procedure.