B Outbound Communications Reference

Learn about the outbound TMF 620 request sent by PDC REST Services Manager to your enterprise product catalog to retrieve product and pricing information. The response payloads from the enterprise product catalog contain the complete definition of the product offering and product offering price objects.

PDC REST Services Manager sends the following outbound request:


The retrieveProductOffering request is sent by PDC REST Services Manager to retrieve offers from your enterprise product catalog.

TMF 620 Endpoint


Path Parameters

By default, PDC REST Services Manager includes the following path parameters:

  • expand=productOffering.productOfferingPrice: Includes the pricing details defined in the ProductOfferingPrice resource in the response.
  • {id}: Replaced by the ProductOffering ID from the initial event notification payload. Specifies which ProductOffering resource to return.
  • depth=10: Includes details for up to ten levels of referenced resources in the response.



Sample Response

Supported Media Type: application/json

200 Response "OK"

Title: Product Offering

    "@type": "ProductOfferingOracle",
    "@schemaLocation": "/catalogManagement/Oracle/Schema/Oracle.ProductOffering.yml",
    "@baseType": "ProductOffering",
    "id": "ProductOffering_000",
    "name": "ProductOffering_000",
    "productOfferingInfo": {
        "productType": "SERVICE"
    "description": "A product offering",
    "href": "/mobile/custom/catalogManagement/productOffering/ProductOffering_000",
    "isSellable": false,
    "validFor": {
        "startDateTime": "2021-07-08T10:42:49.049Z",
        "endDateTime": "2022-07-08T10:47:50.050Z"
    "lastUpdate": "2021-07-08T10:42:50.050Z",
    "lifecycleStatus": "In design",
    "isBundle": false,
    "version": "1.0",
    "productSpecification": {
        "@baseType": "ProductSpecificationOracle",
        "id": "MobilePhonePS",
        "href": "/mobile/custom/catalogManagement/productSpecification/MobilePhonePS",
        "name": "Mobile Phone PS"
    "project": {
        "id": "project-001",
        "name": "Project 001"
    "serviceCandidate": {
        "@type": "ServiceCandidateRef",
        "@referredType": "ServiceSpecificationOracle",
        "id": "TelcoGsm",
        "href": "/mobile/custom/catalogManagement/serviceSpecification/TelcoGsm",
        "name": "TelcoGsm"
    "productOfferingPrice": [
            "@type": "ProductOfferPricePlanOracle",
            "@baseType": "ProductOfferingPriceOracle",
            "id": "ProductOfferingPrice000",
            "name": "ProductOfferingPrice000",
            "href": "/mobile/custom/catalogManagement/productOfferingPrice/ProductOfferingPrice000",
            "@schemaLocation": "/catalogManagement/Oracle/Oracle.ProductOfferingPrice.yml",
            "description": "A product offering price",
            "version": "1.0",
            "isBundle": false,
            "discountable": false,
            "billOnPurchase": false,
            "priceType": "ONE_TIME_PRICE_PLAN",
            "price": {
                "unit": "USD",
                "value": 100.10
            "tax": [
                    "@type": "TaxItemOracle",
                    "taxCategory": "US",
                    "taxTime": "BILLING_TIME",
                    "taxCode": "cycle",
                    "taxAmount": {
                        "unit": "USD",
                        "value": 0
                    "taxRate": 0,
                    "taxProvider": "Provider001"
            "glid": "Tax on cycle forward fee",
            "isTaxInclusive": false,
            "validFor": {
                "startDateTime": "2021-07-08T10:42:49.049Z",
                "endDateTime": "2022-07-08T10:47:50.050Z"
            "lifecycleStatus": "In design"