27 Rating Based on Multiple RUMs with Pipeline Manager

This chapter shows how to use Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Pipeline Manager to set up charge offers or rate plans to rate batch events based on multiple ratable usage metrics (RUMs).

Topics in this document:

About Rating Based on Multiple RUMs with Pipeline Manager

To rate an event using multiple RUMs with Pipeline Manager, you set up multiple Pricing steps. In other words, you configure pipeline rating within the individual pricing.

For each RUM, the data is set in the Event Data Record (EDR) before it is sent to the batch pipeline. Pipeline Manager then uses this data to do the rating based on each individual RUM. Each RUM is fully rated before rating the next RUM.

For more information about applying multiple RUMs to rate a batch event, see "Applying Multiple RUMs to Rate a Batch Event".

Applying Multiple RUMs to Rate a Batch Event

To rate a batch event by using multiple RUMs, you set up multiple Pricing steps.

To use multiple RUMs to rate a batch event, do the following:

  1. Define the RUMs available for rating.

  2. Set up pricing steps. The following example shows a multi-RUM charge model created for a standard GPRS delayed event:

    • Duration RUM: 0.02 EUR/min

    • Volume Sending RUM: 2 EUR/MB

    • Volume Receiving RUM: 2 EUR/MB

    • In this case, you set up the following pricing steps:

      Configure the pricing for the Duration RUM as follows:

      Beat: 60

      Charge: 0.02

      Charge Base: 60

      Configure the pricing for the Volume Receiving RUM as follows:

      Beat: 2048

      Charge: 2.00

      Charge Base: 1048576

      Configure the pricing for the Volume Sending RUM as follows:

      Beat: 2048

      Charge: 2.00

      Charge Base: 1048576