10 Suspense Manager Reports

This document describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) reports that support the standard recycling and Suspense Manager features.

For more information, see "About Suspending and Recycling Event Records" in BRM Suspending and Recycling Event Records.

Topics in this document:

Suspended Event Record Report

The Suspended Event Record report (SuspenseHandling.rtf) shows the totals of suspended call records that were processed by Suspense Manager during a time period you specify. This report displays the status of the suspended call records at the time you ran this report.

You can generate two versions of the Suspended Event Record report:

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Suspense Reports/SuspenseHandling/SuspenseHandling.xdm

Suspended Event Record Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the suspended event record summary report:

  • Report type

    The type of information you want to show in the report:

    • SUMMARY - Shows the total number of accounts and the amount in the specified collections scenario without disclosing specific account information.

    • DETAIL - Specifies the account number, customer name, other account details, and the amount in the specified collections action. See "Suspended Event Record Detail Report" for details.

  • Start date

  • End date

For details on the start date and end date parameters, see "Running BRM Reports".

Suspended Event Record Summary Report

This report returns the following information:

  • The suspense reason that caused the call records to fail.

  • For each suspense reason, the total number of suspended call records by suspense status (suspended, recycling, successfully reprocessed, and written off).

  • The total number of suspended call records for all statuses.

Suspended Event Record Detail Report

This report is a more verbose version of the Suspended Event Record summary report. It returns the same information as summary version, and includes additional details from the individual call records. This report returns the following:

  • The suspense reason that caused the call records to fail.

  • For each suspense reason, a list of all the suspended call records.

  • Details for each call record, including:

    • The number of times the call has been recycled.

    • The date the call was made.

    • The call duration (in minutes).

    • The calling number.

    • The called number.

  • The total number of suspended call records by suspense status (suspended, recycling, successfully reprocessed, and written off).

Written-Off Event Record Report

The written-off event record report (SuspenseHandlingWriteoff.rtf) shows the total number of suspended call records with a status of written-off.

You can generate two versions of the SuspenseHandlingWriteoff report:

  • A summary report that lists totals of suspended call records with a written-off call status. This reports shows suspended call totals by suspense reason. For details, see "Written-Off Event Record Summary Report".

  • A detail report that lists the same information as the summary report and also includes details for each call records. For details, see "Written-Off Event Record Detail Report".

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/Suspense Reports/SuspenseHandlingWriteoff/SuspenseHandlingWriteoff.xdm

Written-Off Event Record Report Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the written-off event record report:

  • Report type

    The type of information you want to show in the report:

    • Enter SUMMARY to show the number of suspended calls in your BRM system, arranged by suspense reason.

    • You can also enter DETAIL to specify a more detailed version of this report. See "Suspended Event Record Detail Report" for details.

  • Start date

  • End date

For details on the start date and end date parameters, see "Running BRM Reports".

Written-Off Event Record Summary Report

This report returns the total number of suspended call records.

Written-Off Event Record Detail Report

This report returns the suspended call records, listed by suspense reason.