12 Wireless Reports

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) reports that support GPRS Manager.

Topics in this document:

About General Packet Radio Service Reports

The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) reports support GPRS Manager. These reports help you identify which GPRS charge offers and services are profitable by tracking the following information:

In addition, the GPRS Error Summary Report and GPRS Error Detail Report help you identify GPRS service problems that are causing you to lose revenue.

GPRS APN Usage Report


You must upload the GPRSAPNUsage.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the GPRS reports are installed. For more information about loading stored procedures, see "Loading Stored Procedures".

The GPRS APN Usage report (GPRSAPNUsage.rtf) tracks GPRS usage by access point name (APN), an internally defined name used by a GPRS network to identify an entry point in an external packet data network.

This report enables you to identify the access points in your GPRS network that handle the most traffic and those that generate the most revenue. You can use this report to determine the traffic-to-revenue ratio for each access point.

For each APN listed in the report, the following information is displayed:

  • Balance Impact: Total income generated during the specified time period by GPRS usage associated with the APN. Income from subscription fees is not included.

  • Accounts with Usage: Number of accounts for which GPRS usage associated with the APN was reported during the specified time period.

  • Sessions: Number of GPRS sessions associated with the APN during the specified time period.

  • Megabytes (MB): Total megabytes transmitted during all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

  • Duration (Hours): Total length in hours of all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

The information shown in this report can be grouped by balance element, APN, country, or state.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/GPRS Reports/StoredProcedures/GPRSAPNUsage.xdm

You can include pie charts that show the percentage of GPRS-related revenue, megabytes, usage time, and sessions handled by each APN during the specified time period.

GPRSAPNUsage Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the GPRSAPNUsage report:

  • State Details

  • Include Chart

  • Country

  • State

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

If your BRM system does not contain state data, see "When to Modify Formulas for New Values".

For parameter descriptions, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

GPRS Product Usage Report


You must upload the GPRSProductUsage.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the GPRS reports are installed. For more information about loading stored procedures, see "Loading Stored Procedures".

The GPRS Product Usage report (GPRSProductUsage.rtf) tracks GPRS usage by charge offer for a time period you specify. By showing both the network traffic and the revenue generated by each GPRS charge offer, this report enables you to determine which GPRS charge offers have the best traffic-to-revenue ratios.

For each charge offer listed in the GPRSProductUsage report, the following information is displayed:

  • Balance Impact: Total income generated during the specified time period by GPRS usage associated with the charge offer. Income from subscription fees is not included.

  • Accounts with Usage: Number of accounts for which GPRS usage associated with the charge offer was reported during the specified time period.

  • Sessions: Number of GPRS sessions associated with the charge offer during the specified time period.

  • Total Megabytes (MB): Sum of megabytes transmitted during all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

  • Average Bytes per Session: Mean number of bytes transmitted during each GPRS session shown in the Sessions column.

  • Total Duration (Hours): Sum of the length of all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

  • Average Session Duration (Hours): Mean length in hours of each GPRS session shown in the Sessions column.

The information shown in this report can be grouped by balance element, country, state, or charge offer POID.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/GPRS Reports/StoredProcedures/GPRSProductUsage.xdm

You can include pie charts that show the percentage of GPRS revenue, megabytes, usage time, and sessions associated with each charge offer during the specified time period.

GPRSProductUsage Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the GPRSProductUsage report:

  • State Details

  • Include Chart

  • Country

  • State

  • Product

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

If your BRM system does not contain state data, see "When to Modify Formulas for New Values".

For information on parameters not described in Table 12-1, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Table 12-1 GPRSProductUsage Parameters

Parameter Description Valid Values Default Value


The name of the charge offer whose GPRS usage you want to show.

Any valid charge offer name or ALL

The parameter value list might not include all the charge offer names stored in your BRM database. To add charge offer names to this list, see "Adding Parameters in BI Publisher".


GPRS Error Summary Report


You must upload the GPRSErrorSummary.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the GPRS reports are installed. For more information about loading stored procedures, see "Loading Stored Procedures".

The GPRS Error Summary report (GPRSErrorSummary.rtf) lists GPRS session errors by error type for a time period you specify.

For each error type listed in a report, the following information is displayed:

  • Balance Impact: Total income lost during the specified time period because of this type of error.

  • Accounts with Errors: Number of accounts for which this type of error was recorded during the specified time period.

  • Sessions: Number of GPRS sessions in which this type of error occurred during the specified time period.

  • Megabytes (MB): Total megabytes transmitted during all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

  • Error Duration (Hours): Total length in hours of all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

The information shown in this report can be grouped by balance element, country, state, or termination cause.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/GPRS Reports/StoredProcedures/GPRSErrorSummary.xdm

No charts are available for this report.

GPRSErrorSummary Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the GPRSErrorSummary report:

  • State Details

  • Country

  • State

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

If your BRM system does not contain state data, see "When to Modify Formulas for New Values".

For parameter descriptions, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

GPRS Error Detail Report


You must upload the GPRSErrorDetail.source file that is in the StoredProcedures folder to the database after the GPRS reports are installed. For more information about loading stored procedures, see "Loading Stored Procedures".

The GPRS Error Detail report (GPRSErrorDetail.rtf) lists GPRS session errors by account for a time period you specify.

For each account listed in the report, the following information is displayed:

  • Error Type: Type of GPRS session error that occurred.

  • Balance Impact: Total income lost during the specified time period because of this type of error.

  • Sessions: The number of GPRS sessions in which this type of error occurred during the specified time period.

  • Megabytes (MB): Total megabytes transmitted during all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

  • Error Duration (Hours): Total length in hours of all GPRS sessions shown in the Sessions column.

The information shown in this report can be grouped by balance element, country, state, or termination cause.

You can find the SQL query data model for this report in the following directory:

Reports/BRM Reports/GPRS Reports/StoredProcedures/GPRSErrorDetail.xdm

No charts are available for this report.

GPRSErrorDetail Parameters

You can change the following parameters to modify the output of the GPRSErrorDetail report:

  • State Details

  • Country

  • State

  • Start Date (date only, not date-time)

  • End Date (date only, not date-time)

If your BRM system does not contain state data, see "When to Modify Formulas for New Values".

For parameter descriptions, see "Understanding the Standard Parameters".

Understanding Column Totals

Some of the column totals displayed in the wireless reports are derived by simply adding the values in the preceding rows. For example, the total for the Sessions column in Figure 12-1 is the sum of the preceding sessions:

Figure 12-1 Sessions Column Total

Description of Figure 12-1 follows
Description of "Figure 12-1 Sessions Column Total"

The following column totals, however, are derived in less obvious ways:

Accounts with Errors Column

The Accounts with Errors column total represents all the accounts that had one or more of the errors shown in the preceding rows during the specified time period.

For example, Figure 12-2 lists two error types for the country USA and shows two accounts with errors for each of the error types. Because the total number of accounts with errors for USA is also two, this means the same two accounts reported both types of errors.

Figure 12-2 Accounts with Errors Column Total

Description of Figure 12-2 follows
Description of "Figure 12-2 Accounts with Errors Column Total"

Accounts with Usage Column

The Accounts with Usage column total represents all the accounts that used the APNs, URLs, or charge offers shown in the preceding rows during the specified time period.

For example, Figure 12-3 lists three APNs for the balance element US Dollar and shows two accounts with usage for each of the APNs. Because the total number of accounts with usage for US Dollar is also two, this means the same two accounts reported usage for all three APNs.

Figure 12-3 Accounts with Usage Column Totals

Description of Figure 12-3 follows
Description of "Figure 12-3 Accounts with Usage Column Totals"

Average Bytes per Session or Event Column

The reports use this equation to calculate total average bytes per session or event:

(Total MB x (1,024 x 1,024))/Total sessions or events

Total MB is the nonrounded version of the total shown in the Total Megabytes column. For example, when the equation is applied to the data in Figure 12-4, Total MB is 5.9925470829010009765625.

Figure 12-4 Average Bytes per Session or Event Column Total

Description of Figure 12-4 follows
Description of "Figure 12-4 Average Bytes per Session or Event Column Total"

Average Session or Event Duration Column

The reports calculate the Average Session Duration and Average Event Duration column totals by dividing the total in the Total Duration column by the total number of sessions or events as seen in Figure 12-5. The result is rounded up to two decimals.

Figure 12-5 Average Session or Event Duration Column Total

Description of Figure 12-5 follows
Description of "Figure 12-5 Average Session or Event Duration Column Total"

Error Duration Column

The Error Duration column contains two types of totals: account totals (circled in blue in the following figure) and geographic totals (circled in red).

The account totals are calculated by adding the nonrounded versions of the preceding error durations. The geographic totals are calculated by adding the nonrounded versions of the preceding account totals as seen in Figure 12-6. In both cases, the results are rounded up to two decimals.

Figure 12-6 Error Duration Column Total

Description of Figure 12-6 follows
Description of "Figure 12-6 Error Duration Column Total"

Megabytes Column

The values displayed in the Megabytes column are rounded to two decimal places from six decimal places stored in the BRM database. Totals for this column are derived by adding the original six-decimal values and then rounding the sum to two decimals. Sometimes, the rounding makes the displayed total look incorrect.

For example, see Figure 12-7. Although the sum of the six-decimal values is correct (0.044999 + 0.004999 = 0.049998), the rounded version of the equation (0.04 + 0.00 = 0.05) looks incorrect.

Figure 12-7 Megabytes Column Total

Description of Figure 12-7 follows
Description of "Figure 12-7 Megabytes Column Total"

Total Duration Column

The Total Duration column total is derived by subtracting the start times of all sessions or events shown in the preceding rows from their end times and then adding the differences. The values displayed in the preceding rows and the sum of those values are rounded versions of the actual values.

For example, in Figure 12-8, the actual values could be 16.533 + 7.184 = 23.717.

Figure 12-8 Total Duration Column Total

Description of Figure 12-8 follows
Description of "Figure 12-8 Total Duration Column Total"