13 BRM Pricing Migration Utility

Learn about the syntax and parameters for the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) pricing migration utility.

Topics in this document:


Use the MigrateBRMPricing utility to migrate existing pricing and configuration objects from the BRM database to the PDC database.

MigrateBRMPricing uses the PDC_home/apps/migration/MigrationConfiguration.xml file (where PDC_home is the directory in which PDC is installed) that contains login information for the databases and other configuration settings.

See "Migrating Pricing Data to PDC With ECE" and "Migrating Pricing Data to PDC With RRE and BRE" for more information.




Start migration process:

MigrateBRMPricing -object -analyze

Resume migration process:

MigrateBRMPricing -resume

Restart migration process:

MigrateBRMPricing -object -analyze -restart

Retarget migration:

MigrateBRMPricing -retarget -properties MigrateConfigurtion_FileName

Generate an analysis report:

MigrateBRMPricing -object -analyze -report

Generate a status report:

MigrateBRMPricing -status

Skip critical errors encountered during migration:

MigrateBRMPricing -pricingObject-skip



Specifies the BRM objects to migrate. The object must be one of the following:

  • config

  • pricing

  • product

  • discount

  • sponsorship

  • subscription


Specifies the BRM pricing objects to migrate. The pricingObject must be one of the following:

  • pricing

  • product

  • discount

  • sponsorship


Extracts BRM objects from the BRM database and performs analysis of the data.

For example, the following command extracts and analyzes the configuration objects:

MigrateBRMPricing -config -analyze

Resumes the migration process that is currently in progress.


Restarts the migration process.

For example, the following command restarts the configuration objects migration:

MigrateBRMPricing -config -analyze -restart

Retargets the migration data to another PDC and BRM system.


Before running the migration utility with the -retarget parameter, update the MigrateConfiguration.xml file to the PDC and BRM systems where you want to retarget the migration data.

-properties MigarateConfiguration_FileName

Specifies the name and location of the migration configuration file that is used with the -retarget parameter.


Generates an analysis report.

For example, the following command generates the configuration analysis report:

MigrateBRMPricing -config -analyze -report

Generates a status report.


You cannot use the -status parameter with -analyze, -report, or -restart parameter.


Skips the critical errors encountered for the pricing objects and continues the migration process.


You can use the -skip parameter only if you are migrating pricing objects to PDC with ECE. You cannot use it with the -config parameter.

Critical errors encountered due to configuration objects cannot be skipped by using the -skip parameter. You need to manually fix the errors and then restart the migration process.

For example, the following command skips the discount objects if there are critical errors encountered for these objects during the migration analysis phase and continues the migration:

MigrateBRMPricing -discount -skip


If the utility displays an error message, look in the MigrateBRMPricing log file to determine the cause of the error. The log file is located in the log file directory specified in the migration configuration file.