3 Deploying Web Services Manager

Learn how to deploy and launch the Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) Web Services Manager.

Topics in this document:

Deploying and Launching Web Services Manager on WebLogic Server

You can deploy Web Services Manager on WebLogic Server through the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Depending on the type of payload supported by web services, deploy one of the following files:

  • infranetwebsvc.war: Includes web services that support the payload as an XML string data type.

  • BrmWebServices.war: Includes web services that support the payload as an XML element data type.

If you customize web services, regenerate infranetwebsvc.war or BrmWebServices.war and use the generated version. Otherwise, you should use the default infranetwebsvc.war or BrmWebServices.war file. For more information about customizing web services, see "Customizing Web Services".

To deploy Web Services Manager on WebLogic Server:

  1. Create the WebLogic Server domain. See the discussion about creating a WebLogic domain in Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard for detailed instructions.

  2. If you deploy the BrmWebServices.war file, set the heap size required to start WebLogic Server:

    1. Open the WebLogic_home/user_projects/domains/Domain_Name/setDomainEnv.sh file in a text editor.

      where WebLogic_home is the directory in which WebLogic Server is installed, and domain_name is the name of the domain you created in step 1.

    2. Add the following entry:

      USER_MEM_ARGS ="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m"
    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Restart WebLogic Server.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If you customized web services:

      1. Extract the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/infranetwebsvc.war or the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/BrmWebServices.war file to local_dir.

        where BRM_home is the directory in which BRM is installed, and local_dir is a directory on the machine on which you installed WebLogic Server.

      2. Copy the CustomFields.jar files to the local_dir/WEB-INF/lib directory. See "Setting Up Web Services Manager to Support Custom Opcodes" for more information.


        The JRE version that was used to generate CustomFields.jar must be the same or lower than the version of the WebLogic Server JRE.

      3. Open the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/Infranet.properties file in a text editor.

      4. Modify the following entry:

        infranet.custom.field.package = package

        where package is the name of the package that contains the CustomOp.java file. For example: com.portal.classFiles.

      5. Add all the custom fields to the Infranet.properties file.

      6. Save and close the file.

      7. Copy the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/Infranet.properties file to the local_dir/WEB-INF/classes or in the home directory on the machine on which WebLogic Server is installed.

      8. Regenerate the WAR file by running one of the following commands:

        To regenerate the infranetwebsvc.war file:

        jar -cvf infranetwebsvc.war *

        To regenerate the BrmWebServices.war file:

        jar -cvf BrmWebServices.war *
    • If you did not customize web services:

      1. Extract the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/infranetwebsvc.war or the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/BrmWebServices.war file to local_dir.

      2. Copy the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/Infranet.properties file to the local_dir/WEB-INF/classes directory or in the home directory on the machine on which WebLogic Server is installed.

      3. Regenerate the WAR file by running one of the following commands:

        To regenerate the infranetwebsvc.war file:

        jar -cvf infranetwebsvc.war *

        To regenerate the BrmWebServices.war file:

        jar -cvf BrmWebServices.war *
  4. Log in to WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  5. In the Domain Structure pane, click Deployments.

    The Summary of Deployments page appears.

  6. Click Install.

    The Install Application Assistant page appears.

  7. Enter the local directory path for infranetwebsvc.war or BrmWebServices.war, and then press Enter.

  8. Select Install this deployment as an application, and then click Next.

  9. Select the server or servers on which you want to deploy Web Services Manager, and then click Next.

  10. Click Next.


    When you deploy Web Services Manager on WebLogic Server, select the Custom Roles and Policies option in the Security section of WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  11. Verify your deployment options, and then click Finish.

    WebLogic Server displays the deployed application on the Deployments page.

To launch Web Services Manager for web services:

  1. From the WebLogic Server Administration Console Home page, select Deployments in the Domain Structure pane.

    The Summary of Deployments page appears.

  2. Click the BrmWebServices link.

    A list of all web services is displayed.

  3. Click on any of the web service.

  4. Click the Testing tab.

    WebLogic Server Administration Console displays an URL for the BRM web services.

Deploying and Launching Web Services Manager on Tomcat Server

You can deploy Web Services Manager on Tomcat Server through the Tomcat Web Application Manager. Depending on the type of payload supported by web services, deploy one of the following files:

If you customize web services, regenerate infranetwebsvc.war or BrmWebServices.war and use the generated version. Otherwise, you should use the default infranetwebsvc.war or BrmWebServices.war file. For more information about customizing web services, see "Customizing Web Services".

Deploying and Launching infranetwebsvc.war

To deploy Web Services Manager for web services that support the payload as an XML string data type on Tomcat server:

  1. Create the Tomcat server domain.

    See the Tomcat documentation for detailed instructions.

  2. Download the JAX-WS Reference Implementation (RI) library from the JAX-WS page (http://jax-ws.java.net/).

  3. Extract the jaxws-ri-2.2.10.zip file and copy the following files to Tomcat_home/lib, where Tomcat_home is the directory in which the Tomcat server is installed:

    • gmbal-api-only.jar

    • jaxb-api.jar

    • jaxb-impl.jar

    • jaxws-rt.jar

    • management-api.jar

    • policy.jar

    • stax-ex.jar

    • jaxb-core.jar

    • ha-api.jar

    • jaxws-tools.jar

    • jaxb-xjc.jar

    • jaxb-impl.jar

    • jaxb-jxc.jar

    • streambuffer.jar

  4. In the War file to deploy section, click Browse.

  5. Click Deploy.

    Tomcat Web Application Manager displays the deployed application in the Applications list.


    (UNIX only) The GUI user must have execute permissions for infranetwebsvc.war. If the GUI user does not have the appropriate permissions, Tomcat will deploy the application but will be unable to start it. Verify that the Running column of the Applications list has a value of true for /intranetwebsvc to ensure that Web Services Manager has been deployed successfully.

Deploying and Launching BrmWebServices.war

To deploy Web Services Manager for web services that support the payload as an XML element data type on Tomcat server:

  1. Create the Tomcat server domain.

    See the Tomcat documentation for detailed instructions.

  2. Download the JAX-WS RI library from the JAX-WS Reference Implementation page (https://javaee.github.io/metro-jax-ws/).

  3. Extract the jaxws-ri-2.2.10.zip file and copy the following files to Tomcat_home/lib, where Tomcat_home is the directory in which Tomcat server is installed:

    • gmbal-api-only.jar

    • jaxb-api.jar

    • jaxb-impl.jar

    • jaxws-rt.jar

    • management-api.jar

    • policy.jar

    • stax-ex.jar

    • jaxb-core.jar

    • ha-api.jar

    • jaxws-tools.jar

    • jaxb-xjc.jar

    • jaxb-impl.jar

    • jaxb-jxc.jar

    • streambuffer.jar

  4. Download xalan-2.7.0.jar from the Download xalan-2.7.0.jar web page (http://www.java2s.com/Code/Jar/x/Downloadxalan270jar.htm) and copy the file to Tomcat_home/lib.

  5. If you plan to deploy the BrmWebServices.war file, do the following:

    1. Open the BrmWebServices.war/WEB-INF/web.xml in a text editor.

    2. Uncomment the serverlet-to-URL mapping.

    3. Save and close the file.

  6. Copy the BRM_home/deploy/web_services/BrmWebServices.war file to a local directory on the machine on which you installed Tomcat server, where BRM_home is the directory in which BRM is installed.

  7. Log in to the Tomcat Web Application Manager.

  8. In the War file to deploy section, click Browse.

  9. Select the BrmWebServices.war file.

  10. Click Deploy.

    Tomcat Web Application Manager displays the deployed application in the Applications list.

To launch Web Services Manager for web services that support the payload as an XML element data type, from the Tomcat Web Application Manager:

  1. In the Applications list, click the /BrmWebServices link.

  2. The Tomcat Web Application Manager displays an HTTP and an HTTPS URL for the BRM web services.

    A sample URL for the BRMCUSTServices_v2 Web service is as follows:



    • ipaddress is the domain IP address of the application server on which Web Services Manger is deployed.

    • port is the domain port number of the application server on which Web Services Manger is deployed.

      Web Services Manager displays the WSDL URLs for each available service.

For more information about the BRM web services included in Web Services Manager that take the payload as an XML element data type, see "Customizing Web Services".