3 Billing Care System Requirements

Learn how to ensure that your system meets the minimum software and hardware requirements before you install Oracle Communications Billing Care.

Topics in this document:

Software Requirements

Billing Care is deployed on the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS) JRF-enabled WebLogic Server domain. See the Oracle Platform Security Services documentation for more information.

You need the following software for installing Billing Care:

  • Oracle Enterprise Database for storing authentication and authorization policies and user information.

  • Oracle WebLogic Server installed using the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure installer.

  • OPSS JRF-enabled WebLogic Server domain for deploying Billing Care.


    You configure OPSS when you create the JRF-enabled WebLogic domain. No additional steps are required for configuring OPSS.

Optionally, you can install Oracle Identity Management (IDM) components for authentication and authorization based on your requirements:

  • Oracle Access Management (OAM) for single sign-on (SSO) configuration.

  • Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) for user directory management.

  • Oracle Identity Governance for connecting to OUD and managing users.

For information on supported operating systems, additional software requirements, and compatible software versions, see "Billing Care Software Compatibility" in BRM Compatibility Matrix.

Hardware Requirements

The number and configuration of the hosts used for your Billing Care installation depend on your requirements. For example, large transaction volumes, multiple geographical locations, or fail-over requirements affect the amount of required hardware.

Table 3-1 lists the recommended hardware requirement for a single server production Billing Care installation containing all components. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installing and Configuring Oracle Identity and Access Management for more information on IDM component hardware and sizing.

Table 3-1 Billing Care Single Server Minimum Hardware Requirements

Component Requirement

Hard disk

200 GB of free disk space

Note: A minimum of 1.5 GB should be free in the domain home.


Oracle recommends using 6 or more cores, each running at 1.5 GHz or greater.


A minimum of 35 GB physical memory and 16 GB swap.

If you plan on installing the required database on the same server, see Checking the Hardware Requirements for more information about required memory.

For more information on calculating required memory in your environment, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications for Oracle Identity and Access Management.

See Product-Specific Memory and Disk Space Requirements in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications for more information on the requirements.

Also, see the information about hardware and software requirements for the database in the "Install and Upgrade" section of the Oracle Database documentation for the appropriate version of the database software.

About IPv4 and IPv6 Support for Fusion Middleware Products

For information on network considerations, including support for IPv6 addresses, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications.