19 Adding an Event Details Column to the Events Table

Learn how to add an extra column to the Oracle Communications Billing Care Event Details table to display event details.

Topics in this document:

About the Events Table

You can view the usage events for a bill in the Events table. See "Working with Events" in Billing Care Online Help for more information about viewing this table.

About Adding an Event Details Column to the Events Table

You can add an additional column called "Event Details" to the Events table. This column will contain a View link for each event in the table. When you click the View link, a dialog box displays the event flist for the event. The dialog box also contains a Copy button which copies the entire flist.

Adding an Event Details Column to the Events Table

Billing Care provides an SDK sample to enable adding the event details column into the table. You can use the sample files to implement the new column using your own custom project.

About the Sample Files

The sample is located in the SDK_home/samples/EventDialogCustomizations directory, where SDK_home is the directory where the SDK is installed. This directory contains a readme.txt file and directories containing supporting files.

The sample contains the following supporting files:

  • In the SDK_home/samples/SampleSDK/EventDialogCustomizations/web/custom directory:
    • customRegistry.js: This file supplies a sample entry to include the custom view model code.
  • In the SDK_home/samples/SampleSDK/EventDialogCustomizations/web/custom/viewmodels/events directory:
    • CustomEventsViewModel.js: This file contains code to implement the custom view model with the Event Details column.
  • In the SDK_home/samples/EventDialogCustomizations/src/java/com/oracle/communications/brm/cc/ws directory:
    • CustomEventResource.java: This file contains the REST call to retrieve the event details.
    • CustomEventWorker.java: This code calls the appropriate opcode and reads the event object.

Creating the Event Details Column in the Events Table Using the Sample

  1. Create a custom web project named, for example, EventDialogCustomizations.
  2. Copy the sample CustomEventResource.java file to the com/oracle/communications/brm/cc/ws directory in your project to incorporate a new REST method.
  3. Copy the sample CustomEventWorker.java file to the com/oracle/communications/brm/cc/ws directory in your project to introduce logic for calling the opcode to read event objects.
  4. Add your custom project, for example, EventDialogCustomizations, to the web/custom/customRegistry.js file in your project to override the standard view model file. See "About the Registry File" for more information.
  5. Copy the sample CustomEventsViewmodel.js file to your project to customize the viewmodel file to include an additional column and dialog in the DOM.
  6. Create a MANIFEST.MF file in the src/conf folder using the instructions in "Creating a Manifest for your Shared Library".

    You can use the SDK_home/samples/FiltersAndCustomHeaders/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF file as a sample.

  7. Use the instructions in "Packaging and Deploying Customizations" to create a production deployment plan and a .war file containing your customizations.