Request Payload Extensions

You can extend the payloads of BRM REST Services Manager API POST requests to include additional attributes. This section shows the additional payload attributes that are supported for each TMF Open API.

TMF678: Customer Bill Management API

This table shows the additional attributes that can be added to the payload of the Customer Bill Management API.

Endpoint Additional Attributes Example Syntax

Create Customer Bill On Demand

Create a bill for a billing cycle specification (


TMF676: Payment Management API

This table shows the additional attributes that can be added to the payload of the Payment Management API.

Endpoint Additional Attributes Example Syntax

Create a Payment

Create a payment for:

  • A billing cycle specification (

    The payment method in the request must be associated with the billing cycle specification (bill unit) to which the payment will be allocated.

    You can find the payment method associated with a billing cycle specification by submitting a GET request to the /billingCycleSpecification/{id} endpoint with the @type=billingCycleSpecificationOracle query parameter. The attribute in the response contains the correct payment method ID.

  • Bills (bills).

    You can specify one or more bills in the array, but they must all belong to the same billing cycle specification.

    You can find out what billing cycle specification a bill belongs to by submitting a GET request to the /customerBill/{id} endpoint with the @type=CustomerBillOracle query parameter.

    "@type": "Payment_CreateOracle",
    "account": {
        "id": ""
    "paymentMethod": {
        "id": ""
    "totalAmount": {
        "value": 400,
        "unit": "USD"
    "description": "New Payment",
    "billingCycleSpecification": {
        "id": ""
    "bills": [
            "id": "",
            "amount": {
                "value": 200
            "id": "",
            "amount": {
                "value": 200

TMF654: Prepay Balance Management API

This table shows the additional attributes that can be added to the payload of the Prepay Balance Management API.

Endpoint Additional Attributes Example Syntax

Create an Adjusted Balance

Create an adjustment for a bill, item, or event (

The following is an example of a request body for creating an adjusted balance for events by including the property in the AdjustBalance_CreateOracle object:

   "description": "My First Event Adjustment",    
   "reason": "1",    
   "amount": {        
      "amount": -100.00,        
      "units": "USD"    
   "bieId": [        
         "id": ""        
         "id": ""        
   "@type": "AdjustBalance_CreateOracle",    
   "taxTreatment": "TaxExcluded"