Query Parameter Extensions

You can extend the BRM REST Services Manager API to use additional query parameters. This section shows the additional query parameters that are supported for each TMF Open API.

You can also use the extended response payload attributes in the fields query parameter. See "Response Payload Extensions" for more information about these attributes.

TMF 666: Account Management API

This table shows the additional query parameters that are supported for the Account Management API.

Endpoint Extended Query Parameters Example URL Syntax

Get Billing Cycle Specifications

Get billing cycle specifications for an account (billingAccount.id)

Get billing cycle specifications for an account number (accountNo)

Get billing cycle specifications with the billingAccount.id query parameter:


TMF678: Customer Bill Management API

This table shows the additional query parameters that are supported for the Customer Bill Management API.

Endpoint Extended Query Parameters Example URL Syntax

Get Customer Bills

Get customer bills for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)

To get bills with the billingCycleSpecification.id query parameter:


Get Applied Customer Billing Rates

Get applied customer billing rates for a service ID (serviceId)

Get applied customer billing rate with the serviceId query parameter:


TMF676: Payment Management API

This table shows the additional query parameters that are supported for the Payment Management API.

Endpoint Extended Query Parameters Example URL Syntax

Get Payments

  • Get payments for a bill (bill.id)
  • Get payments for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)

Get payments with the bill.id and billingCycleSpecification.id query parameters:

Get Refunds
  • Get refunds for a bill (bill.id)
  • Get refunds for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)

Get refunds with the bill.id and billingCycleSpecification.id query parameters:


TMF654: Prepay Balance Management API

This table shows the additional query parameters that are supported for the Prepay Balance Management API.

Endpoint Extended Query Parameters Example URL Syntax

Get Adjusted Balances

  • Get adjusted balances for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)
  • Get adjusted balances for a bill item (billItem.id)
  • Get adjusted balances for a bill (bill.id)

Get adjusted balances with the billingCycleSpecification.id query parameter:


Get Accumulated Balances

Get accumulated balances for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)

Get accumulated balances with the billingCycleSpecification.id query parameter:


Get Bucket Balances

  • Get non-currency balances for a bucket (nonCurrencyFlag)
  • Get bucket balances for a billing cycle specification (billingCycleSpecification.id)

Get bucket balances with the nonCurrencyFlag and billingCycleSpecificationRef.id query parameters:


TMF 635: Usage Management API

This table shows the additional query parameters that are supported for the Usage Management API.

Endpoint Extended Query Parameters Example URL Syntax

Get Usage

  • Get usage for an applied customer billing rate (appliedCustomerBillingRate.id)
  • Get usage for an event name (description)
  • Get usage for a start date (date) and end date (endTime) range

Get usage with the appliedCustomerBillingRate.id query parameter:
