10 Configuring Notifications in ECE

You can configure Oracle Communications Elastic Charging Engine (ECE) to publish in-session notifications to subscribers and system notifications to external applications.

Topics in this document:

About ECE Notifications

ECE supports these types of notifications:

  • In-session notifications for your subscribers: These notifications are sent to customers during online charging. For example, notifying customers about their reserved balance amounts.

    You can configure in-session notifications for individual subscribers by using subscriber preferences. See "Configuring Subscriber Preferences".

  • Notifications for external applications: These notifications contain information that external applications need. For example:

    • The network mediation system can use data in the external notification in conjunction with customer policy data for implementing network policy control.

      ECE sends notifications for external applications to the ECE Notification queue. You must configure your external application to retrieve and process notifications from the ECE Notification queue.

    • BRM can use data in the external notification for running billing for a specific customer.

      ECE sends notifications for BRM to the ECE Notification queue. You can configure BRM to retrieve the notification from the queue and send it to the BRM Server for processing.

All notifications are disabled by default. You can configure ECE to do the following:

  • Publish in-session notifications to your subscribers

  • Publish notifications to external applications, such as BRM

  • Publish specific notification types to a dedicated Kafka topic

  • Specify the type of notifications that are supported

  • Send notifications to everyone in a sharing group when one of its members triggers a notification

  • Configure BRM Gateway to retrieve notifications from the ECE Notification queue

Enabling External Notifications in ECE

To enable ECE to publish notifications to external applications such as BRM, do the following:

  1. Open the ECE_home/config/charging-cache-config.xml file.

  2. Under the ServiceContext module, set cache-store to oracle.communication.brm.charging.notification.internal.coherence.AsynchronousNotificationPublisher:

  3. Save the file.

Enabling Specific Notification Types

You can enable ECE to generate notifications for specific types of events, such as a credit limit being exceeded.

You specify whether a specific notification type is enabled and whether it can be sent to an external application, a subscriber, or both by setting its attribute to one of the values in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1 Notification Attribute Values

Attribute Value Description


This notification type is disabled.


Send asynchronous notifications to external applications.


Send in-session notifications to subscribers through the usage response message.


Send both asynchronous notifications to external applications, and in-session notifications to subscribers through the usage response message.

To enable ECE to generate specific types of notifications:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.notification.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Specify which type of notifications can be sent to your customers, external applications, or both by setting the attributes in Table 10-2 to NONE, ASYNCHRONOUS, PIGGYBACK, or PIGGYBACK.


    An asterisk (*) appears next to the default attribute value.

    Table 10-2 Notification Types

    Attribute Name Description Supported Values


    Sends notifications when a customer's balance has breached a credit ceiling.






    Sends notifications when a customer's balance has breached a credit floor.






    Sends notifications when a customer's balance has breached a credit threshold.






    Sends notifications when a customer's balance is topped up.






    Sends notifications when an ongoing session requires a reauthorization request.

    See "Enabling Server-Initiated Reauthorization Requests".




    Sends notifications when a customer's balance is topped up through an external application.




    Sends notifications when a subscriber starts a charging session near the time billing is set to run in BRM. This ensures that billing generates new recurring grants and charges on time.




    Sends notifications to support the Advice of Charge (AoC) supplementary service.






    Sends notifications when ECE needs to obtain POID IDs from BRM.




    Sends notifications when a customer's life-cycle state has changed.




    Sends notifications to synchronize validity of first usage balance elements from ECE to external applications.




    Sends notifications to synchronize validity of offer usage balance elements from ECE to external applications.




    Sends notifications when a threshold for a policy-driven charging rule has been reached.




    Sends aggregated notifications when a threshold for a policy-driven charging rule has been reached.




    Sends notifications when a customer is granted a loan.






    Sends notifications when a customer's balance requires an automatic top up.





Configuring ECE To Publish External Notifications to a Single Topic

You can configure ECE to publish some or all notifications for external applications to a single unique Kafka topic. Having a separate notification topic allows you to manage the notifications effectively.

Additionally, you can replicate the external topic across sites to increase resiliency.

To configure ECE to publish external notifications to a single topic:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.kafkaConfigurations.BRM.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Enable the external Kafka topic and specify the configuration values for the Kafka topic:

    • externalTopicEnabled: Set this to true.

    • externalTopicName: Set this to the name of the external Kafka topic, such as EceExtNotifications.

    • externalPartitions: Set this to the total number of Kafka partitions in the external topic. The default is 15.

  6. Under the ECE Configuration node, expand charging.notification.

  7. Expand Attributes.

  8. In the eventListForInternalExternalPublish attribute, enter the list of notification types to publish to the external Kafka topic separated by a comma. Table 10-3 lists the valid notification types.


Table 10-3 Notification Types

Notification Type Description


Generated when a threshold for a policy-driven charging rule has been reached.


Generated when a subscriber preference has been created, modified, and deleted.


Generated when a customer's balance has breached a credit floor.


Generated when a customer's balance has breached a credit ceiling.


Generated when an Advice of Charge (AoC) event occurs.


Generated when a customer's balance has breached a credit threshold.


Aggregated notifications are generated when a threshold for a policy-driven charging rule has been reached.


Generated when an ongoing session requires a reauthorization request.


Generated when a custom event occurs.


Generated when a subscriber starts a charging session near the time billing is set to run in BRM. This ensures that billing generates new recurring grants and charges on time.


Generated when ECE needs to obtain POID IDs from BRM.


Generated when a customer's balance is topped up through an external application.


Generated when a service's life cycle transitions to a new state.


Generated to synchronize validity of first usage balance elements from ECE to external applications.


Generated when a rerate job is created.


Generated to synchronize validity of offer usage balance elements from ECE to external applications.


Generated when a customer's balance requires an automatic top-up.


Generated when a customer is removed from the system.

Enabling In-Session Group Notifications in ECE

You can configure ECE to send notifications to everyone in a sharing group when one of its members triggers a notification. For example, when a member breaches a credit limit or credit threshold, a notification is sent to all members in the sharing group.

When group notifications are disabled, ECE sends notifications only to the member that triggered the notification.

To enable group notifications:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.server.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Set the groupNotificationEnabled attribute to True.

  6. Configure the NotificationEnabledAgreements subscriber preference:

    1. Add a string for NotificationEnabledAgreements in the BRM_home/sys/msgs/active_mediation/active_mediation.en_US file. For example:

        ID = string_id;
        Version = 1;
        STRING = "NotificationEnabledAgreements";

      where string_id is a unique numerical ID for the string. See "Creating New Strings and Customizing Existing Strings" in BRM Developer's Guide for information about adding strings.

    2. Add NotificationEnabledAgreements to the BRM_home/sys/data/config/config_subscriber_preferences_map.xml file. For example:

      <SUBSCRIBER_PREFERENCES elem="preference_id">


      • preference_id is a unique numerical ID for the preference.

      • string_id is the same value as you used for ID in the active_mediation.en_US file.


      Leave the <DEFAULT> element blank to ensure that only subscribers who opt in will receive notifications.

When group notifications are enabled, you set subscriber preferences at the profile level to enable notifications for the individual subscribers who want to receive them. See "Configuring Group Notifications" for more information.

Including Rollover Balances in Notifications

Rollover data is included in the balance data synchronized from BRM to ECE using the PIN_FLD_ROLLOVER_DATA field. You can customize notifications sent by ECE to include this data using the ECE SDK. To do so, extend ECE at the post-charging extension point to call the getRolloverData() method.

Enriching Notifications Using ECE Extensions

You can customize the information included in notifications sent by ECE using the ECE SDK. Enriching the notifications payload can help you provide subscribers with relevant data like their initial granted balance, current balance, session-id and the notification Type.

To enrich notifications, extend ECE at the post-charging extension point and use the SamplePostChargingExtension program. See "Post-Charging Extension - Enriching Notifications" for more information.

Configuring BRM Gateway to Process ECE Notifications

ECE publishes notifications intended for external applications to the ECE notification queue. If the notifications are targeted for BRM, BRM Gateway retrieves the notifications from the queue and then calls the appropriate BRM opcode.

To configure BRM Gateway to process ECE notifications, you must connect BRM Gateway to both BRM and the ECE notification queue:

  1. When you install ECE, do this:

    • Add details for connecting the BRM Gateway to the BRM Connection Manager (CM).

    • If you are using Oracle WebLogic for notification handling, specify to create WebLogic queues and enter the details for your ECE Notification queue and Suspense queue.

    • If you are using Apache Kafka for notification handling, specify to create Kafka topics and enter the details for your ECE Notification topic and Suspense topic.


      Systems that support 5G networks must use Apache Kafka for notification handling.

    For more information, see "Installing an ECE Integrated System" in Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide.

  2. During the ECE postinstallation process, do this:

    • If you are using Oracle WebLogic for notification handling, run the post_Install.pl script to create your ECE Notification queue, Suspense queue, and Acknowledgment queue. See "Creating WebLogic JMS Queues for BRM" in Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide.
    • If you are using Apache Kafka for notification handling, run the kafka_post_install.sh script to create your ECE Notification topic and Suspense topic. Then, run the post_Install.pl script and choose to create only the Acknowledgment queue. See "Creating Kafka Topics for ECE" and "Creating WebLogic JMS Queues for BRM" in Elastic Charging Engine Installation Guide.

  3. Configure your BRM Gateway instances:

  4. Configure the BRM Gateway queues or topics:

Configuring the BRM Gateway

You must configure a BRM Gateway instance for each schema in your BRM database. To configure a single BRM Gateway instance:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.brmGatewayConfiguration.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Use the following attributes to configure BRM Gateway:

    • name: The name of this BRM Gateway instance.

    • schemaNumber: The number of the database schema BRM Gateway connects to in the BRM database.

    • emptyQueueThreadSleepInterval: Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, in which the gateway thread pings the ECE Notification queue to check if a connection is available when the queue is empty.

    • jmsReceiveSleepInterval: Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, where the BRM Gateway will wait and continue if there are no messages from the Kafka or WebLogic queue.

    • brmResponseTimeOutInterval: Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, where BRM opcode service will wait for all responses from CM.

    • gatewaySleepInterval: Specifies the number of milliseconds between connection retry attempts for the Notification queue.

    • jmsBatchSize: Specifies the maximum number of failed update requests BRM Gateway can retrieve from the Suspense queue in a batch.

    • jmsReceiveTimeout: Specifies the timeout in milliseconds for Kafka/JMS to receive messages from the queue.

    • brmWorkerThreads: Specifies the number of gateway threads, which, as part of the charging settings configuration, is 10 but should not be less than 1.

    • brmSchedulerThreadInitialDelay: Specifies the initial delay in milliseconds before the BRM opcode service task is executed.

    • brmSchedulerThreadDelayPeriod: Specify the interval, in milliseconds, at which the BRM opcode service starts executing continuously with the given period.

    • brmSuspenseQueuePeriod: Specifies the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, BRM Gateway has to retrieve a batch from the Suspense queue.

    • connectionRetryCount: Specifies the number of times BRM Gateway can retry a connection to the BRM CM after it fails.

    • connectionRetryInterval: The amount of time, in milliseconds, between reconnection attempts to the CM.

Configuring Multiple BRM Gateway for Multi-Schema Deployments

You must configure a BRM Gateway instance for each schema in your BRM database, i.e., you cannot have a single BRM Gateway in multi-schema. For example, in a system with three schemas, you must have BRM Gateway 1 connected to Schema 1, BRM Gateway 2 connected to Schema 2, and BRM Gateway 3 connected to Schema 3.

In on-premises systems, you can optionally define more than one BRM Gateway instance for each schema. In this case, ECE automatically makes one of the BRM Gateways active while the other instances are inactive. One of the inactive instances comes online only if the active instance goes down. For example, assume BRM Gateway 1 and 2 are connected to Schema 1. When BRM Gateway 1 is active, it remains active and continues processing ECE notifications until the instance goes down. Then, BRM Gateway 2 becomes active and starts processing notifications.

To configure multiple BRM Gateway instances:

  1. Open the ECE_home/config/management/charging-settings.xml file.

  2. Delete the existing charging.brmGatewayConfiguration section:

  3. Copy the following charging.brmGatewayConfigurations section into the file:

        <brmGatewayConfigurationList config-class="java.util.ArrayList">
  4. Under brmGatewayConfigurationList, add this section for each additional BRM Gateway instance that you want to create:

  5. Edit these properties for each BRM Gateway instance:

    • name: Set this to the name of your BRM Gateway instance in this format: brmGatewayN. For example, name the first instance brmGateway1, the second instance brmGateway2, and so on.

    • schemaNumber: Set this to the schema number that the BRM Gateway instance connects to in the BRM database. Enter 1 to connect to the first schema, 2 to enter the second schema, and so on.

  6. Save and close the charging-settings.xml file.

  7. Stop BRM Gateway:

    stop brmGateway
  8. Open the ECE_home/config/eceTopology.conf file.

  9. Add a row to the file for each BRM Gateway instance.

    For example, to configure three BRM Gateway instances, add three rows in which the node name value is brmGateway1, brmGateway2, and brmGateway3, and the role value for all three rows is brmGateway:

    #node-name          |role                 |host name (no spaces!) |host ip |JMX port |start CohMgt |JVM Tuning File
    brmGateway1         |brmGateway           |localhost              |        |9994     |false        |defaultTuningProfile
    brmGateway2         |brmGateway           |localhost              |        |9994     |false        |defaultTuningProfile
    brmGateway3         |brmGateway           |localhost              |        |9994     |false        |defaultTuningProfile
  10. Save and close the eceTopology.conf file.

  11. From the ECE_home/bin directory, start Elastic Charging Controller (ECC):

  12. Start all BRM Gateway instances:

    start brmGateway

Connecting BRM Gateway to Kafka Topics and BRM

To connect BRM Gateway to the ECE Notification Kafka topic and BRM:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.server.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Set the kafkaEnabledForNotifications property to true.

  6. Expand charging.kafkaConfigurations.

  7. Expand Attributes.

  8. Specify the Kafka configuration values for the attributes in Table 10-4.

    Verify that the name, hostname, and topic names that you provide match the settings entered when installing ECE.

    Table 10-4 Settings for Connecting BRM Gateway to Kafka Topics

    Property Name Description


    The name of your ECE cluster.


    The host name and port number of the machine in which Apache Kafka is up and running.

    If it contains multiple Kafka brokers, create a comma-separated list.


    The name of the Kafka topic in which BRM Gateway retrieves notifications from ECE.


    The total number of Kafka partitions in your topics.

    The recommended number to create is calculated as follows: [(Max Diameter Gateways * Max Peers Per Gateway) + (1 for BRM Gateway) + Internal Notifications]


    The amount of time, in milliseconds, BRM Gateway waits before attempting to reconnect to the Kafka topic.


    The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, BRM Gateway waits before attempting to reconnect to a broker that has repeatedly failed to connect.

    The kafkaBRMReconnectionInterval will increase exponentially for each consecutive connection failure, up to this maximum.

  9. Expand charging.connectionConfigurations.brmConnection.

  10. Expand Attributes.

  11. Specify the configuration values for connecting BRM Gateway to the BRM Connection Manager (CM):

    • hostName: Enter the host name of the server in which the CM is running. For example: abc01.example.com.

    • loginName: Enter the user name for logging in to BRM. The default is root.

    • cmPort: Enter the port number for the BRM CM.

About BRM Gateway Error Handling

When BRM Gateway calls an opcode, it checks whether the opcode ran successfully. If it did not, the exception from the opcode is checked and, if the exception is one of the following, it retries the opcode call.







If the opcode continues to fail after all of the configured retry attempts, the notification is moved to the Suspense topic.

If the exception is due to a duplicate message (ERR_DUPLICATE), the opcode call is not retried and the message is not moved to the Suspense topic.

Configuring WebLogic Queues for BRM Gateway

To configure WebLogic queues for BRM Gateway:

  1. Access the ECE configuration MBeans in a JMX editor, such as JConsole. See "Accessing ECE Configuration MBeans".

  2. Expand the ECE Configuration node.

  3. Expand charging.connectionConfigurations.brmConnection.

  4. Expand Attributes.

  5. Use the following attributes to specify connection values to the BRM Connection Manager (CM):

    • loginName: Enter the user name for logging in to BRM. The default is root.

    • hostName: Enter the IP address or the host name of the computer on which BRM is configured.

    • cmPort: Enter the port number for the BRM CM.

WebLogic Server Configuration Settings for the connectionFactory

For the connectionFactory created within the WebLogic server for creating connections to the JMS topic, do the following:

  1. Log on to the WebLogic Server on which the JMS topic resides.

  2. In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, from the JMS modules list, select the ConnectionFactory that applies to the JMS topic used for ECE notifications.

  3. Do the following:

    1. In the Client tab, set the Reconnect Policy to All.

    2. In the Transactions tab, set the Transaction Timeout to 2147483647.

Refer to the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for information about setting up a JMS topic on WebLogic Server.

Considerations for Using a Non-WebLogic Server JMS Provider

If you choose to use a JMS provider other than WebLogic Server for publishing ECE notification events, you must do the following on the driver machine:

  • Copy the other JMS provider's client JARs to the ECE_home/lib directory.

  • Rename the other JMS provider JAR file to wlthint3client.jar.

  • Update the ECE_home/config/JMSConfiguration.xml file to specify the InitialContextFactory and protocol information of the other JMS provider.

Modifying JMS Credentials for Publishing External Notifications

When you install ECE, you can specify to publish notifications to a WebLogic JMS queue (named ECE Notification queue) as well as how to connect to the queue.

If you need to change the connection information after ECE is installed, you can edit the parameters in the JMSConfiguration.xml file.

To modify the JMS credentials in ECE, do the following:

  1. Open the ECE_home/config/JMSConfiguration.xml file.

  2. Locate the <MessagesConfigurations> section.

  3. Specify the values for the parameters in the NotificationQueue section:


    Do not change the value of the JMSDestination name parameter.

    1. For the HostName parameter, specify the host name of the WebLogic server on which the JMS topic resides.

    2. For the Port parameter, specify the port number on which the WebLogic server resides.

    3. For the UserName parameter, specify the user for logging in to the WebLogic server.

      This user must have write privileges on the JMS topic created.

    4. For the Password parameter, specify the password for logging in to the WebLogic server.

      When you install ECE, the password you enter is encrypted and stored in the KeyStore. If you change the password, you must first run a utility to encrypt the new password before entering it here.

    5. For the ConnectionFactory parameter, specify the connectionFactory created within the WebLogic server for creating connections to it.

      You must also configure settings in WebLogic server for the connectionFactory. See "WebLogic Server Configuration Settings for the connectionFactory" for information.

    6. For the QueueName parameter, specify the JMS topic.

      This is the JMS topic which holds the published external notification messages.

    7. For the Protocol parameter, specify the wire protocol used. For WebLogic server, set this to t3://.

  4. Save and close the file.