4 Managing a Helm Release

Learn how to manage your Helm releases in Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native.

Topics in this document:

About Helm Releases

After you install a Helm chart, Kubernetes manages all of its objects and deployments. All pods created through oc-cn-helm-chart and oc-cn-ece-helm-chart are wrapped in a Kubernetes controller, which creates and manages the pods and performs health checks. For example, if a node fails, a controller can automatically replace a pod by scheduling an identical replacement on a different node.

As part of maintaining a Helm release, administrators can check a release's status or revision, update a release, or roll back the release to a previous revision.

Tracking a Release's Status

When you install a Helm chart, it creates a release. A release contains Kubernetes objects, such as ConfigMaps, Secrets, deployments, and pods. Only some objects are up and running immediately. Some objects have a start delay, but the Helm install command completes immediately.

To track the status of a release and its Kubernetes objects, run this command:

helm status ReleaseName -n Namespace


  • ReleaseName is the name you assigned to this installation instance.

  • NameSpace is the namespace in which the BRM Kubernetes objects reside.

Updating a Helm Release

To update any override-values.yaml key value after creating a release, run the following command. This command updates or re-creates the impacted Kubernetes objects without impacting other objects in the release. It also makes a new revision of the release.


Before updating the release, you can check for issues by running the helm upgrade command and appending the --dry-run parameter.

helm upgrade ReleaseName Chart --values OverrideValuesFile --values NewOverrideValuesFile -n Namespace 


  • ReleaseName is the name you assigned to this installation instance.

  • Chart is the name and location of the chart: oc-cn-helm-chart for BRM cloud native services, oc-cn-ece-helm-chart for ECE cloud native services, or oc-cn-init-db-helm-chart for initializing the BRM database schema.

  • OverrideValuesFile is the path to the YAML file that overrides the default configurations in the values.yaml file.

  • NewOverrideValuesFile is the path to the YAML file that has updated values. The values in this file are newer than those defined in values.yaml and OverrideValuesFile.

  • Namespace is the namespace in which the BRM Kubernetes objects reside.

Checking a Release's Revision

Helm keeps track of the revisions you make to a release. To check the revision for a particular release, run this command:

helm history ReleaseName -n Namespace


  • ReleaseName is the name you assigned to this installation instance.

  • Namespace is the namespace in which the BRM Kubernetes objects reside.

Rolling Back a Release To a Previous Revision

To roll back a release to any previous revision, run this command:

helm rollback ReleaseName RevisionNumber -n Namespace


  • ReleaseName is the name you assigned to this installation instance.

  • RevisionNumber is the value from the Helm history command.

  • Namespace is the namespace in which the BRM Kubernetes objects reside.