22 Managing Language Packs in PDC Pods

You can change the language displayed in your Oracle Communication Pricing Design Center (PDC) UI screens, XML import files, and XML export files.

Topics in this document:

Enabling Language Packs in PDC Pods

To enable language packs in PDC pods:

  1. Create a Dockerfile for building an Oracle Linux 8 Fusion Middleware image.

    For example, to create a Dockerfile for the January 2024 CPU Image container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:

    FROM container-registry.oracle.com/middleware/fmw-infrastructure_cpu:
    USER root
    RUN locale -a
    RUN microdnf install glibc-all-langpacks && \    
        microdnf clean all && \    
        rm -rf /var/cache/dnf/* /var/cache/yum/*
    RUN locale -a


    The RUN locale -a line is optional.

  2. Build the image by running this command:

    podman build --format=docker --force-rm=true --no-cache=true --tag imageName:imageVersion .

    For example:

    podman build --format=docker --force-rm=true --no-cache=true --tag fmw_with_lang:1 .

    Wait for the image to build.

  3. In your override-values.yaml file for both oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart and oc-cn-helm-chart, set the following keys:

    • ocpdc.deployment.fmw.imageRepository: Set this to the image repository where the fmw_with_lang:1 image resides.

    • ocpdc.deployment.fmw.imageName: Set this to the name of the image you built. For the above example, you would set it to fmw_with_lang.

    • ocpdc.deployment.fmw.imageTag: Set this to the tag for the image you built. For the above example, you would set it to 1.

    • ocpdc.lang: Set this to the language to use, such as LV_LV.UTF-8 for Latvian or en_US.UTF-8 for American English.

  4. Deploy or redeploy PDC cloud native in your environment:

    1. Direct WebLogic Kubernetes Operator to monitor the BRM namespace:

      helm upgrade weblogic-operator  weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \     
      --namespace Operator \     
      --reuse-values \     
      --set "domainNamespaces={BrmNameSpace}" \     


      • Operator is the namespace you created for WebLogic Kubernetes Operator as part of the prerequisite tasks.

      • BrmNameSpace is the namespace in which to create BRM Kubernetes objects for the BRM Helm chart.

    2. Create WebLogic domains by running this command from the helmcharts directory:

      helm install OpJobReleaseName oc-cn-op-job-helm-chart --namespace BrmNameSpace --values OverrideValuesFile
    3. Install PDC cloud native services by entering this command from the helmcharts directory:

      helm install BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace