1 Managing Pods in BRM Cloud Native

Learn how to manage the pods in your Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management (BRM) cloud native environment.

Topics in this document:


This documentation uses the override-values.yaml file name for ease of use, but you can name the file whatever you want.

Setting up Autoscaling of BRM Pods

You can use the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to automatically scale up or down the number of BRM pod replicas in your deployment based on a pod's CPU or memory utilization. For more information, see "Horizontal Pod Autoscaling" in the Kubernetes Tasks documentation.

In BRM cloud native deployments, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler monitors and scales these BRM pods:

  • cm
  • dm-oracle
  • dm-eai
  • batch-controller
  • rel-daemon
  • realtime-pipe
  • brm-rest-services-manager

To set up autoscaling for BRM pods:

  1. Open your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-helm-chart.

  2. Enable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler by setting the ocbrm.isHPAEnabled key to true.

  3. Enable the modification of resource limits by setting the ocbrm.isResourceLimitEnabled key to true.

  4. Specify how often, in seconds, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler checks a BRM pod's memory usage and scales the number of replicas. To do so, set the ocbrm.refreshInterval key to the number of seconds between each check. For example, set it to 60 for a one-minute interval.

  5. For each BRM pod, set these keys to the appropriate values for your system:

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.resourceLimits.limitsCpu: Set this to the maximum number of CPU cores the pod can utilize.

      If the pod's CPU utilization exceeds this value, Kubernetes terminates the pod.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.resourceLimits.requestCpu: Set this to the minimum number of CPU cores required in a Kubernetes node to deploy a pod. The default is 2 for the cm pod, 3.5 for the dm_oracle pod, 2 for the rel_daemon pod, and 1 for all other pods.

      The pod is set to Pending if the minimum CPU amount is unavailable.


      Because the CM contains two containers, its node must have twice the minimum CPU available (2 * requestCpu) to deploy the cm pod.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.resourceLimits.limitsMemory: Set this to the maximum amount of memory a pod can utilize.

      If a pod's memory utilization exceeds this value, Kubernetes terminates the pod.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.resourceLimits.requestMemory: Set this to the minimum memory required for a Kubernetes node to deploy a pod.

      The pod is set to Pending if the minimum amount is unavailable due to insufficient memory.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.hpaValues.minReplica: Set this to the minimum number of pod replicas that can be deployed in a cluster.

      If a pod's utilization metrics drop below targetCPU or targetMemory, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scales down the number of pod replicas to this minimum count. No changes are made if the number of pod replicas is already at the minimum.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.hpaValues.maxReplica: Set this to the maximum number of pod replicas to deploy when scale up is triggered.

      If a pod's metrics utilization goes above targetCPU or targetMemory, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scales up the number of pods to this maximum count.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.hpaValues.targetCpu: Set this to the percentage of requestCpu at which to scale up or down a pod.

      If a pod's CPU utilization exceeds targetCpu, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler increases the pod replica count to maxReplica. If a pod's CPU utilization drops below targetCpu, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler decreases the pod replica count to minReplica.

    • ocbrm.BRMPod.hpaValues.targetMemory: Set this to the percentage of requestMemory at which to scale up or scale down a pod.

      If a pod's memory utilization exceeds targetMemory, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler increases the pod replica count to maxReplica. If memory utilization drops below targetMemory, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler decreases the pod replica count to minReplica.

  6. Save and close your override-values.yaml file.

  7. Run the helm upgrade command to update your Helm release:

    helm upgrade BrmReleaseName oc-cn-helm-chart --values OverrideValuesFile -n BrmNameSpace


    • BrmReleaseName is the release name for oc-cn-helm-chart and is used to track this installation instance.

    • OverrideValuesFile is the file name and path to your override-values.yaml file.
    • BrmNameSpace is the namespace in which to create BRM Kubernetes objects for the BRM Helm chart.

Automatically Rolling Deployments by Using Annotations

Whenever a ConfigMap entry or a Secret file is modified, you must restart its associated pod. This updates the container's configuration, but the application is notified about the configuration updates only if the pod's deployment specification has changed. Thus, a container could use the new configuration while the application keeps running with its old configuration.

You can configure a pod to automatically notify an application when a container's configuration has changed. To do so, configure a pod to automatically update its deployment specification whenever a ConfigMap or Secret file changes by using the sha256sum function. Add an annotations section similar to this one to the pod's deployment specification:

kind: Deployment
        checksum/config: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/configmap.yaml") . | sha256sum }}

For more information, see "Automatically Roll Deployments" in Helm Chart Development Tips and Tricks.

Restarting BRM Pods

You may occasionally need to restart a BRM pod, such as when an error occurs that you cannot fix or a pod is stuck in a terminating status. You restart a BRM pod by deleting it with kubectl.

To restart a BRM pod:

  1. Retrieve the names of the BRM pods by entering this command:

    kubectl -n NameSpace get pods

    where NameSpace is the namespace in which Kubernetes objects for the BRM Helm chart reside.

    The following provides sample output:

    NAME                             READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    cm-6f79d95887-lp7qs              1/1     Running     0          6d17h
    dm-oracle-5496bf8d94-vjgn7       1/1     Running     0          6d17h
    dm-kafka-d5ccf6dbd-l968b         1/1     Running     0          6d17h
  2. Delete a pod by entering this command:

    kubectl delete pod PodName -n NameSpace

    where PodName is the name of the pod. For example, to delete and restart the cm pod, you would enter:

    kubectl delete pod cm-6f79d95887-lp7qs -n NameSpace